Tuberculosis ( Biochemic )


(Consumption: phthisis)
1) Arsenic Iod 30x, thrice a day for a few days: It is very effective in early stage of
tuberculosis. There may be rise of temperature in the afternoon. It is also good in bronchopneumonia, psoriasis, chronic follicular pharyngitis.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x: If the patient takes cold easily, becomes prostrated and has fever with a
blood-streaked sputum and bronchial or laryngeal haemorrhages, this remedy will lessen the
congestion & fever and will increase the percentage of haemoglobulin. It may be alternated
every hour with Natrum Mur 6x which is also useful in tuberculosis of the lungs. “Calcarea
Phos makes new blood cells, overcomes the anaemia present, and improves the general
condition of the system. Should be given as an intercurrent remedy in all cases of
tuberculosis.” (Dr Carey).
3) Stannum Met 3x twice daily for some days: Phthisis of pulmonary mucous membranes;
violent dry cough in the evening until midnight; copious green sweetish expectoration; since
chest weak, can hardly talk; cough increases by laughing, singing, talking; it is worse lying on
the right side, and by warm drinks; fever with night-sweats.


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