Tumors ( Biochemic)


(Tumor arises primarily from a deficiency of Potassium Chloride, which causes an excess of fibrin in
the system. If tumor contains fibrin only, its cure difficult, as there is no blood vessel in it for the
remedy to reach it. However, in other cases where tumor is filled with fat or water or other liquids,
cure is feasible.)
1) Calcarea Fluor 3x, five tablets thrice a day: Blood-tumors on the head of an infant; knots,
kernels, hardened glands in the breast; ganglion, encysted tumors; tumors of the eyelids; hard
or firm shiny swelling in any part of the body. The cure may take two/three months. Calcarea
Fluor 30x also fulfils the criteria.
2) Kali Mur 3x, five celloids thrice a day: Tenderness is a prominent symptom of the tumor.
It is very good for treatment of soft and tender swellings in the female breast.
3) Silicea 12x, 5 tablets two times a day: It is the remedy if swellings, lumps, tumors
threaten to suppurate. It covers admirably uterine tumors, benign or malignant, also
scrofulous tumor of the neck. “Multiple cheloid, which appeared, after the excision of a
tumor, in the scar. It was at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, but rapidly returned and increased in
size, till the patient, a girl, was put on Silicea, night and morning. The gradual disappearance
of the growth under this treatment was one of the prettiest things I have ever seen in
medicine.” (John H. Clarke)
4) Aurum Mur Nat 3x twice a day for some days: It is a very good remedy for uterine
tumors. It ‘has more power over uterine tumors than any other remedy.’ (Burnett);
inflammation of uterus; ovarian dropsy; ulceration of the neck of the womb and the vagina;
hardening and thickening of artery walls; high blood pressure.
5) Kali Hyd 1x in water twice a day after meals: It is very good for cure of fibroid tumors
in the inflamed womb of young married women, and bony tumors of the orbit of the eyes.


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