(Typhus or ‘jail fever’)
(Infection of digestive system causing weakness, high fever, red rash on abdomen and chest, chill
and sweating)
1) Arsenic Alb 30x, 3 hourly, 3 days: In typhoid, after Kali Phos; high temperature with
fear fright worry, cold sweats, burning pains; great prostration, too weak to move; “Great
thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time…cannot bear the sight or smell of
food.” Symptoms worsen after midnight, better from heat.
2) Kali Phos 3x thrice daily: It is very effective in typhoid fever with malignant symptoms,
affecting the brain, causing stupor (dazed state) or putrid blood with weak action of the
heart, sleeplessness and offensive breath. It is ‘an excellent remedy in extreme vitiation of
the blood, when the system seems full of typhoid poison and the disease is not located in any
single organ.’ (Boericke & Dewey); there may be hallucinations of the brain, and the tongue
coated like stale mustard, very dry, cleaves to roof of the mouth. If watery vomiting appears,
Natrum Mur 3x should be alternated otherwise Ferrum Phos 3x should be alternated.as long
as inflammatory symptoms remain. In case, there is rise of temperature in the evening Kali
Sulph 6x is also indicated.
3) Bio-chemic remedies of interest from the pen of Dr A. P. Davis, of Dallas, Texas: “It is
a conceded fact that the inflammation in the glands of Brunner and Peyer keep up the fever,
and the remedy that cures these glands cuts short the disease, and the remedies that I have
found to do this most certainly are Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur, given in alternation every
hour during fever, where there is a white or grayish coating on the tongue. The Ferrum is the
best fever remedy, and the Kali Mur, the best eliminator in such conditions. If the tongue
should becme brown, give Kali Phos, and especially in those cases where the patient is
delirious or nervous, and in the more malignant form of the disease. If the tongue assumes a
yellow, shiny coating, then resort to Magnesia Phos, and especially when there are pain in
the bowels and a sensation of pressure in the stomach. If the tongue has a golden-yellow
coating, creamy, moist, give Natrum Phos. Should the tongue have a dirty brownish-green
coating, give Natrum Sulph. These remedies are especially indicated in this condition of the
tongue. Last of all, when the patient begins to convalesce, finish up the treatment with
Calcarea Phos, as a connective tissue and blood-cell constituent is needed. In all cases
where these tissue remedies have been used by me they have proved abundantly sufficient,
and will cure, if given as indicated. They supply the inorganic elements that are disturbed or
lacking in all diseased states, and if a strict observance is had in their selection, the
physician will certainly cure any disease that can be cured at all. I usually give them the 4x
to 6x potency.” If there is great stupor Natrum Mur is indicated as an intercurrent remedy,
according to Dr Schussler.
One should not resort to over-feeding during convalescence, when patient is inclined to be hungry.
Typhus, or “jail fever” is the same as typhoid, but in a more malignant form.