Uraemia (Biochemic)


(Morbid condition of blood due to retention of urinary matter normally eliminated by kidneys)
1) Cuprum Ars 3x, three times a day: It covers various intestinal ailments due to deficient
kidney affections; uremic convulsions; brain oedema; uraemia with garlicky odor; diabetes;
bronchial asthma; emphysema; gangrene; very high level of urea; urine of high specific
2) Kali Mur 3x, 3 hourly, five tablets: It is the principal biochemic remedy in chronic
cystitis with dark-red urine from deposits of urates and uric acid crystals. There may be
inactivity of liver. If urine loaded with pus and thick mucus and there is red sandy deposit of
uric acid, one should follow it with Silicea 6x, 3 times a day.
3) Ferrum Phos 6x, every two hours in alternation with Natrum Phos 6x: In case, the patient
comes after having uraemia, it would remove complications and would establish flow of


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