Varicose Veins
(Enlarged and tortuous veins; veins are subject to inflammation, and to loss of elasticity leading
to weakening and dilation, a condition known as varicose veins; haemorrhoids are a form of
varicose veins. Regular exercise, controlling weight, avoiding tight clothes help the patients)
Calcarea Fluor 6x, twice a day for two/three months, or more: It is the chief Biochemic remedy
for varicose veins. It is also good in varicose ulcerations. The patient may not be in a position to
stand, on his/her feet. He/she may suffer from sharp piercing pains. There may be bluish
discoloration of tissues. It should be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x, which is a powerful vein
remedy, though its prime sphere of action is on the arteries. It is also good for pain in varicocele
of the testicles. “A physician of Bogota, S.A., relates a case of varicose ulcers of some standing,
both on legs and arms. Calc. Fluor. 6x was given night and morning; Healed in fifteen days.”
“Young man, aet. 18, complained of daily pain in left testicle, incapacitating him for work.
Examination showed a varicocele, well developed, probably caused by constant heavy lifting.
After five weeks’ use of Ferrum phos, daily one dose, cured.” (Dr Mayer, Stuttgart).
Fluoric Acid 6x, twice daily for some days: In case veins in legs tend to ulcerate, it is very
useful, especially in chronic cases. It mainly acts upon lower tissues afflicted with bedsores,
varicose veins and ulcers. The patient may be indifferent to those whom he/she loves the most;
warm drinks may produce diarrhea; ‘feels as if burning vapor were emitted from pores.’ There
may be offensive perspiration and dropsy of limbs.