

(Small, usually hardish excrescences on skin, caused by abnormal growth of papillae)
1) Kali Mur 6x & Natrum Mur 6x, 5 tablets of each, thrice a day for some weeks: Dr
Schussler has recommended external use of Kali Mur also. “A quantity of the trituration, the
size of a pea, is to be dissolved in a tablespoon of water, and with this solution the affected
part is to be moistened once a day.” Natrum Mur takes care of warts in the palms of hands.
Natrum Sulph, 6x, is needed in the case of warts caused by long exposure to dampness. For
large, fleshy, suppurating warts Silicea 6x is sufficient, and may be alternated with Kali Mur.
2) Nitic Acid 6x, 4 hourly, in the case of large jagged pedunculated warts, which may bleed
on washing. There may be splinter-like pains.
3) Calcarea Calcinata 3x, in 8 grain doses, at bedtime: It is also a good remedy for all kinds
of warts.
“A young lady, at school, in England, strong, and of good general health, but with a certain
degree of specific and sycotic heredity, had been very much troubled for a long time with
unsightly warts on the hands. I cannot say that any of the remedies I had prescribed had made
any real improvement. In June 1912, I prescribed Calc. Cal. 3x, eight grains at bedtime. At
once a change for the better took place. The warts broke up and within few weeks were
gone.” (Dr E. P. Anshutz in ‘New, Old and Forgotten Remedies’)
4) Calcarea Carbonica 30x, daily once for warts on face and hands


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