Whitlow ( Biochemic )


(Deep seated abscess at the end of a finger, often under the nail with pain and swelling)
1) Ferrum Phos 12x in water, every three hours: It should be given in the first stage to
remove fever, pain, congestion.
2) Kali Mur 12x, every 3 hours: It should be given in the second stage, when there is
swelling, but no pus formation yet. It may be given in alternation with Ferrum Phos to elicit
quick relief.
3) Silicea 6x: As soon as pus formation commences, it should follow Kali Mur. “A dose
every two hours will usually cure the felon in twenty-four hours.” (A.P.Davis, M.D.). “A
whitlow, which had suppurated, had all the pus absorbed in the course of a night by only two
doses of Silicea 6x.” (Dr B. N. Mitra).
4) Calcarea Sulph 12x, thrice a day: Silicea ripens abscesses, since it promotes
suppuration, while Calcarea Sulph restrains suppurative process, so causes the wound to


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