Whooping Cough
(An acute infectious disease characterized by paroxysmal cough, ending in noisy inspiration with
a whoop; coughing persists in most cases for several weeks; food should be given frequently, but
in small quantities, as a full stomach may cause vomiting.)
An accumulation of fibrin and other organic matter in bronchial tubes, and also in glottis (opening
from pharynx into larynx) is the main cause.
Signs & symptoms:
i) Paroxysmal cough with a loud sound
ii) Cough mild in the beginning
iii) The cough gradually increases in intensity with violent spasms of coughing
iv) Vomiting follows.
v) Fever may afflict the patient.
1) Mag Phos 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy in whooping cough, for the ‘whoop,’
paroxysms of coughing, difficult breathing. When the fits of coughing are very acute, dissolve
3 tablets in hot water and give it 4 hourly. For chronic whooping cough, it should be
alternated with Kali Mur 6x, every 4 hours for some days. Occasional doses of Ferrum Phos
6x in mornings may be necessary. When the cough has become spasmodic in character,
ending in the characteristic whoop, Mag Phos is the remedy par excellence. Calcarea Phos
6x is often used in winding up the treatment as a general restorative.
2) Hepar Sulph 12x or 30x twice or thrice for some days, if whooping cough worse in
morning and while walking; cough troublesome if the patient exposed to dry cold winds;
rattling cough with suffocative attacks, better while bending head backwards.
3) Kali Carb 30x, twice a day for a few days: It is good for dry painful cough with
hoarseness and loss of voice, about 3 a. m.; expectoration scanty and tenacious and may have
to be swallowed, better in warm climate and by leaning forward, worse in cold weather.
4) Kali Sulph 12x twice daily for some days: It is beneficial in the last stage of whooping
cough with blistered lips & mouth, black offensive stools, yellow slimy expectoration.
a) Keep the room well ventilated.
b) Cover the chest warmly.
c) Give food frequently, but in small quantities.
d) Use a light belt about the abdomen.