Anosmia (Loss of sense of smell) Remedies: 1) Zinc Mur 6x, twice a day for 5 to 7 days: In case, sense of smell and taste is perverted, it is the medicine. ...
Anorexia (Loss of appetite) Signs & Symptoms: a) If temporary, little significance b) If persistent, it may be caused by gastritis or anemia or carcinoma. ...
Animal bites (Specific medical treatment may also be given as required) Remedies: 1) Snake or Scorpion or Spider Bites: KALI PERMANGANICUM (Permanganate of ...
Angina Pectoris & other heart affections (The patient may suffer from severe spasmodic constrictive pain in chest caused by inadequate supply of blood and ...
ANEURISM (Localized dilatation of an artery) 1) Calcarea Fluor 6x: It is the chief remedy to establish normal circulation. It should be given in alternation ...
Anaemia (Reduction in quantity or quality of blood or even both; an anaemic condition denotes deficiency of calcium and iron phosphates & hemoglobin ...
Alzheimer’s disease (Pre-senile dementia (feebleness of mind) caused by atrophy of pre-frontal areas of brain, named after German physician Alois Alzheimer.) ...
Alopecia (Hair loss) Dandruff also Symptoms & Suggestions: a) If dandruff exists, get rid if it first, then take care of hair. Use Kali Sulph 3x or 6x with ...
Allergy/Aversion (Hypersensitiveness to certain Medicines, drinks, foods etc.) Allergy/aversion to: a) Beer: Kali Bichrome 6x: 4 hourly, 3 to 5 days b) Bread: ...
Albuminuria (Proteinuria) (Bright’s disease also) (Presence of protein, mainly albumin in urine, which indicates inflammation or congestion of the kidneys or ...
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which destroys natural defense system of the human body. Presently it is ...
Addison’s disease (Grave’s disease) (Emaciation, blackish or coppery pigmentation (melanosis), hypotension, Gastro-intestinal Asthenia (weakness), great ...