Sweat Affections Remedies: 1) Silicea 12x, twice a day for one month: Copious night-sweats with prostration; offensive sweat in armpits and on feet. If Silicea ...
Sunstroke (When the body accumulates heat, but sweat does not evaporate; the face at first becomes white, then red, and the temperature rises abnormally, and ...
Suicidal Tendency (Impulse to commit suicide) Investigation: 1) A full history of the patient should be obtained from relatives or friends to elicit reasons ...
Stye (A small inflamed swelling of a sebaceous gland on the rim of the eyelid; it may become a cyst.) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 12x: If stye on lower lid of ...
Sterility (Infertility) (Inability of the female to conceive) Causes: 1) Anema 2) Leucorrhea 3) Prolapsus of the uterus 4) Scanty menses 5) Premature and ...
Stammering (Speaking, habitually or on occasion from embarrassment, excitement, mental conflict, with pauses one cannot control, often with rapid repetitions ...
Squinting (Strabismus) (A disorder of the muscles of the eyes, as cross-eyed, in which both eyes cannot be focused on the same point at the same time; the ...
Sprains (An injury to a joint with or without rupture of a ligament or a tendon but without dislocation or fracture) Remedies: Ferrum Phos 6x: Any injury to ...
Spleen Ailments Remedies: 1) Arsenic Alb 30x, 4 hourly: Liver & spleen enlarged and quite painful; ascites and anasarca with extreme restlessness; great ...
Sinusitis (Inflammation of para-nasal sinuses, acute or chronic, ethmoiditic or maxillary/frontal) Signs & Symptoms: a) A history of colds, blocked nose ...
Septicaemia (Blood Poisoning) Signs & Symptoms: a) Enlargement of the spleen, rigors, sweating and petechiae are the main signs b) After child birth ...
Sciatica (Throbbing pain radiating down back of thigh, caused by pressure on sciatic nerve; it is neuritis of the sciatic nerve of the thighs and legs. Pain ...