Platina The physical and chemical properties and reactions of this metal are described from another chair. It finds no place in the Pharmacopoeia of ...
Phosphorus SPECIAL ANALYSIS. DISPOSITION. Phosphorus presents interesting alternations of the psychical condition, as the following series of symptoms show: ...
Nux vomica The seed of the fruit of a large tree found in the East Indies. Whether this very powerful and most useful drug was known to the ancients is a ...
Nitricum acidum Hahnemann says Nitric acid is especially indicated for those disposed to diarrhoea. It is most especially effective after Kali carbonicum. ...
Natrum muriaticum This remedy cannot often, in chronic cases, be repeated without an intercurrent. HEAD. Vertigo ; when walking, everything goes round ...
Murex A viscous juice, found in a small sack between the heart and liver of the mollusks of the genus purpura, of the family buccinidae, and also of the ...
Lycopodium clavatum SENSORIUM. Vertigo, occurring particularly in the forenoon, and in a hot room; accompanied by nausea; it seems as though everything were ...
Ledum palustre The LEDUM PALUSTRE, or marsh ledum, marsh tea, ROSMARIMUM SYLVESTRE, a plant belonging to the heath family, is a native of northern Europe. It ...
Lachesis VENOM OF LACHESIS TRIGONOCEPHALUS. It was procured by Dr. C. Hering, and proved under his auspices. The results were published in "Archiv," ...
Kreosotum This remedy, of which a proving was published by Dr. Wahle in the "Archiv," and which, in Dr.. Bïenninghausen's opinion, has not received from ...
Kalmia latifolia Broad-leaved Kalmia, Calico-bush, Mountain-laurel, Spoonwood, a native of North America, not mentioned in allopathic works on materia medica. ...
Ignatia amara STRYCHNOS IGNATIA. FABA SANCTI IGNATII. ST. IGNATIUS' BEAN. The seed of a large tree, a native of the Philippine Islands. It contains ...