Crocus sativa croc SAFFRON IRIDACEAE Frequent and extreme changes in sensations;SUDDEN, FROM THE GREATEST HILARITY TO THE DEEPEST DE ...
Conium maculatum con POISON HEMLOCK UMBELLIFERAE The "Balm of Gilead" for diseases of old maids and women during and after climacteric. ...
Colocynthis cucumis coloc SQUIRTING CUCUMBER CUCURBITACEAE Agonizing pain in abdomen causing patient to bend double, with restlessness, ...
Colchicum colch MEADOW SAFFRON LILIACEAE Adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis; persons of robust vigorous constitution; diseases of old ...
Coffea cruda coff COFFEE RUBIACEAE Tall, lean, stooping persons, dark complexion, sanguine choleric temperament. Oversensitiveness; ...
Cocculus indicus cocc COCCULUS INDICUS MENISPERMACEAE For women and children with light hair and eyes, who suffer severely during menstruation ...
Coca ERYTHROXYLON COCA LINEAE For persons who are wearing out under the physical and mental strain of a busy life; who suffer from exhausted nerves and ...
Cinchona officinalis chin PERUVIAN BARK RUBIACECEAE For stout, swarthy persons; for systems, once robust, which have become debilitated, ...
Cina cina WORM SEED COMPOSITAE Adapted to children with dark hair, very cross, irritable, ill-humored, want to be carried, but carrying gives ...
Cicuta virosacic WATER HEMLOCK UMBELLIFERAE Women subject to epileptic and choreic convulsions; spasms of teething children, or from worms. ...
Chelidonium majus chel CELANDINE PAPAVERACEAE Persons of light complexion, blondes; thin, spare, irritable; subject to hepatic, gastric and ...
Chamomilla matricaria cham MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA COMPOSITAE Persons, especially children, with light-brown hair, nervous, excitable ...