Causticum caust HAHNEMANN'S TINCTURA ACRIS SINE KALI Adapted to persons with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with EXCESSIVELY ...
Caulophyllum caul BLUE COHOSH BERBERIDACEAE Especially suited to women; ailments during pregnancy, parturition, lactation. Rheumatism ...
Carbolicum acidum carb-ac GLACIAL CARBOLIC ACID The potencies are made with alcohol (an exception to the rule of preparing acids). ...
Carbo vegetabilis carb-v VEGETABLE CHARCOAL For the bad effects of exhausting diseases, whether in young or old (Cinch., Phos., Psor.) ; ...
Carbo animalis carb-an ANIMAL CHARCOAL Headache: as if a tornado in head; as if head had been blown to pieces; has to sit up at night and hold ...
Capsicum annum caps CAYENNE PEPPER SOLANACEAE Persons with light hair, blue eyes, nervous but stout and plethoric habit. Phlegmatic ...
Cantharis vesicatoria canth SPANISH FLIES CANTHARIDEAE Over sensitiveness of all parts. Haemorrhages from nose, mouth, intestines, ...
Cannabis sativa cann-s HEMP URTICACEAE Sensation as of DROPS OF WATER FALLING on or from single parts; on the head, from the anus, stomach, ...
Cannabis indica cann-i INDIAN HEMP URTICACEAE Very forgetful: forgets his last words and ideas; BEGINS A SENTENCE, FORGETS WHAT HE INTENDS TO ...
Collinsonia canadensis coll STONE ROOT LABIATAE Pelvic and portal congestion resulting in dysmenor rhoea and haemorrhoids. Congestion ...
Camphora camph CAMPHOR LAURACEAE Pain better while thinking of it (Hell worse, Cal. p., Helon, Ox. ac). Persons physically and ...
Calendula officinalis calen MARIGOLD COMPOSITAE Traumatic affections: to secure union by first intention and prevent suppuration. In ...