Calcarea carbonica calc MIDDLE LAYER OF OYSTER SHELL CALCIUM CARBONATE Leucophlegmatic, blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; ...
Calcarea carbonica calc MIDDLE LAYER OF OYSTER SHELL CALCIUM CARBONATE Leucophlegmatic, blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; ...
Calcarea arsenica calc-ar ARSENITE OF LIME Great mental depression. The slightest emotion causes palpitation of heart (Lith. c). ...
Caladium seguinum calad AMERICAN ARUM. ARACECEAE Very sensitive to noise; slightest noise startles from sleep (Asar., Nux, Taren.). ...
Bryonia alba bry WHITE BRYONY, WILD HOP CUCURBITACEAE It is best adapted to persons of a gouty or rheumatic diathesis; prone to ...
Bromium brom BROMINE THE ELEMENT It acts best, but not exclusively, on persons with LIGHT-BLUE EYES, FLAXEN HAIR, LIGHT EYEBROWS, FAIR, ...
Bovista bov PUFFBALL FUNGI Persons who suffer from tettery eruptions, dry or moist. Adapted to old maids with palpitation. ...
Borax veneta borx BIB ORATE OF SODA Dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints. Great anxiety from downward motion; when ...
Bismuthum bism HYDRATED OXIDE OF BISMUTH Solitude is unbearable: DESIRES COMPANY, child holds on to its mother's hand for company (Kali c, ...
Berberis vulgaris berb BARBERRY BERBERIDACEAE The renal or vesical symptoms predominate. Pain in small of back; very sensitive to touch in ...
Benzoicum acid benz-ac A gouty, rheumatic diathesis engrafted on a gonorrhoeal or syphilitic patient. Gouty concretions; arthritis vaga; ...
Belladonna bell DEADLY NIGHTSHADE SOLANACEAE Women and children with light hair and blue eyes, fine complexion, delicate skin; ...