Spongia tosta spong ROASTED SPONGE SPONGIA FOR THE TUBERCULAR DIATHESIS. Especially adapted to diseases of children and women; light hair, lax fibre, ...
Spigelia anthelmia spig PINKROOT LOGANIACEAE Adapted to anaemic debilitated subjects of rheumatic diathesis; to scrofulous children afflicted, with ...
Silicea sil PURE SILICA SILICIC OXIDE Adapted to the nervous, irritable, sanguine temperament ; persons of a psoric diathesis. Persons of light ...
Sepia sep CUTTLE FISH MOLLUSCA Adapted to persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition (Puls.). Diseases of ...
Selenium sel SELENIUM THE ELEMENT Adapted to light complexion; blondes; great emaciation of face, hands, legs and feet, or single parts. ...
Secale cornutum sec SPURRED RYE; ERGOT A FUNGUS; A NOSODE Adapted to women of THIN, SCRAWNY, FEEBLE, CACHECTIC APPEARANCE; irritable, nervous ...
Sarsaparilla sars WILD LIQUORICE SMILACECE For dark-haired persons, lithic or sycotic diathesis. Great emaciation; skin becomes ...
Sanicula sanic MINERAL SPRING WATER Dread of downward motion (Bor.). Child headstrong, obstinate, cries and kicks; cross. irritable, ...
Sanguinaria canadensis sang BLOODROOT PAPAVERACEA The periodical sick headache; begins in morning, increases during the day, lasts until ...
Sambucus nigra samb ELDER CAPRIFOLIACEAE Adapted to diseases of scrofulous children, which affect the air passages especially. ...
Sabina sabin SAVINE CONIFERAE Chrpnic ailments of women; arthritic pains; tendency to miscarriages, especially at third month. Music ...
SABADILLA CEVADILLA LILIACEAE Suited to persons of light hair, fair complexion with a weak, relaxed muscular system. Worm affections of ...