Mercurius cyanatus merc-cy CYANIDE OF MERCURY Malignant diphtheria with INTENSE REDNESS OF FAUCES and great difficulty of swallowing; ...
Mercurius corrosivus merc-c CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE Diseases of men, syphilitic; ulcers, with corroding, acrid pus; Bright's disease. Dysentery ...
Mercurius iodatus ruber merc-i-r BINIODIDE OF MERCURY Diphtheritic and glandular affections OF LEFT SIDE; fauces dark red; solids or ...
Menyanthes meny BUCK BEAN GENTIANACECE Complaints from abuse of cinchona and quinine. Fevers, in which the cold stage predominates; ...
Melilotus meli SWEET CLOVER LEGUMINOSAE Congestions, RELIEVED BY HAEMORRHAGE. Engorgement of blood-vessels in any part or organ. ...
Medorrhinum med THE GONORRHEAL VIRUS A NOSODE For the constitutional effects of maltreated and suppressed gonorrhoea, when the best selected ...
Magnesia phosphorica mag-p PHOSPHATE OF MAGNESIA Is best adapted to thin, emaciated persons of a highly nervous organization; dark complexion. ...
Magnesia muriatica mag-m CHLORIDE OF MAGNESIA MG.CL Especially adapted to diseases of women; spasmodic and hysterical complaints, complicated ...
Magnesia carbonica mag-c CARBONATE OF MAGNESIA MGCO3, 3H2O For persons, especially children, of irritable disposition, nervous temperament (Cham.); ...
Lyssinum (hydrophobinum) lyss THE SALIVA OF A RABID DOG A NOSODE The sight or sound of running, water or pouring water aggravates all ...
Lycopodium clavatum lyc WOLF'S FOOT; CLUB MOSS LYCOPODIACEAE For persons intellectually keen, but physically weak; upper part of body ...
Lobelia inflata lob INDIAN TOBACCO LOBELIACEAE Best adapted to persons of light hair, blue eyes, fair complexion; inclined to be fleshy. ...