Lilium tigrinum lil-t TIGER LILY LILIACEAE Affects principally the left side of the body (Lach., Thuja). Tormented about her salvation (Lyc, ...
Ledum palustre led MARSH TEA ERICACEAE Adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis; constitutions abused by alcohol (Colch.). ...
Lachesis lach SURUKUKU SNAKE POISON OPHIDIA Persons of a less melancholy temperament, dark eyes, and a disposition to low spirits and indolence. ...
Lac defloratum lac-d SKIMMED MILK Note: The successful treatment of Diabetes and Bright's Disease with skimmed milk, by Donkin, was the hint which led ...
Lac caninum lac-c DOG'S MILK For nervous, restless, highly sensitive organisms. Symptoms erratic, pains constantly flying from one ...
Kreosotum kreos KREOSOTE A DISTILLATION OF WOOD TAR Dark complexion, slight, lean, ill-developed, poorly nourished, OVERGROWN; VERY TALL FOR HER ...
Kalmia latifolia kalm MOUNTAIN LAUREL ERICACEAE Adapted to acute neuralgia, rheumatism, gouty complaints, especially when heart is involved as ...
Kali carbonicum kali-c POTASSIUM CARBONATE For diseases of old people, dropsy and paralysis; with dark hair, lax fibre, inclined to obesity ...
Kali bromatum kali-br POTASSIUM BROMIDE K. BR. Adapted to large persons inclined to obesity; acts better in children than in adults. LOSS OF ...
Kali bichromicum kali-bi POTASSIUM BICHROMATE Fat, light-haired persons who suffer from catarrhal syphilitic or psoric affections. ...
Ipecacuanha ipec IPECAC RUBIACEAE Adapted to cases where the gastric symptoms predominate (Ant. c, Puls.); TONGUE CLEAN or slightly coated. ...
Iodum iod IODINE THE ELEMENT Persons of a scrofulous diathesis, with dark or black hair and eyes; a low cachectic condition, WITH PROFOUND ...