Hypericum perforatum hyper ST. JOHN'S WORT HYPERICACEAE Mechanical injuries of spinal cord; bad effects of spinal concussion; pains, after a ...
Insomnia Causes symptoms treatment in homeopathy Do you often find yourself struggling to fall asleep at night? Do you feel tired and fatigued during the ...
Hyoscyamus niger hyos HENBANE SOLANACECE Persons of sanguine temperament; who are irritable, nervous, hysterical. Convulsions: of children, ...
Hydrastis hydr GOLDEN SEAL RANUNCIDACECA For debilitated persons, with viscid mucous discharges. Cachectic or malignant dyscrasia, with ...
Hepar sulphuris calcareum hep SULPHURET OF LIME CA.S For torpid lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act, ...
Helonias helon UNICORN PLANT MELANTHACEAE For women: with PROLAPSUS FROM ATONY, enervated by indolence and luxury; WORN OUT WITH HARD WORK, ...
Helleborus niger hell CHRISTMAS ROSE RANUNCULACEAE Weakly, delicate, psoric children; prone to brain troubles (Bell., Cal., Tub.) ; with ...
Hamamelis virginica ham WITCH HAZEL HAMAMELACEAE This shrub flowers from September to November, when the leaves are falling. The seeds mature the ...
Graphites graph BLACK LEAD AMORPHOUS CARBON Suited to women, inclined to obesity, who suffer from habitual constipation; with a history of ...
Glonoinum glon NITRO-GLYCERINE Nervous temperament: plethoric, florid, sensitive women; persons readily affected. Bad effects of mental ...
Gelsemium sempervirens gels YELLOW JASMINE LOGANIACEAE For children, young people, especially women of a nervous hysterical temperament (Croc, Ign.). ...
Fluoric acid fl-ac HYDROFLUORIC ACID HF Complaints of old age, or of premature old age; in syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia; YOUNG PEOPLE LOOK ...