Stannum Metallicum Stannum is especially suited to persons who have long been growing feeble. This is so striking that it may be said that some deep seated ...
Squilla Squilla was given in the olden times by the old school in all lung, bronchial, and kidney affections; pneumonia, asthma, scanty urine and dropsical ...
Spongia Tosta Mind: The mental symptoms of Spongia show that it is a heart remedy. When a remedy produces the anxiety, fear, and dyspnoea found in Spongia, it ...
Spigelia Anthelmintica Pains: Spigelia is especially known by its pains. It is indicated in persons who are debilitated from taking cold and who have become ...
Silicea The action of Silica is slow. In the proving, it takes a long time to develop the symptoms. It is, therefore, suited to complaints that develop slowly. ...
Sepia Sepia is suited to tall, slim women with narrow pelvis and lax fibers and muscles; such a woman is not well built as a woman. A woman who has the hips of ...
Senega Senega is an old lung tonic, and I suspect it has been an ingredient in most of the lung medicines for the last one hundred years. It has been only ...
Senecio Aureus In some parts of the country where it grows it is called Golden Ragwort, in others Huckleroot. It is an old domestic remedy and one only proved ...
Selenium Marked mental and physical weakness following prolonged fevers, after sexual excesses, from secret vice, from exposure to the heat of the sun in ...
Secale Cornutum The best provers of Secale, those who are most susceptible to its action, are scrawny people, and they are the ones who will most likely need ...
Sarsaparilla Generalities: Sarsaparilla is suitable in low forms of chronic disease, especially in complex states resulting from mixed miasms; especially in ...
Sanguinaria Generalities: Blood root is an old domestic remedy. A great many eastern farmers' wives will not go into the winter without blood root in the ...