Materia Medica by Kent
Mercurius by kent

Mercurius General features: The pathogenesis of Mercury is found in the provings of Merc. viv. and Merc. sol., two slightly different preparations, but not ...

Medorrhinum by kent

Medorrhinum Children: One of the many uses of this remedy is in the inherited complaints of children. The physician of long and active experience meets many ...

Manganum by kent

Manganum General features: Manganum is pre-eminently a drug that causes a species of chlorosis, and it is suitable for chlorotic girls, in broken down ...

Magnesia Phosphorica by kent

Magnesia Phosphorica Magnesia phos. is best known for its spasmodic conditions and neuralgias. The pains: are very violent and may affect any nerve. A pain ...

Magnesia Muriatica by kent

Magnesia Muriatica It would seem rather strange that the two remedies to which Hahnemann gave such a good start by proving and use should be so neglected and ...

Magnesia Carbonica by kent

Magnesia Carbonica This remedy has only been partially proved, and comes to us now as Hahnemann left it. The mental symptoms and symptoms of some portions of ...

Lycopodium by kent

Lycopodium Lycopodium is an antipsoric, anti-syphilitic and anti-sycotic, and its sphere is broad and deep. Though classed among the inert substances, and ...

Lilium Tigrinum by kent

Lilium Tigrinum So far as proved Lilium Tigrinum has shown itself adapted to the complaints of women. It is especially suited to hysterical women, who suffer ...

Ledum Palustre by kent

Ledum Palustre Surgeon: This remedy comes up well after the study of Lachesis, for we find in the pathogenesis many features similar to those in Lachesis. It ...

Laurocerasus by kent

Laurocerasus The many strange constitutional symptoms indicate feeble circulation and weak heart. Great general coldness, that is not ameliorated by external ...

Lachesis by kent

Lachesis Lachesis is a frequently indicated remedy, and one that you will need to study much in order to know how to use. Lachesis seems to fit the whole human ...

Lac Vaccinum Defloratum by kent

Lac Vaccinum Defloratum The untrained mind naturally rebels at the idea of giving skimmed milk to sick people as a remedy, but when potentized like any other ...
