Erigeron Are three remedies having a reputation for their power to control haemorrhages. ERIGERON has cured epistaxis, with congestion to the head, red face ...
Equisetum hyemale This remedy is sometimes successful in cases which are not relieved by CANTHARIS. There is as much inclination to urinate as with CANTHARIS, ...
Epiphegus orobanche Cures headaches coming on after a hard day's work, overfatigue from work or excitement, what is often called "tired headache." Such cases ...
Dulcamara Affections caused by taking cold when the air changes suddenly from dry and warm to WET and COLD. Tongue and jaws become lame, if cold air ...
Dioscorea villosa Colic pain begins at umbilicus and radiates to all parts of the body, even extremities. DOLICHOS PRUR. Violent itching over ...
Digitalis purpurea Extremely slow, intermittent pulse; weak heart; or rapid, very irregular pulse. Respiration; irregular, difficult, slow, deep or ...
Cuprum metallicum SPASM is the one word characterizing this remedy. Cramps or convulsions, in meningitis, cholera, cholera morbus, whooping cough, scarlatina, ...
Cubeba This remedy, also fallen into disrepute from its empirical use in the old school, has an important place in the therapeutics of gonorrhoea, if after the ...
Croton tiglium Stool yellow, watery, coming out like a shot, all at once; < after least food or drink. Excruciating pain, running from nipple to scapula; ...
Crotalus horridus Here is another snake poison which, although like NAJA has been proven only in the low preparations, has a better clinical record. Yet it ...
Crocus sativa Spasmodic contractions and twitchings of single sets of muscles. Haemorrhages from different parts; blood black, viscid, clotted, forming into ...
Corallium Is useful for spasmodic cough, like whooping cough. It is continual, short, hawking through the day, so constant and frequent as to have merited the ...