Cimex It has one characteristic symptom which has been verified. "Sensation as if the tendons were too short." There is sometimes actual contraction as if the ...
Cicuta virosa Is another remedy which is characterized by its EXCESSIVELY violent convulsions. With this remedy the patient is thrown into all sorts of odd ...
Chimaphila umbellata I have had some valuable experience with this remedy in cystitis. It has made some fine cures where there were GREAT QUANTITIES OF ROPY ...
Chenopodi glauci aphis I have the 30th potency marked CHENOPODIUM GLAUCI, with which I cured one case of pain under the left shoulder-blade. This case was of ...
Chelidonium majus FIXED PAIN (dull or sharp) under the lower inner angle of the RIGHT SHOULDER BLADE. YELLOW eyes, face, skin, hands, stool clay colored ...
Chamomilla matricaria Very irritable mood; snaps and snarls; will not speak or answer civilly; MAD. Exceedingly sensitive to pain, which makes her mad; ...
Causticum Great weakness, faint-like goneness, culminating in local paralysis (vocal organs, tongue, muscles of deglutition, eyelids, face, bladder and ...
Caulophyllum Is another very valuable "woman remedy," because of its specific action upon the uterus. It deserves a thorough reproving. I cannot better show ...
Carduus marianus Is a so-called liver remedy, and I have seen good results from it in liver troubles, yet I do not know of any SPECIAL indications for its use. ...
Carbo vegetabilis Vital force nearly exhausted; complete collapse. Blood stagnates in the capillaries; venous turgescence; surface cold and blue. ...
Capsicum annum Burning pains, especially in mucous membranes, or SMARTING, as from red pepper, on the parts. Cough with pains in distant parts as head, ...
Cantharis vesicatoria Frequent urging to urinate, with straining and cutting, burning pains. Small unsatisfactory quantity passed at a time, or bloody urine. ...