Cannabis sativa Is another remedy having a strong action on the urinary organs, particularly upon the urinary tract or urethra. It is the remedy par excellence ...
Cannabis indica A lady with dropsy, consequent on valvular heart disease, after being relieved of the bloating, was suddenly unable to talk. In answer to a ...
Camphora Great coldness of the external surface, with sudden and complete prostration of the vital force; collapse. The patient objects to being covered, ...
Calcarea sulphurica One of Schuessler's so-called tissue remedies, not well understood as yet, but acting much along the line of HEPAR SULPHUR. so far as we do ...
Calcarea phosphorica Tardy closing or re-opening fontanelles in slim, emaciated children, with sweaty heads. Diarrhoea or entero-colitis; stool passes with ...
Cactus grandiflorus Deficient or irregular bone development. (Fontanelles open, crooked spine, deformed extremities.) Leucophlegmatic temperament. Fair, fat, ...
Calcarea hypophosphorica I once had a case like this: A boy eight years of age had several (four or five) abscesses in and around the knee joint. The ...
Cactus grandiflorus CONSTRICTION of the HEART, as if an iron band prevented its normal movement; < lying on left side. Constriction, general; of heart, ...
Bryonia alba All complaints < ON MOTION. Dryness of MUCOUS MEMBRANES generally (lips, mouth, stomach, wants drink in large quantities, at long ...
Bromium An element proven and arranged by Hering and an important remedy in laryngeal affections. Also in scrofulous and tubercular affections of the glands. ...
Borax veneta Dread of downward motion; child jumps and cringes or cries when laying it down; also very sensitive to noises. Aphthous sore mouth; ...
Bismuthum Diarrhoea; stools WATERY, PROFUSE, painless and offensive or cadaverously smelling. Vomiting of large quantities and INTENSE THIRST; ...