Sarsaparilla White sand in urine; also slimy or flaky urine. Much pain at the conclusion of passing urine; almost unbearable. Marasmus; neck emaciates ...
Sanguinaria canadensis Pain beginning in occiput; spreads over the head and settles over the right eye, with nausea and vomiting. Sensitive to noise and light. ...
Sambucus nigra Is a prime remedy for "SNUFFLES" in small children. It is of the dry variety, completely obstructing the nose, child must breathe through the ...
Sabina Is one of our best remedies for profuse flowing from the female genital organs, as in menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, abortions, or after labor. ...
Ruta graveolens This remedy, which has already been mentioned as to its prominent action in the periosteum, especially in injuries and effects therefrom, also, ...
Rumex crispus Violent incessant dry cough; worse on inhaling the least cold air; covers the mouth to keep the cold air out, with relief. Brownish ...
Rhus toxicodendron Dry or coated tongue with a triangular red tip. Great restlessness, cannot lie long in one position, changes often with temporary ...
Rhododendron Will naturally come in for notice while we are upon WEATHER remedies. Like DULCAMARA, its strongest characteristic is in its modality, ...
Rheum Is another remedy which, like JALAPA, has been abused by the old school, but is very valuable when used homeopathically. The leading indication is SOUR ...
Pyrogenium Diseases originating in ptomaine or sewer gas infection. The BED FEELS HARD, parts lain on sore and bruised, must move to relieve the soreness. ...
Pulsatilla Mild, gentle, yielding disposition; sad and despondent, weeps easily, sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, muscles soft and flabby. CHANGEABLE remedy, ...
Ptelea Another liver remedy, for it has one very characteristic symptom, viz.: Aching and heaviness in the region of the liver, GREATLY AGGRAVATED by lying on ...