Nux moschata Stupor, insensibility, UNCONQUERABLE SLEEP; sleepy with most all complaints. EXCESSIVE dryness of the tongue, mouth, lips and throat; no thirst. ...
Nitricum acidum Has a particular affinity for mucous outlets, where skin and membranes join; cracks; rhagades, fissures. Pricking pains as of a splinter in ...
Natrum sulphuricum Diarrhoea, acute or chronic < in the morning on beginning to move (BRY.), with much flatulence (ALOE and CALC. PHOS.), and rumbling in ...
Natrum muriaticum Melancholy, depressed, sad and weeping; consolation aggravates. Great emaciation, even while living well; shows most in the neck. Anaemia ...
Natrum carbonicum One of the most frequently corroborated symptoms of this remedy is the modality—AGGRAVATED BY MENTAL EXERTION. The patient is unable to think ...
Naja tripudians Here is a blood relative of LACHESIS, if serpent poisons may be called relatives, and according to the symptoms arising from the bite of the ...
Mygale lasiodora Is also a spider poison, and has cured cases of chorea. The cases seem to have been of a very violent nature, and the TWITCHING IN THE ...
Muriaticum acidum Moaning or sliding down in bed from excessive weakness. (Typhoid.) Tongue dry, leathery and shrunken; one-third its natural size. (Typhoid.) ...
Murex Is a remedy which, though not extensively proven, bids fair to become exceedingly useful. So far as we know, it comes nearer to SEPIA than any other ...
Millefolium Are three remedies having a reputation for their power to control haemorrhages. ERIGERON has cured epistaxis, with congestion to the head, red face ...
Mezereum Pains in the long bones, especially tibia. Facial neuralgia or toothache, when the pains are greatly < by eating or motions of the jaws, > by ...
Mercurius solubilis Swollen, flabby tongue, taking imprint of the teeth; gums also swollen, spongy or bleeding; breath very offensive. Sweats day and night ...