Lilium tigrinum Great bearing down, as if pelvic contents would press out through the vagina; > by pressing up with the hand or sitting down (SEPIA crosses ...
Leptandra While writing on AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM I mentioned VERONICA with which Dr. Baruch followed that remedy in the cure of my own case. After ...
Ledum palustre Rheumatism begins in feet and travels upward (KALMIA opposite). The swellings are pale, sometimes oedematous, and < at night, in the heat of ...
Laurocerasus Suffocative spells about the heart, < sitting up, > lying down; cardiac cough; gasping, twitching and jerks. Lack of re-active power, low ...
Lapis albus This is the name given by Von Grauvogl to a species of gneiss that he found in the spring of Gastein. Goitre and cretinism abound among the people ...
Lacticum acidum Is a great remedy for diabetes mellitus. It is especially indicated if in addition to the thirst, voracious hunger and profuse urine loaded ...
Lachesis Feels very sad and despondent; < after sleeping, or in the morning. Enemy of all constriction; must loosen everything (neck, chest, throat, ...
Lac caninum Inflammatory affections travel crosswise, from side to side, back and forth (rheumatism, sore throat, etc.). Breasts and throat get sore at every ...
Kreosotum Cholera infantum; profuse vomiting; cadaverous smelling stools. Hemorrhagic diathesis; small wound bleeds profusely (PHOS.). Acrid, ...
Kalmia latifolia Ought to be noticed just here, because it seems, at first sight, so much like SPIGELIA, and Hering says it follows SPIGELIA well in heart ...
Kali sulphuricum Yellow or greenish discharges from mucous membranes ; cough loose and rattling. Rheumatic pains in joints; moving from joint to ...
Kali muriaticum Is one of the so-called "Bio-chemic" remedies, or one of the twelve tissue remedies, claimed by Schuessler to be able to cure all the ills that ...