Camphora Great coldness of the external surface, with sudden and complete prostration of the vital force; collapse. The patient objects to being covered, ...
Camphora Mind.-- Vanishing senses. Raving, Great fears. Hopeless dependency. Hurried manner. Madness. Sensorium.-- Reeling, vertigo. ...
Camphora. Camphor. C10 H16 O. - N. O. Lauraceae. A gum obtained from Laurus camphora. Solution in rectified spirit. Clinical.-Angina pectoris. ...
Camphora camph CAMPHOR LAURACEAE Pain better while thinking of it (Hell worse, Cal. p., Helon, Ox. ac). Persons physically and ...
CAMPHORA Camphor Hahnemann says: "The action of this substance is very puzzling and difficult of investigation, even in the healthy organism because ...