Hyoscyamus niger HENBANE. Is classed along with Belladonna among the narcotics, or among the cerebro-stimulants. It resembles Belladonna in some respects, ...
Hyoscyamus niger High-grade delirium, similar to that of STRAMONIUM and BELLADONNA; alternating with low-grade delirium, with stupor, equal to that of OPIUM. ...
Hyoscyamus niger Mind.-- Imbecile and irrational. Total unconsciousness, he does not recognize his family and has no wants except thirst. When spoken ...
Hyoscyamus niger. Mind and Disposition. Jealousy, with rage and delirium. Fright, followed by convulsions ; and starts from sleep. Unfortunate love with ...
Hyoscyamus niger hyos HENBANE SOLANACECE Persons of sanguine temperament; who are irritable, nervous, hysterical. Convulsions: of children, ...
HYOSCYAMUS NIGER Henbane (HYOSCYAMUS) Disturbs the nervous system profoundly. It is as if some diabolical force took possession of the brain and prevented its ...