Mercurius corrosivus Most persistent and terrible tenesmus before, during and after stool; stool scanty, mucus tinged with blood. Tenesmus of the bladder and ...
Mercurius corrosivus Mind.-- Great agitation with anxiety, inquietude and continued jactitation. Anxiety, during sleep. Low spirited. Ill humor. Weak ...
Mercurius Corrosivus. Mercurius corrosivus sublimatus. Corrosive sublimate. Mercuric chloride. HgCl2. Trituration. Solution. Clinical.-Antrum of ...
Mercurius corrosivus merc-c CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE Diseases of men, syphilitic; ulcers, with corroding, acrid pus; Bright's disease. Dysentery ...
Mercurius Corrosivus Merc. cor. has more excoriation and burning, more activity and excitement. Merc. is slower and more sluggish. Merc. cor. is violent and ...
MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS Corrosive Sublimate This salt leads all other remedies in tenesmus of the rectum, which is incessant, and is not relieved by the stool. ...