Staphysagria Cross, ugly, scrawny, pot-bellied children; subject to colic; < after food or drink. Extreme hunger even when stomach is full of food. ...
Staphysagria Nervous tembling. Squeezing or stinging smarting, as if cut. Pains that move into teeth. Morbidly sensitive; easily offended. Always ...
Staphysagria staph STAVESTCRE RANUNCULACEAE For the mental effects of onanism and sexual excesses. Very sensitive to slightest mental ...
Staphysagria Mind: The mental symptoms are very important, and the impressions made upon the mind and thence upon the body guide to Staphysagria as a remedy. ...
STAPHYSAGRIA Stavesacre Nervous affections with marked irritability, diseases of the genito-urinary tract and skin, most frequently give symptoms calling for ...