Theridion curassavicum Vertigo, with nausea, on closing the eyes, or the least noise. Over-sensitiveness of nerves; scratching on linen or silk, or crackling ...
Theridion curassavicum Hypersensitive. NOISE IS INSUFFERABLY PENETRATING; affects the teeth; causes nausea, chills, and pains all over; strikes painful spots, ...
Theridion curassavicum. Mind and Disposition. Talkative, inclined to mental exertions ; hilarity. Disinclination to occupy oneself in any manner. The time ...
Theridion curassavicum ther ORANGE SPIDER ARANEIDEAE Time passes too quickly (too slowly, Arg. n., Cannabis indica., Nux m.). ...
THERIDION CURASSAVICUM Orange-spider (THERIDION) Nervous hyperæsthesia. Has affinity for the tubercular diathesis. Vertigo, sick headache, peculiar pain around ...