Anus and Stool.
- Nux vom.
- Frequent, small, slimy, or bloody stools, with pain low down in the back and urging or tenesmus, > immediately after the stool.
- Sulph.
- Both the flow of urine and discharge of faeces are painful to the parts over which they pass.
- Ipecac.
- Stools yeast-like, foamy, or as if fermented; as green as grass, with nausea and vomiting.
- Caust.
- Frequent ineffectual efforts to stool, with much pain, anxiety and redness in the face.
- Aloe.
- Mucous stool coming away in a lump or “gob,” either large or small end of the consistency of a jelly-fish.
- Ant. crud.
- Alternate diarrhoea and constipation in old people.
- Plumb.
- Excessive pain in abdomen radiating from thence to all parts of body.
- Caust.
- Haemorrhoids < when preaching, or straining the voice; standing.
- Ruta.
- Prolapus of rectum, immediately on attempting a passage; from slightest stooping; after confinement.
- Verat. alb.
- Constipation, stools hard and large size; rectum seems inactive; forehad covered with a cold sweat while straining for the passage.
- Berb.
- Fistula in ano with sticking in the parts, particularly if complicated with cough.
- Silicea.
- Constipation; stool scanty or composed of hard lumps, light colored; expulsion difficult, as from inactivity of the rectum; when partly expelled it slips back again.
- Con.
- Tremulous weakness after a stool.
- Lach.
- A tormenting, constant urging in the rectum, not for a stool.
- Phos.
- Stools watery, with lumps of white mucus, or like little gains of tallow or sago.
- Staph.
- After every little morsel of food or mouthful of drink bellyache and tenesmus during dysentery in summer.
- Nux vom.
- Frequent and ineffectual desire to defecate, or passing small quantities of faeces at each attempt.
- Sulph.
- Diarrhoea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed early in the morning, 5 a. m.
- Ant. crud.
- Stools often liquid, containing portions of sold matter (sometimes involuntary in old people).
- Kali nit.
- Diarrhoea from eating veal.
- Lept.
- Profuse, black, tar-like stool.
- Phos.
- Stools, profuse, watery, passing away as from a hydrant; > after sleeping.
- Caust.
- Evacuation possible only when standing.
- Thuj.
- Figwarts around anus or elsewhere.
- Mur. ac.
- Large protruding piles which look bluish, and are exceedingly painful to contact; even the sheet is insupportable.
- Carbo veg.
- Large protruding blue haemorrhoids, sometimes suppurating, burning and emitting a terrible smell.
- Plumb.
- The stools are usually composed of little balls compacted together like sheep dung.
- Platina.
- The stools adhere to the parts like soft clay, and pass with difficulty on that account.
- Opium.
- Nervous and irritable; passes nothing but hard black balls from the bowels.
- Nit. ac.
- Fissures of the rectum; pain in the rectum which lasts for hours after a stool.
- Alumina.
- Profuse discharge of coagulated blood in a mass resembling liver and serum, without pain, but great weakness (typhoid).
- Nux mosch.
- Diarrhoea undigested or like chopped eggs, with loss of appetite,and great sleepiness, in summer, with children.
- Phos.
- Constipation; the faeces begin slender, long, narrow, dry, tough, and hard like a dog’s; voided with difficulty.
- Cham.
- Green, watery, corroding, with colic, thirst, bitter taste, or bitter eructations.
- Crot. tig.
- Swashing in the intestines as from water.
- Bry.
- Constipation; stools large, hard, and dry as if burnt.
- Carbo veg.
- Frequent involuntary, putrid, cadaverous smelling stools, followed by burning in the anus.
- Phos.
- Discharge of mucus from wide open anus, with tenesmus.
- Lach.
- Beating in the anus as with little hammers.
- Coloc.
- Dysentery-like diarrhoea renewed each time after taking the least food or drink.
- Hepar sulph.
- Green, slimy diarrhoea of a sour smell; gray stools.
- Calc ost.
- Sour taste in the mouth,or of the food; sour vomiting, especially with children during dentition, also sour diarrhoea.
- Phos.
- Chronic painless diarrhoea of undigested food, with much thirst for water during night.
- Lach.
- Haemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid; when in the bottom of the vessel are seen black particles of blood like charred straw.
- Nat. mur.
- Constipation with sensation of constriction of the anus; difficult expulsion of stool fissuring the anus, with flow of blood, leaving a sensation of much soreness in the anus.
- Caust.
- Fissures or other troubles in the anus or rectum rendering walking intolerably painful.
- Phos.
- Frequent diarrhoea during cholera time.
- Lach.
- Stools extremely offensive hard or soft.
- Secale.
- Cholera infantum; great debility; vomiting and diarrhoea; much thirst; pale face; sunken eyes; dry heat; quick pulse; restless and sleepless, don’t want to be covered.
- Phos. ac.
- Clammy, sticky tongue; abdomen much bloated; great rumbling in the bowels; and painless watery diarrhoea (in cholera epidemics). (J. C. M.)
- Acon.
- Stools in summer complaints, like chopped spinach.
- Ferr.
- Obstinate diarrhoea, composed of slime, and undigested food; stools are painless, excoriating and exhausting, < after eating.
- Sepia.
- Constipation, stools hard, difficult and knotty, with sense of weight or a lump in the anus; not > by an evacuation.
- Ferr. met.
- Diarrhoea < mornings, bad sleep before midnight. (J. C. M.)
- Lach.
- With every single cough a stitch in the haemorrhoidal tumor.
- Phos. ac.
- White or gray watery diarrhoea.
- Ignat.
- Prolapse of the rectum from moderate extertion at stool.
- Psorin.
- Stools very offensive, like rotten eggs or carrion, similar to Lachesis.
- Ignat.
- Course stitches from anus deep up into the rectum.
- Puls.
- Dysenteric stools of clear yellow, red or green slime, with or without severe aching pains and tenesmus, extending up from the anus along the sacrum.
- Rhus tox.
- Pains running down the limbs in streaks, with every stool.
- Phos. ac.
- Copious watery diarrhoea, with rumbling in the bowels.
- China.
- Diarrhoea < at night; stools of undigested food.
- Ant. crud.
- Hard and loose stools, with nausea.
- Ignat.
- Contractive sore pain in the rectum as from blind piles, lasting two hours after a stool.
- Ignat.
- Sore pain in anus without reference to stool.
- Aloe.
- Feeling of weakness and loss of power in sphincter ani; sense of insecurity in the rectum, as if passing stool would escape when passing flatus.
- Alumina.
- Involuntary urination with the stools, or urine can be passed only during stool.
- Zingiber.
- Diarrhoea after drinking impure water.
- Mag. carb.
- Green, watery, frothy stools, with green scum like that of a frog pond.
- Thuja.
- Stools forcibly expelled; copious, gurgling like water from a bung-hole.
- China.
- Diarrhoea from change of water.
- Apis mel.
- Involuntary stools with every motion, as though the anus stood open; constant oozing of which the patient is unconscious.
- Cantharis.
- White or pale reddish mucous stools, like scrappings of the intestines.
- China.
- Yellow, watery, undigested, painless stools.
- Merc. cor.
- Constant tenesmus and urging to stool, pain before, during, and after stool.
- Merc. sol.
- Violent tenesmus and continued urging after stool; a “never get done” feeling.
- Sulph.
- Child falls asleep as soon as the tenesmus ceases, after the stools.
- Psor.
- Stools dark brown, thin, fluid, very offensive, like rotten eggs.
- Oleand.
- Involuntary stool when emitting flatus; undigested food of the previous day.
- Nat. sulph.
- Thin yellow fluid, gushing stools in the morning after rising and moving about.
- Crot. tig.
- Yellow watery stools, coming out like a charge of shot, all at once, < after drink, nursing, or eating.
- Dulc.
- Watery or mucus diarrhoea, after taking cold in cold or damp weather.
- Gels.
- Diarrhoea from sudden depressing emotions, fright, grief, bad news, excitement.
- Graph.
- Stools brown fluid, mixed with undigested substances and of an intolerable odor.
- Gambogia.
- Thin yellow, faecal stools, comming out all at once, with a single somewhat prolonged effort.
- Jatropha.
- Watery, profuse stools, gushing out like a torrent, with vomiting of a watery albuminous substance.
- Aloe.
- Solid stool passes involuntarily, dropping away unnoticed by the paient, even children at night in bed.
- Aesc. hip.
- Sensation as if a foreign body was in the rectum, or as if it was full of small sticks, with fruitless efforts at evacuation and pains through hips and sacrum.
- Alumina.
- Inactivity of the rectum, even a small stool requires great straining.
- Hydrast.
- Lumpy stool covered with mucus, after stool pain in the rectum.
- Mag. mur.
- Hard, knotty, difficult stools, crumbling as they pass the verge of the anus.
- Arnica.
- Emission of very foul flatus.
- Ant. crud.
- Much mucous secretion from the anus staining the linen, with burning, tingling, and itching.
- Alumen.
- Stools at long intervals, faeces being dry, hard, black, sometimes large, sometimes small, like sheep dung, and voided with great difficulty.
- Selen.
- Stool hard, so large, and impacted that it requires mechanical aid to get it away.
- Gratiola.
- Diarrhoea of yellow, or greenish yellow watery stools, forcibly evacuated, and followed by burning in the anus.
- Bryon.
- Diarrhoea putrid, smelling like old cheese,< (or only) in the morning, on motion and in hot weather.
- Arg. nit.
- Diarrhoea after eating sugar, of which the child is very fond (cholera infantum).
- Abrotan.
- Alternate diarrhoea and rheumatism (metastatic rheumatism).
- Raph.
- No emission of flatus by mouth or anus for a long time.
- Kali carb.
- Haemorrhoids after parturition, sticking pains.
- Capsicum.
- Tenesmus of rectum and bladder at the same time.
- Anac. orient.
- Great and urgent desire for stools, but with the effort the desire passes away without an evacuation; the rectum seems powerless, with sensation as if plugged up.
- Puls.
- Stools very changeable, no two stools alike.
- Phos. ac.
- Stools though copious and long continued do not seem to exhaust or weaken the patient.
- Colch.
- Discharge from anus like gelatine or jelly-like mucus, with great tenesmus.
- Chel.
- Stools thin, fecal, bright yellow, yellow as gold.
- Arnica.
- Stools involuntary during fever, putrid or dark bloody, or acrid and foul.
- Lyssin.
- Desire for stool < by seeing or hearing running water.
- Calc. phos.
- Diarrhoea; the flatulence with the stools makes a loud spluttering noise when the stool passes.
- Arg. nit.
- Diarrhoea turning green after remaining in the daiper.
- Ars. alb.
- Vomiting and stool simultaneously.
- Iris.
- Watery stool; anus feels on fire; wants to strain.
- Iris.
- Burning from mouth to anus (25 feet of intestinal fire).