- Nux vom.
- Oversensitiveness to external impressions, cannot tolerate noise, talking, music, strong odors, bright light.
- Sulph.
- Unsteady gait, tremor of the hands or great debility and trembling, weariness, weakness and prostration.
- Con
- Especially adapted to complaints of old people of tight, rigid fibre, or for scrofulousor cancerous subjects.
- Ignat.
- Spasmodic affections of children consequent on being put to sleep soon after punishment.
- Staph.
- Incised wounds soon after surgical operations.
- Verat. alb.
- Attacks of pain with delirium or driving to madness.
- Zinc. met.
- Defective vitality, brain or nerve power too weak to develop exanthemata, or menses; to expectorate; to urinate; to comprehend; to memorize.
- Kali brom.
- Loss of sensibility; body generally; also fauces, larynx, urethra, etc.
- Ipec.
- Hemorrhages (active) from all orificies, profuse, bright red.
- Kreosot
- Hemorrhages, profuse, passive. Small wounds bleed much.
- Silicea
- Ailments following vaccination, abscesses, etc. even convulsions.
- Cicuta.
- Convulsions with contortions of the upper part of the body and limbs, with blue face and frequent interruptions of breathing for a few moments.
- Conium.
- Cancers produced by a blow, and < every menstrual period.
- Ignat.
- Single jerks of limbs on falling asleep.
- Nux mosch.
- Fainting and palpitation of heart followed by sleep.
- Bell.
- Pains come on suddenly and after a shorter or longer duration cease as suddenly.
- Sulph.
- Does not walk erect; stoops or bends over forward in walking or sitting.
- China.
- Profuse hemorrhage with faintness, loss of sight and ringing in the ears, and bad effects following from loss of blood.
- Carbo veg.
- Hemorrhage from broken down condition of the mucous membranes anywhere, attended with great paleness of the skin.
- Ham.
- Hemorrhages of very hard, clotted venous blood.
- Croc.
- Hemorrhage blood black, viscid, clotted, forming into long black strings from the bleeding orifice.
- Crot. horr.
- Hemorrhages of decomposed blood from every outlet of the body, even bloody sweat.
- Sulph. acid.
- Hemorrhages from every outlet of the body and ecchymosis under the skin.
- Calc. sul.
- Abscesses after they have opened to expedite the healing process.
- Pic. acid.
- Great mental and physical prostration < by reaching, reading, writing, or thinking.
- Oxal. acid.
- Pain in small circumscribed spots, or confined to small spots.
- Lact. acid.
- Rheumatism of the joints with frequent desire to urinate, large quantities of urine.
- Secale.
- Particularly useful in tall, scrawny women of lax muscular fibre, feeble, cachetic, or very old decrepit persons.
- Silicea
- Small foreign bodies in the skin or larynx.
- Phos. ac.
- Intense pain in the periosteum of all bones as if scraped with a knife.
- Opium.
- Twitching of the head, arms, and hands; now and then jerks as if the flexors were over-active; body cold; inclination to stupid sopor; motion of the body and uncovering the head >.
- Nux mosch.
- Disposition to faint; also from the pains even when slight.
- Ferr.
- Hemorrhages in debilitated or anaemic subjects.
- Opium.
- Nervous and irritable; passes nothing but hard black balls.
- Cina.
- Worm complaints of children; with convulsions.
- Phos.
- Slight wounds bleed much.
- Stram.
- Spasms, light of brilliant objects on contact renews them.
- Rhus tox.
- Complaints from getting wet in the rain when over-heated or perspiring.
- Cicuta.
- Violent shocks through the head, arms, and legs, which cause them to jerk suddenly.
- Zinc. met.
- Especially in the anaemic; brain exhausted; not able to develop exanthemata.
- Lycop.
- Affections going from right to left; throat, chest, abdomen, liver, ovaries.
- Sulph.
- Standing is the most disagreeable position.
- Silicea.
- Want of vital warmth even when taking exercise.
- Petrol.
- Itching in the tubes; “urethra, Eustachian, lachrymal and pharynx.
- Sepia.
- Great faintness, weakness at pit of stomach, or prostration.
- Ignat.
- Ailments from suppressed grief.
- Nux mosch.
- All the parts on which he lies ache as if sore.
- Ars. alb.
- Extreme prostration, sudden sinking of strength; every movement greatly increases the exhaustion.
- Calc. ost.
- Great weariness, not beging able to walk or especially to go up stairs without being greatly exhausted.
- Bryon.
- Joints red, swollen, stiff, with sticking pains, < from slightest motion.
- Ars. alb.
- Complaints caused by chewing tobacco.
- Cup. met.
- Spasms begin in fingers and toes and spread all over.
- Cicuta.
- Convulsions which are exceedingly violent, epileptic, cataleptic, tonic, or clonic.
- Acon.
- Excessive restlessness and agonized tossing about for hours.
- Ant. tart.
- Beating and throbbing through the whole body, particularly in belly or pit of stomach, with great concern about the future.
- Cham.
- With the pains hot and thirsty.
- Apis.
- Stinging pains like bee stings occurring occasionally.
- Ars. alb.
- Poisoning from decayed or morbid animal matter by inoculation, inhaling, or swallowing.
- Acon.
- Numbness and tingling in the left side, tongue, lips, spine, and left arm, and fingers.
- Bryon.
- Sensation in bed as if she was sinking deep down.
- Hep. sulph.
- Fainting with the pains.
- Puls.
- Chilliness with the pains.
- Verat. alb.
- Delirium with the pains.
- Cham.
- Sweating with the pains.
- Thuja.
- Frequent micturition with the pains.
- Lach.
- Left-sided affections generally, but particularly throat, ovaries, and paralytic troubles.
- Bryon.
- Dropsical swelling increase during the day and diminish at night.
- Ars. alb.
- From climbing heights or other muscular exertions, want of breath, prostration, cannot sleep, and other ailments.
- Lach.
- Bluish color of the affected part.
- Acon.
- Bad effects from dry, cold air, suppressed perspiration, excitement, fright, anger, chagrin.
- Apis.
- Stinging and burning pains in the face, throat, urethra, ovaries, piles, panaritium, carbuncles, indurations. schirrus, or open cancers.
- Lach.
- Blood dark, uncoagulable; small woulds bleed much.
- Hepar sul.
- Great sensitiveness to cold air; cannot bear to be uncovered; coughs when any part of the body is uncovered or cold air strikes him.
- Puls.
- Wandering pains shift rapidly from one part to another, also with redness and swelling of the joints.
- Calc. phos.
- Fractured bones are slow in uniting, hastens the promotion of callus.
- Tuberc.
- Symptoms ever changing from one organ to another, beginning suddenly, ceasing suddenly.
- Baryta. c.
- Scrofulous, atrophic, dwarfish children, inclined to glandular swellings; mind and body weak.
- Apis.
- Oedema or dropsy without thirst.
- Arn.
- Bruised pain and sensitiveness over the whole body; the bed upon which he lies seems too hard.
- Ars. alb.
- Burning internal or external, in ulcers, eruptions, etc., > by external heat.
- Acon.
- Cannot bear the pain, nor to be touched, nor to be covered.
- Kali carb.
- Stitching pains everywhere, not < on movement.
- Hepar sul.
- Fainting with the pains.
- Puls.
- Chilliness with the pains.
- Dulc.
- From taking cold the neck becomes stiff, the back painful, the loins lame.
- China.
- Debility and other complaints after loss of blood and other fluids, particularly by nursing, salivation, bleeding, cupping, etc., or the whites, night sweats, seminal emissions.
- Ferr.
- General hemorrhagic tendency.
- Kali bich.
- Pains attack one part then subside and reappear in another or alternate with other complaints like diarrhoea or dysentery with rheumatism.
- Arnica.
- Uneasiness in the painful parts; has to change position often, every place seems too hard.
- Arg. met.
- Pains increase gradually, disappear suddenly.
- Bell.
- Spasm of all the spincters, the oesophagus, os uteri, glottis and rectum; hour-glass contraction of the uterus.
- Cham.
- Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night, and compel him to walk about (Freedley).
- Carbo veg.
- Collapse, cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost, extreme pallor or greenish color of face.
- Fluor. ac.
- Cannot bear the extremes of heat and cold in summer and winter.
- Kali bich.
- Pains in small spots which can be covered with the point of the finger.
- Kali sulph.
- Wandering rheumatism, passing from joint to joint, with serous exudation.
- Cactus.
- Hemorrhages from nose, lungs, rectum, stomach or anywhere, in connection with heart disease.
- Calc. ost.
- Sensation of coldness as prominent as is burning for Sulphur.
- Caust.
- Sensation of shortening of muscles, contracting the ligaments of the joints, bending the limbs.
- Cham.
- Oversensitiveness of the nerves, cant bear pain, gets mad at them, especially in those who have abused coffee or narcotics.
- Psor.
- Psoric constitutions; lack of reaction, after diseases; scrofulous skin eruptions, with tendency to suppurate.
- Sulph.
- Sensation of burning in many parts.
- Sulph.
- Extreme disgust of the effuvia of his own body.
- Conium.
- Indurations in the breasts or other glands after injuries.
- Rhus tox.
- Pains as if sprained; ailments from spraining or straining, lifting, particularly from reaching up high for things.
- Baryta carb.
- Weak sight and other complaints of old people, especially when inclined to get fat.
- Calc. phos.
- Children loose flesh; will not stand; do not learn to walk; slow dentition.
- China.
- Great debility; sensitiveness of the nervous system; special senses too acute; very sensitive to pain; light touch and drafts of air.
- Bryonia.
- Rheumatic and gouty tension; drawing, tearing, and sticking, mostly in the limbs, especially when moving the parts, with intolerance to contact.
- Calc. ost.
- Often indicated after Sulphur , and if the pupils incline to dilate.
- Caps.
- Sense of constriction in different parts, as, for instance, in the throat (diphtheria), chest (in asthma and cough), urethra (gonorrhoea), rectum (in dysentery), etc.
- Chelid.
- Jaundice when the sclerotic, face, urine, and stool are all very yellow.
- Hyper.
- Punctured wounds feel very sore; from treading on nails, needles splinters.
- Iod.
- Marasmus, atrophy, or general emaciation. Especially mammae, in dark complexioned persons.
- Iris.
- Burning in mucous membranes; internal canthi; at anus; in mouth and fauces; oesophagus and stomach; in urethra.
- Caps.
- Burning pungent pains, worse by cold water.
- Kali sulph.
- Old catarrh affections; discharges yellow or green and bland.
- Iod.
- Great emaciation with good appetite; always hungry, but growing poor no matter how much he eats; mammae dwindle and hand down.
- Sars.
- Great emaciation; the skin shrivels and lies in folds.
- Nat. mur.
- Great emaciation while living well, especially seen in the neck.
- Abrotan.
- Marasmus of children with marked emaciation, especially of legs; the skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds.
- Cider Vinegar.
- Antidote to carbolic acid.
- Pyrogen.
- The bed feel hard ( Arn. ); parts lain on feel sore and bruised.
- Medorr.
- Burning of hands and feet; wants them uncovered and fanned.
- Psor.
- Body has a filthy smell even after bathing.
- Sympth.
- Mechanical injuries; blows, bruises, or thrusts on the globe of the eye.
- Psor.
- Great sensitiveness to cold air or change of weather; wears a fur cap or overcoat in hot weather.
- Syphil.
- Pains from dark till daylight (reverse Medorr. ).
- Tuberc.
- Emaciation rapid and pronounced, while he eats well loses flesh rapidly
- Verat. vir.
- Spasms or convulsions attended by exceedingly quick pulse.
- Lac. can.
- Erratic pains, they fly from one part to another, especially change sides of the body.
- Psorin.
- All excretions have a carrion-like odor.
- Cocc.
- Sense of emptiness in head, abdomen, bowels, chest; heart, stomach, internal parts generally.
- Hyper.
- Injuries to nerves attended with great pains – tetanus; punctured, incised, lacerated wounds.
- Ignat.
- Chorea following fright, grief, punishment and other mental shock, sometimes convulsions.
- Phos. acid.
- Growing pains – grows too tall ( Calc. c. too fat.).
- Stann.
- Pains begin lightly and increase gradually to the highest points, and gradually decline.
- Tuberc.
- Takes cold easily, without knowing when or where.
- Psorin.
- Dates his chronic trouble back to some former disease; has suffered ever since that time.
- Sulph. acid.
- Pain of gradually and slowly increasing intensity which ceases suddenly when at its height, often repeated.
- Petrol.
- Ailments from riding in a carriage, railroad car or ship.
- Opium.
- Want of susceptibility to remedies, lack of vital reaction; the apparently well chosen remedy does not react.
- Psor.
- When carefully selected remedies fail in psoric subjects; if Sulph fails, think of Psorinium
- Calc. phos.
- Rheumatic affections < spring and fall, especially when air is cold and damp from melting snow.
- Borax.
- Dread of downward motion, child springs as if falling when nurse undertakes to lay it down in the cradle ( Gels. ).
- Sulph.
- All the orifices of the body are red as if pressed full of blood.
- Mag. phos
- Severe cramping pains, especially in stomach, abdomen and pelvis, > by hot applications.
- Nat. carb.
- Great debility, caused by heat of summer, exhaustion from least effort; chronic effects of sun stroke.
- Eupat. perf.
- Bruised feeling, as if broken, all ver the body ( Arn. , [Bellis], Pyr. ).
- Kreosot.
- Profuse, excoriating and offensive secretion or discharges of mucous surfaces generally in debilitated subjects.
- Nit. acid.
- Affects particularly the mucous outlets of the body, where skin and mucous membrane join, mouth, nose, rectum anus, urethra, vagina, etc.
- Sulph.
- Child cannot bear to be washed or bathed.
- Mag. phos.
- Pains lightning-like coming and going.
- Mur. acid.
- Great debility; as soon as he sits down his eyes close, lower jaw hangs down; slides down in bed.
- Puls.
- Symptoms ever changing, no two chills alike, no two stools, no two attacks alike, well one hour, miserable the next.
- Tarant. hisp.
- Restlessness; could not keep quiet in any position; must keep in motion though walking aggravated all the symptoms.
- Sulph.
- Discharge from every outlet acrid, excoriating and reddening.
- Rheum.
- Sour smell of the whole body; child smells sour even after washing or bathing.
- Ignat.
- The remedy of great contradictions (paradoxicalities), roaring in ears > by music, piles > when walking, sore throat feels > when swallowing, empty feeling in stomach not > by eating, cough < more he coughs, cough standing still, > walking, spasmodic laughter from grief, thirst during chill, none during fever, color changes in the face, etc.
- Tarant. Cub.
- Swellings of any kind that put on a bluish color and there are intense burning pains.
- Caust.
- Chronic rheumatism, contraction of flexors, stiff joints.
- Lach.
- Complaints begin on left and go to right side or left sided complaints generally.
- Lach.
- Relief from the onset of discharge.
- Zinc.
- Twitching and jerking of single muscles ( Agar , Ignat , Hyos ).
- Therid.
- Extreme sensitiveness to noise; aggravated by least noise; sounds penetrate the teeth.
- Asaf.
- Affections; especially hysterical caused by suppressed discharges.
- Anac.
- Sensation of a plug in different parts.
- Sulph.
- Chronic local congestions in many parts, with burning sensation.
- Ledum.
- Cold all the time, lack of animal or vital heat (Helod.).
- Calc ost.
- Sensation of coldness in many parts.
- Aesc. hip.
- Sensation of fullness in various parts, as heart, lungs, stomach, anus, brain, pelvis, etc.
- Sulph. ac.
- Haemorrhage of black blood from all the outlets of the body.
- Sulph.
- Weak, faint spells during the day.
- Calc. ost.
- The patient is generally better when constipated.
- Agaric.
- Burning, itching redness of various parts, eyelids, ears, nose, face, hands and feet; parts red, swollen, hot.
- Asarum.
- Oversensitiveness of nevers; scratching of linen or silk, crackling of paper is unbearable.
- Baptisia
- All exhalations and discharges fetid, especially in typhoid, breath, stool, urine, perspiration, ulcers, etc.
- Psor.
- All excretions – diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, menses, perspiration – have a carrion-like odor.
- Cactus.
- Whole body feels as if caged, each wire being twisted tight.
- Ferr.
- Red parts become white, face, lips, tongue, mucous membranes of the mouth.
- Caul.
- Rheumatism of women, especially of small joints, painful stiffness, erratic pains.
- Sulph.
- To promote absorption of effusions with Sulphur symptoms present.
- Calc. ost.
- Easily strained from a generally weak, relaxed condition of the muscles.
- Hydrast.
- Mucous membranes; secretions increased, tenacious, ropy, erosions.
- Lac can.
- Pains going from one part of the body to the other, especially alternating sides.
- Carbo veg.
- Vital powers low, venous system predominates.
- Lach.
- Great physical and mental exhaustion – sinks down from weakness. Worse a.m. and after sleep.
- Sanicula.
- Emaciation progressive; child looks old; dirty, greasy and brownish; skin about neck wrinkled, hangs in folds.
- Cactus.
- Sense of constriction of throat, chest, heart, bladder, rectum, uterus, vagina ( Caps. ).
- Caust.
- Sensation of rawness or soreness of scalp, throat, respiratory tract, rectum anus, urethra, vagina, etc.
- Sulph. ac.
- Sensation of trembling all over, without actual trembling.