Urinary Organs.
- Lyssin.
- Seeing or hearing running water excites desire to urinate.
- Petrosel.
- Sudden desire to urinate; child jumps up and down.
- Puls.
- Retention of urine with great desire, which is greatly < on lying, especially on the back.
- Pareira.
- Constant urging to urinate with violent pain in glans penis and straining; the pain is so great that it extorts cries from the patient; extends into the thighs; urine has strong ammoniacal smell, and contains large quantities of thick, tough mucus.
- Opium.
- Child makes no water, with full bladder, and has no stool; from nursing after the nurse had a furious fit of passion.
- Ant. tart.
- Painful urging to urinate, scanty discharge, dark red, or the last bloody, with stitches in the bladder and burning in urethra.
- Kreosot.
- Can only urinate when lying.
- Coloc.
- Urinates small quantities with frequent urging; foetid, thickening, viscid, jelly-like urine.
- Equiset.
- Severe dull pain in the bladder, which is not > after urinating.
- Chim.
- Chronic renal and vesical affections with an enormous amount of thick ropy mucous sediment in the urine.
- Apis.
- Urine scanty, dark sediment like coffee grounds.
- Puls.
- Wetting the bed, particularly little girls, or on coughing or sneezing.
- Nat. mur.
- Cutting in the urethra after micturation.
- Caust.
- Involuntary emission of urine when coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose or walking.
- Phos. ac.
- Must often rise at night in order to pass large quantities of colorless urine.
- Hydrast.
- Catarrh of the bladder, with thick, ropy mucous sediment in urine.
- Petrol.
- Constant dribbling of urine after micturation.
- Merc. corr.
- Urine scanty, bloody; albuminous, containing filaments; flocks or dark flesh-like pieces of mucous.
- Zinc.
- Sitting with the legs one over the other bending forward; can make but very little water; and still feels as if his bladder would burst.
- Apis.
- Scanty urination with absence of thirst (dropsy).
- Phos. ac.
- Urine like milk mixed with jelly-like pieces, and pain in the kidneys.
- Stram.
- Kidneys secrete lesser or none in acute diseases, especially children.
- Cina.
- The urine turns milky after standing a little.
- Arn.
- Bloody urine from mechanical causes.
- Zinc.
- Constant urging to pass water; only when sitting and bending backward can he discharge the same; much sand in the sediment.
- Conium.
- Much difficulty in voiding uring; the flow suddenly stops, then flows again, several times at each emission.
- Ignat.
- Frequent and abundant discharge of watery urine (hysterical women).
- Cann. sat.
- Great pain in back in region of kidneys with urging to urinate, bloody urine.
- Cann. ind.
- Urine dribbles out after the stream ceases; has to force out the last few drops with the hand.
- Lact. acid.
- Diabetes, especially if accompanied with rheumatic pain and swelling of joints.
- Sepia.
- Urine thick, slimy, very offensive, depositing a yellow or pasty sediment, which sometimes adheres to the vessel like burnt clay.
- Berb.
- Renal or urinary troubles with sticking, cutting pain from left kidney following course of ureter into bladder and kidney.
- Apis.
- Incontinenece of urine with great irritation of the parts, < at night and when coughing.
- Acon.
- Micturation painful, difficult, drop by drop, urine scanty, fiery red, scalding hot or dark colored; restles, feverishness.
- Alumina.
- Can only void urine while straining at stool.
- Acon.
- Retention of urine from cold, especially in children, with crying and restlessness.
- Ars. alb.
- Suppression or retention of urine; has no desire to pass it.
- Bell.
- Involuntary micturation; constant dribbling; paralysis of sphincter vesicae.
- Benz. ac.
- Urine highly colored; urinous odor exceedingly strong; offensive, pungent smell (with many complaints).
- Cann. ind.
- Burning and scalding, or stinging pain in the urethra before, during and after urination.
- Terebinth.
- Violent burning; drawing pain in region of kidneys; urine scanty and bloody, smoky, albuminous.
- Staph.
- Burning or smarting in urethra when not micturating; ceases while urine is passing.
- Lycop.
- Red sand in the clear, colorless urine.
- Nit. ac.
- Urine scanty, dark brown, smelling intolerably strong like horse urine.
- Lycop.
- Severe pain or backache, > by passing urine.
- Cann. ind.
- The urine dribbles out after the stream ceases; has to force out the last few drops with the hand.
- Hep. sul.
- Micturation impeded; has to wait awhile before urine passes; cannot empty bladder thoroughly; the urine drops down vertically without force.
- Cann. sat.
- The urethra feels inflammed and sore to touch along its whole length; during erection tensive pain.
- Canth.
- Tenesmus of the bladder; urine scalds and burns; passed drop by drop.
- Mag. mur.
- Urine can only be passed by bearing down with the abdominal muscles.
- Caps.
- Burning at the orifice of urethra, before, during and after micturation.Burning at the orifice of urethra, before, during and after micturation.
- Gels.
- Copious discharge of clear limpid urine > the headache.
- Dulc.
- Urinary troubles caused by exposure to damp cold.
- Chel.
- Urine dark yellow, turbid on passing, dark brownish-red, staining linen or diaper dark yellow.
- Sepia.
- Child always wet the bed during first sleep;
- Kreosot.
- Child wets bed during first sleep, from which it is roused with great difficulty, it sleeps so soundly.
- Cina.
- Wetting the bed in children with vermiculous symptoms, such as picking or boring the nose, etc.
- Sars.
- Severe pain at the conclusion of urinating.
- Equiset.
- Great excess of mucus in urine after if stands awhile.
- Sars.
- Urine dribbles while sitting, standing it passes freely.
- Cann. sat.
- Drawing pains from region of the kidneys to the inguinal glands, with anxious nauseous sensation in the pit of the stomach.
- Ocimum.
- Nephritic colic (right side), with violent vomiting every fifteen minutes; twists about, screams and groans, red (bloody) urine, with brick dust sediment after the attack.
- Helon.
- Weariness, languor, weight in the region of the kidneys, with profuse, clear light-colored or albuminous urine.
- Lac. deflor.
- Urine profuse, colorless; clear as water, with sick headache.
- Ham.
- Haematuria from passive congestion of the kidneys, dull pain in the renal region.
- Canth.
- Cutting and contracting pains, from ureters down to penis, sometimes from without inwards; pressure of the glands > a little.
- Caps.
- Discharge from the urethra purulent; bloody, cream-like.
- Lach.
- Urine almost black, foamy, frequent, dark.
- Lycop.
- Stitches in the neck of the bladder and anus at the same time.
- Phos. ac.
- White jelly-like flocculi in the urine.
- Phytol.
- Chalk-like sediment in the urine.
- Opium.
- Distension of the bladder, but no power to expel the urine and a catheter has to be used.
- Raph.
- Turbid urine with yeast-like sediment.
- Lil. tig.
- Continual pressure upon the bladder, wants to urinate all the time (uterine displacements).
- Nux vom.
- Painful ineffectual urging to urinate, urine passes in drops with burning and tearing in the urethra and neck of the bladder (sedentary people specially).
- Acet. acid.
- Passes large quantities of pale urine, particularly if accompanied by intense thirst and dry hot skin.
- Merc. corr.
- Great tenesmus of rectum and bladder at the same time.
- Caust.
- Numbness or insensibility of urethra; cannot tell when the urine is passing in the dark, only by sense of touch.
- Sars.
- Can only pass urine when standing.
- Aloe.
- Every time he passes urine feels as if stool would pass.
- Mur. ac.
- Must press so hard to start urine the anus protrudes; severe pain at the conclusion of urination (Berth., Sars. , Thuja , Puls. ).
- Thuja.
- Frequent micturation with the pains.
- Berb.
- Pains radiating from renal region; extending to thighs.
- Borax , Sars. , Lycop.
- Painful urination; child cries before urine starts.
- Petros
- Intense itching in urethra.