Causes and Modalities
- Nux vom
- After aromatics in food, or as medicines, particularly ginger, pepper, etc., and after many of the so-called “hot medicines”.
- Zinc.
- Most symptoms appear after dinner and toward evening, or from wine ( Nux vom. ), while sitting, > during the menses.
- Sulph.
- Child dislikes to be washed or bathed.
- Merc.
- Most complaints < in the evening or at night; from heat of bed and during perspiration.
- Camph.
- Great sensitiveness to cold air; the pains are < by it.
- Bell.
- Usually worse after 3 p. m. and 3 a. m.
- Ars. alb.
- Generally worse at night, especially at 1 to 3 a. m.
- Cina.
- Child flops over on its belly; sleeps better that way.
- Petrol.
- Sensation of coldness in spots.
- Ferr.
- Always better from walking slowly about, nothwithstanding weakness obliges the patient to lie down.
- Secale.
- Heat applied to any part of the body aggravates his pains; extreme aversion to being covered.
- Bryon.
- The great characteristic is aggravation from motion.
- Merc.
- Complaints increase during sweat.
- Spong.
- Worse after sleep (laryngeal troubles).
- Ant. crud.
- Complaints after bathing, especially in cold water.
- Silicea
- Complaints < during new moon or from uncovering the head.
- Zinc.
- Wine greatly aggravates all the symptoms.
- Nux vom.
- Complaints from the open air; longing to sit or lie down; ill-humored and resisting obstinately the wishes of others.
- Cham.
- Over-sensitiveness after the abuse of coffee or opium.
- Phos.
- Complaints < before midnight; during a thunderstorm; when lying on the back or left side.
- Bell.
- Takes cold in every draft of air, especially when uncovering the head, or having the hair cut.
- Ars. alb.
- Ameliorated from warmth in general, warm applications, wraps, warm food, drink etc., lying with head high.
- Bryon.
- Complaints when warm weather sets in after cold.
- Cicuta.
- Brain affections caused or < from concussion
- Ant. crud.
- In warm weather nausea, exhaustion, diarrhoea; overheating, sun heat, fire heat.
- Dulc.
- All symptoms < from a cool change of weather, especially damp, cool weather.
- Cham.
- Neither lying down, nor sleeping, nor sweating lessens the pains, but is > after the sweat or on rising.
- Arnica.
- Gout with great fear of being struck by persons coming towards him across the room.
- Ignat.
- Change of position > the pains.
- Secale.
- Worse from warmth, even when the affected parts are cold to the touch; wants them uncovered.
- Dulc.
- If cold air or water chills him, his tongue gets lame and even the jaws.
- Nux vom.
- Feels the worst in the morning soon after awaking, also after mental exertion, and after eating.
- Ars. alb.
- Worse from cold in general, cold air, food, drinks, cold washings, after eating and drinking, or lying with head low.
- Bryon.
- Complaints from ironing or working over hot stove.
- Acon.
- Bad effects from exposure to dry, cold air, suppressed perspiration, excitement, fright, anger, chagrin.
- Kali carb.
- Many complaints < at 3 a. m.
- Cocc.
- Affections caused or < by the motions of a carriage, cars, or swing of a ship.
- Calc. ost.
- Complaints < on ascending a height; during or after coition; near or during a full moon.
- Cham.
- Over-sensitiveness to open air; aversion to wind, particularly about the ears.
- Lach.
- Many affections at the climacteric.
- Lach.
- Always worse after sleep.
- China.
- Pains renewed by slightest touch, and afterwards increased to a great height.
- Ignat.
- Ailments from mortification, bad news, grief or suppressed mental suffering.
- Ledum.
- Stings of insects, specially mosquitos, punctured wounds, etc.
- Hyper.
- Bad effects from falls or blows upon the head, or concussion of the spine.
- Lycop.
- All symptoms < from 4 to 8 p. m.
- Camph.
- Pains disappear when thinking of them; most felt when half conscious.
- Arnica.
- Bad effect even in inflammations, from mechanical injuries, falls, bruises, and contusions.
- Ars. alb.
- Effect of poisoning from decayed or morbid animal matter by inoculation or swallowing.
- Rhus tox.
- Complaints < while at rest; after midnight; before storms, or on rising from a seat or bed; on beginning to move after quiet; from getting wet and in wet weather.
- Phos. ac.
- Bad effects from growing too rapidly; from sexual excesses; grief, sorrow, homesickness, or unfortunate love.
- Cham.
- Bad effects following anger, or during dentition.
- Thuja.
- Horizontal position < neuralgia.
- Nit. ac.
- Riding in carriage >
- Ox ac.
- Complaints < when thinking of them.
- Nat mur.
- Intermittent fever made inveterate by the use of quinine.
- Throm.
- < by eating (general)
- Kali sulph.
- Pains grow worse in warm room and evening. > in cool open air.
- Rhus tox.
- Bad effects from sprains, bruises etc.
- Cina.
- Troubles caused or complicated by worms (children).
- China.
- Complaints from the loss of blood or other vital fluids.
- China.
- Complaints < periodically, especially every other day.
- Rhus tox.
- Bad effect from getting wet in a rain storm while sweating or over-heated.
- Rhod.
- Complaints < during rest; before a thunder storm; in cold, wet, or windy weather.
- Sulph. ac.
- Bad effects from mechanical injuries, bruises, chaffing, ecchymoses, etc.
- Cup. met.
- Affections arising from repercussed eruptions, brain affections, convulsions etc.
- Stram.
- Worse when alone; in the dark, from being touched; looking at bright object; on attempting to swallow; especially liquids.
- Conium.
- Affections, especially of glands, from contusions or bruises.
- Glon.
- Bad effects from exposure to the rays of the sun (sunstroke).
- Gels.
- Complaints from bad or exiting news; fright, or the anticipation of some unusual ordeal.
- Hep. sul.
- Affections arising from mercurial and other metallic preparations; iodine, particularly iodide of potassium.
- Hyos.
- Bad effects from jealousy or unhappy love.
- Hyper.
- Injuries to parts rich in sentient nerves, especially fingers, toes, and matrices of mails.
- Nat. mur.
- After all kinds of cauterizations with Argent. nit.
- Kali iod.
- Mercurial, syphilitic,and scrofulous troubles of glands, bones, or chronic rheumatism.
- Hyper.
- Lacerations, when intolerable pains shows that the nerves are involved; to prevent or cure lockjaw, or convulsions.
- Calc ost.
- Very sensitive to the least cold air, which goes right through her.
- Hep. sul.
- Ailments from west or north west wind, or soon after it; improved by warmth.
- Lach.
- General aversion to outward pressure or confinement, as of tight clothes, especially about the throat, chest, stomach, abdomen, uterus, etc.
- Puls.
- Relieved in open air, < on retiring to close, warm room.
- Mag. phos.
- Pains relieved by hot applications.
- Caps.
- < between the acts of deglutition ( Ign. ).
- Caust.
- < in clear, fine weather; > in damp, wet weather.
- Led.
- Rheumatic pains are < in warmth of bed and bed covering, > only when holding feet in cold water.
- Cham.
- Amelioration from begin carried
- Caust.
- Burns that recover slowly, or remote effects of them.
- Zinc.
- Symptoms of chest > by expectoration, of bladder > by urinating; of back > by emissions; (< by cobalt); general, by menstrual flow.
- Thuja.
- < by extension.
- Naja.
- Chest and heart symptoms < lying on left side; > lying on right side.