Herpes Zoster(Biochemic medicine)

Herpes Zoster

(A viral infection of certain sensory nerves, causing severe pain and an eruption of vesicles
along the course of the affected nerve; it is caused by herpes virus varicellae. The food
should be rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins B & C.)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) It affects the nerves
b) It is extremely painful
c) First there may be fever lasting 2/3 days
d) The site for the herpes to come burns and pains
e) A rash which is of red color appears and turns into vesicles filled with fluid
f) After about ten days they dry up and fall off
1) Kali Mur 6x and Natrum Mur 12x, 4 hourly, alternately: Vesicles encircling half of the
body like a belt, with white tongue, attract application of Kali Mur. Natrum Mur is the
second remedy when herpetic eruptions occur through the course of any disease. Natrum Mur
covers herpes zoster of chest, nape of neck, hands, arms, scrotum, thighs, bends of knee and
elbow, also about anus etc. One should take occasionally Calcarea Phos and Ferrum Phos,
both in 3x potency as a tonic.
2) Ars Brom 6x, three times a day for some days: For herpetic eruptions it has proven a
great remedy. It also deals with syphilitic excrescences, diabetes, loco-motor ataxia
3) Hepar Sulph 6x or 12x, 2 hourly 7 days: It is very good to deal with herpes circinatus.
The patient wants to be wrapped up warmly, craves for sour things.
4) Ars Alb 12x twice daily for a fortnight: It is very effective in the treatment of suppurating
herpes with violent burning pains; clusters are quite deep and dark.
5) Graphites 12x twice daily for a week or so: It helps considerably in cure of herpes on the

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