Madar Bark

Has been used with marked success in the treatment of syphilis following Mercury; also, in elephantiasis, leprosy, and acute dysentery. Pneumonic phthisis. Tuberculosis.

Increases the circulation in the skin; has powerful effects as a sudorific. In the secondary symptoms of syphilis, where Mercury has been used but cannot be pushed safely any farther, it rapidly recruits the constitution, heals the ulcers and blotches from the skin, and perfects the cure. Primary anćmia of syphilis. Heat in stomach is a good guiding symptom. Obesity, while flesh decreases, muscles become harder and firmer.

Relationship.–Compare: Merc; Potass iod; Berb aqui; Sarsap; Ipecac.

Dose.–Tincture, one to five drops; three times a day.

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