Jerusalem Oak

Characteristic pain in scapula very marked. Symptoms of apoplexy, right hemiplegia, and aphasia. Stertorous breathing (Opium). Sudden vertigo. Meniere’s disease. Affections of auditory nerves (Nat salicyl). Oil of Chenopodium for hookworm and roundworm.

Ears.–Torpor of auditory nerve. Hearing better for high-pitched sounds. Comparative deafness to sound of voice, but great sensitiveness to sound, as of passing vehicles and also a shrinking from low tones. Buzzing in ears. Enlargement of tonsils. Aural vertigo.

Back.–Intense pain between angle of right shoulder-blade near spine, and through the chest.

Urine.–Copious, yellow, foaming urine, with acrid sensation in urethra. Yellowish sediment (Chel).

Relationship.–Compare: Opium; China; Chelid.

Dose.–Third potency. Oil of Chenopodium for hookworm, 10 minim doses every 2 hours for 3 doses; also Carbon tetrachloride.

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