Cholesterine–The proximate principle–Furnished by the epithelium lining of gall bladder and the larger ducts

For cancer of the liver. Obstinate hepatic engorgements. Burning pain in side; on walking holds his hand on side, hurts him so. Opacities of the vitreous. Jaundice; gallstones. Cholesterine is the physiological opponent of Lecithin. Both seem to play some unknown part in the growth of tumors. Gallstones and insomnia.

Relationship.–Compare: Taurocholate of soda in Homeopathy.–Dr. I. P. Tessier, in an interesting study of the action of bile and its salts, in hepatic affections, analyzes a number of experiments by leading authorities, with the object of determining this action, and concludes that in the Taurocholate of Soda, homeopathy has a useful remedy against certain forms of hypoglobular anćmia. The claim that its pathogenesis and toxicology clearly indicate its value, and that it should also serve us as a remedy in cases of hypertrophy of the spleen and ganglia. He calls our attention to the fact, that it produces dyspnśa, the Cheyne-Stokes rhythm, acute pulmonary śdema, and intense exaggeration of the cardiac pulsations, offering a good field for clinical studies and experimentation of great interest, which may give fruitful and important results.

Dose.–Third trituration.

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