This plant inhabits the equatorial regions of South-America, the provinces of Para, Rio-Negro, and the neighborhood of the Amazon, where it is very frequent. It resembles the hura crepitus; its leaves are alternate, somewhat cordate, rounded, glabrous, serrate; rolled up and stipulate while young. The petiole is provided at its top with two large glands. Flowers monoichous; the male flowers having a short, urceolate perianth, and covered with a scaly bract; they form elongated, peduncled, terminal husks. The female flowers, which are twice as long as those of the hura crepitans, have their perianth resting against the ovary, which is surmounted by a long and infundibiliform style, terminated by a stellate stigma; they are solitary and placed near the male flowers. It is from this tree that the Indians draw the milky juice called Assacù by the Brazilians.

A man affected with lepra, and who had sought refuge in the solitary regions of the Amazone, took, by the advice of an Indian whom he met there, a considerable quantity of a juice known under the name of Assacù, flowing from the trunk of a tree, which has been described by Willdenow, under the name of hura braziliensis. He was cured; and the president of the province of Para, informed the imperial government of it. Since then, this juice has been very generally used by leprous patients without, however, curing them.

The first and third provers of this drug, on a voyage to Brazil, in 1842, had both been attacked with the lepra. Under homeopathic treatment they seemed both to have got well, though one might have inferred from the gravity of their symptoms, that they had been palliated rather than cured. The frightful symptoms of compression of the spinal marrow, which supervened in the case of one of the provers, point to the Assacù as a powerful remedy for various forms of myelitis. The symptoms of nervous excitement, the twitching, the irritability of the temperament exhibited by all the provers, favor the doctrine that the lepra is a particular lesion of the nervous system. If the exanthems and the insensibility of the skin characteristic of the lepra, have been less marked in our provings, it is undoubtedly because these phenomena belong to some chronic form which a continued use of the drug and a real poisoning are alone capable of producing.

These four provings have been instituted with a single drop of the fifth attenuation. It is our rule to avoid repeating the dose lest the chronological succession of the symptoms which we regard as important, should be disturbed. We do not believe that repeated doses can do much good, and if a prover should not experience any effects from one dose, we should prefer dropping this proving, and resort to some other drug, to which his organism should be more sensible.

First prover : Aug. Joly, 29 years of age, bilious-nervous temperament, healthy constitution.

First day. Took one drop of the 5th attenuation at ten o’clock at night. 1. One hour after, itching at the ribs and sternum, at the biceps and the posterior parts of the right arm. Doughy mouth, in the morning, on waking. Dreams about a ball, about houses in process of erection. In the morning, itching at the arms, legs, outer parts of the tibia. 5. The upper and lower eyelids are inflamed and blueish. Itching at the right arm, at the lower and inner portion of the humerus, owing to a little pimple which is forming. Taste of blood in the mouth. Whizzing in the ears, especially the right. Clusters of miliary pimples on the back, arms, legs and chest. 10. Irritated by the least contrariety. Desire to vomit, sick stomach. Rheumatic pain at the left arm. He looks weary as if he had been carousing all night, though he slept well all night. Pinching at the right side of the tongue. 15. Lancination in the canal of the urethra. Prickling around the eyes, and especially around the right one. Sensation as if small pimples would break out on the inside of the eyelids. Nervous heating in the eyelids. Rheumatic pain at the sacrum, especially when stooping. 20. Contusive pain at the lumbar region. Miliary eruption in the joints.

Second day. Dry mouth in the morning. Acute pain in the lumbar region and at the sacrum, as from a fall. Smoky taste of the water which is drank at breakfast. 25. Pain in the ilio-femoral articulation. Pain all along the left thigh. Sneezing, and frequent blowing, as when a catarrh is about setting in, followed by involuntary discharge from the nose of a lemon-colored mucus, with tickling. Constant pain in the lower part of the lumbar regions, worse when stooping or sitting down. Lancinating pain at the top of the, head. 30. Slight desire to vomit at eleven o’clock in the morning. Dizziness. He dreams that he was swimming in a river with warm and dark-green water ; afterwards that he was on a plantation in Brazil, where men drew water from a yellow pond. Moist, intermittent heat, mounting every fifteen minutes from the feet to the face. Prickling at the right eye. 35. Sense of heat mounting to the clavicles. (At a quarter of ten o’clock:) Dry nose, he cannot blow it ; with itching at the interior of the nose.

Third day. In the morning, the pain at the sacrum had disappeared. (At ten o’clock and a half:) The pain at the sacrum returns worse, after moving a box. Burning at the right index-finger, a red spot extending from the nail to the second phalanx. Numbness; almost amounting to insensibility. 40. (At half past twelve:) Pain as from a splinter under the thumb-nail. In the evening, tickling under the arms and along the dorsal spine. No sleep at night, frequent waking, feverish agitation.

Fourth day. Heat in the hands, in the morning. At two o’clock, a small vesicular pimple on the back of the left hand; for four hours. 45. Stiffness in the trapezoid muscle, near its attachment at the occiput. Pain at the left fore-arm as from a blow. Small vesicular pimples, and itching at the ribs, arms, and at every prominent process of the bones.

Fifth day. In the morning, the pimples on the arms have almost disappeared; there remains only a little itching at the sternum. Heat at the tips of the right fingers. 50. Sensation as if a small portion of the nail of the right index-finger had become detached. At half past six in the evening, heat and passing sweat. At half past seven in the evening, sensation of burning, smarting on the left side of the chin, in the beard, as from an incipient tetter. Sensation under the masseter muscle, as from a recent blow on the parotid. At eight o’clock in the evening, the spot becomes sensible to contact; a small swelling is observed extending below the zygomatic arch. 55, Sensation at the supinator muscle of the forearm, as from an incipient tetter. Small pimples on the inner surface of the lower lip. Stiffness of the trapezoid muscle and the neck. Prickling as from dust, at the border of the lower lid of the right eye. 60. Itching at the back, legs, arms, at the same time.

Sixth day. Fleshy excrescences on the inner surface of the lips. At four o’clock, weariness in the legs, in going upstairs. At eight o’clock in the evening, painful stiffness of the neck. The pain in the masseter muscle, which had already decreased in the morning, disappeared entirely in the evening. Weight in the testicles in walking, at five o’clock in the evening. 65, Taste of blood in the throat before breakfast.

Seventh day. Itching at the right lower eyelid, as if a pimple would appear. At three o’clock, sensation as of dust in the left eye. Sense of weight at the eyes, as if they had been strained.

Eighth day. No sleep all night. 70. Pressive pain at the cranium. Heat in the nails of the left hand.

Ninth day. Straining sensation in the upper part of the sacrum, preventing him from standing erect, at noon. Taste of blood in the throat before breakfast. Sputa mixed with blood. 75. Sense of giving way in the knee-joint, in going down-stairs, at two o’clock. At four o’clock, pain in the renal region, which keeps increasing; it decreases at five o’clock. Prickling in the left eye, and intolerable itching, with nervous irritation which spreads to the heart, but passes off soon.

Tenth day. –Prickling in the left eye as from dust. Smarting sensation in the beard as from a pimple at each hair, at nine o’clock. 80. Burning sensation at the inner canthus of the right eye, at half past nine in the evening. The carunculae lachrymalis look inflamed.

Eleventh day. Itching at the anterior surface of the tibia, at night, and smarting sensation as from a tetter. Appearance of a small red circle, with a small dark-red pimple in the middle; followed by peeling off. Itching at the hairy scalp, especially behind and in the mastoid process, as from a teeter. 85. Sensation as if he had torn off a hang-nail, or as from a splinter in the ring-finger of the left hand. At ten o’clock, smarting at the bend of the right elbow, on the outside.

Twelfth day. Tickling at the left arm, with small vesicular pimples. Itching in the beard, with small pimples which form a crust under the chin. Itching and small crusty pimples on the hairy scalp. 90. Constrictive sensation at the anus ; at half past five o’clock.

Thirteenth day. Painful sensation at the upper and lateral portions of the sacrum, as if strained or bruised. Clusters of small miliary pimples at the bend of the elbow, with redness around the pimples after scratching them. The pimples cease to be vesicular; other pimples appear on the insteps. Prickling sensation in the eyes all day, with redness and smarting at the border of the lids. 95. Sensation as if there were dust or foreign bodies in the eyes. The right eye is more sensible than the left. Weariness in the legs, after noon. Pain in the loft knee as from a sprain, with lancinations below the pain.

Fourteenth day. Contractive sensation below, and at the right side of the coccyx. 100. Rheumatic pain at the left side of the neck, the splenius, complexus and trapezoides muscles.

Fifteenth day. Rheumatic pain at the neck, with difficulty of turning the head to the left side, in the morning. Pain in the head like a weight on the skull, extending to the mastoid processes. Sense of loathing with nausea. Oppression at the stomach when standing erect. 105. Pale face, with rings around the eyes and redness at the margin of the eyelids. Pains in the head like a beating in the sides and at the vertex, reverberating in the mastoid processes, and extending to the sterno-mastoid muscles. Sense of constriction in the upper part of the throat. Yellowish, heavy and frothy expectoration, ever since he took his drug. The affective sphere is very active. 110. Painful stiffness of the neck, which prevents one from turning the head to the left side. Sensation, in closing the eyes, as though the eyelids were cold. Pain from the occiput to the vertex, with beating, and acute pains.

Sixteenth day. Horrid pain in the sacro-lumbar region, at the articulation of the last lumbar vertebra and sacrum, when attempting to raise a weight. Pain as when straining a ligament; numb pain in the left thigh, along the course of the sciatic nerve. 115. Inability to stoop without experiencing acute pains in the sacro-lumbar region; he is obliged to lie down. Fainting when trying to sit down, caused by the violence of the pain at the sacrum; sense of tearing. Nervous spasms, convulsions, cramps in the calves and toes during the fainting spell. Sense of shuddering at the rectum. Tickling like worms creeping along in the rectum. 120. In spite of the pains, he slept pretty well in the night, from the fifteenth to the sixteenth. Desire to urinate, every half hour. He urinates a long time. Watery urine, with a greenish tint. Cramp in the right middle, and ring-finger. 125. Pulse interrupted for two minutes, ringing in the ears, roaring in the head, beating in the temples. During and after the fainting-spell disposition to love everybody, especially those around you. He often thinks of death, but he is not afraid of dying; he even feels as though he would die without regret. He reproaches himself with everything bad he has done, even the least trifles, and considers himself very guilty for having done them. During the nervous attacks, he thinks of his salvation. The sense of smell is very acute, he even smells persons at a distance.

Seventeenth day. -130. The pain at the sacrum seems to decrease, but he is not yet able to rise from bed, nor stir about in it, he has to remain lying on the back. He has an appetite, but eats little. A sort of painful glandular swelling behind the masseter muscle, below the right ear. Dullness of the head, in front. Sense of, oppression at the forehead.

Eighteenth day. –135. Frequent waking at night. He wakes earlier than usual. Doughy mouth, in the morning. Foul, bloody sputa, of the color of chocolate with milk. The pain at the sacrum is feebler, it seems to have spread over a larger space, rises a little towards the dorsal and lumbar muscles, and to the dorsal vertebrae. 140. The head, above the eyebrows, is still somewhat dull. Weakness in the finger-joints and wrists. The gland at the neck continues painful, with lancinations. Taste of blood in the throat. Flushes of heat. 145. The breathing is painful, as if there were a sore in the lumbar region.

Nineteenth day. Deep and long sleep. Nosebleed, in the morning. Pimple at the forehead. Weight above the eyes, he is unable to read long. 150. Sense of weariness in the arms, though lying, dawn. The pain at the sacrum decreases; sometimes, however, it rises again to the cervical vertebrae. Prickling in the eyes. A cluster of pimples breaks out at the wrist, on the external and inferior surface of the radius; they are vesicular, (like those which he had after his return from Brazil.) Bloating sensation in the eyes. 155. Throbbing at the sacrum, without pain. Pale face, eyes sunken, with redness around the eyelids.

Twentieth day. No stool from the sixteenth to the twentieth day. Hard and difficult stool. The pain at the sacrum is much less, though he still feels a violent throbbing in this region, but painless. 160. Rose at eight o’clock, his legs were weak and his head felt heavy; he laid down again an hour after, with very cold feet. He feels a pain at the iliac bones, though not all the time. There are fever pimples on the arm, and the remaining pimples contain a little water which spirts out when pressed. Sensation in the glutei muscles as if bruised. Full and slow painless beatings in the sacro-lumbar region.

Twenty-first day. -165. Restless night, dreams about crime, dead bodies, children with their heads half cut off, and of others whose heads were being cut. Pain in the glutei muscles as if bruised, now on the right, then on the left side. Pain as if bruised at the sacrum, with heat mounting to the face, at nine o’clock in the morning, shortly after rising. Cramp in the toes. Beatings in the left temple. 170. Painful stitch and beating sensation between the shoulder-blades.

Twenty-second day. Lascivious dream with emission. Heat mounting to the face, with oppression of the chest. Acute pain in one of the right toes. Weight at the sacrum, but less bruising in the glutei muscles ; weakness in the knee joints, with cracking, either in going up or down-stairs. 175. Sensation as if a warm liquid were flowing from a sore in the lumbar region. Heat mounting to the face, at seven o’clock in the evening. Weakness of the legs in going up or down-stairs.

Twenty-third day. Restless night, heat and sweat all night. Dream about work, vast business. 180. Dizziness at two o’clock, waves before the eyes; the sight becomes dim when writing. Sparks and zigzag movements before the eyes, when walking or sitting. Weak legs. Weight in the upper lids. Frontal headache. 185. Pressure at the forehead, with damp coldness at the feet and hands. The headache extends to eyebrows and eyes. Short-lasting oppression at the throat, in the region of the tonsils. The eyes are red, with blue dark margins; face pale, yellow, dull. Less pain in the renal region; but he is unable to stand any length of time without experiencing an uneasiness in the stomach which extends to the chest with oppression. 190. Sclerotica red, inflamed, and the capillaries injected. Beating pressure at the sclerotica. Weakness of the knee-joint, when walking or going up and down-stairs. Hiccough four hours after eating.

Twenty-fourth day. Restless sleep. 195. Slight prickling pain at the sacro-lumbar articulation, in going up-stairs. Sense of oppression at the chest.

Twenty-fifth day. Pressure at the forehead. Heat in the sacro-lumbar region; sense of oppression at the chest, and rush of blood to the larynx, with suffocative oppression; taste of blood and tearing in the chest.

Twenty-sixth day Restless sleep. 200. Throbbing and weakness in the sacro-lumbar region. Nausea while riding in a carriage, before breakfast. Sense of heat in the renal region, after a long ride in a carriage. Slight aching pain at the forehead and vertex.

Twenty-seventh day. Restless sleep. 205. Beatings in the lumbar region, with slight pullings or shudderings. Weakness in the lumbar region. Weakness in the knee-joint; sense as if sprained, after a walk.

Twenty-eighth day. Restless sleep, with dreams about work, wild beast devouring meat in a public slaughter-house. Sense of heat with throbbing and fatigue in the lumbar region and above the iliac bones. 210. Paleness, cold hands and feet, with weakness all over while the pains last.

Twenty-ninth day. Dream about revolution, gun-shots, demolition of some public edifice; he walked among the ruins. Sense of well-being, in the morning on rising. Doughy mouth every morning, with sputa that has the color of chocolate with cream, and foetid smell. Spits blood in the morning that seems to come deep out of the throat. 215. Swelling of the left lower gums, over the molar teeth, outside, with toothache in this region. Small pimples on the right knee, with smarting as from a tetter and painful itching when touching them; they ends a fluid when pressed upon; itching at the tibiae.

Thirtieth day. The swelling of the gums continues, but the toothache is less. The cheek threatens to swell. Taste of blood in the mouth and throat, very marked, with scratching or tearing sensation when drawing breath. 220. Headache at two o’clock, as from a nail in the vertex, with violent toothache, swelling of the gums, after a walk. Beatings in the left side of the face, extending tip to the eye. The feet, and mostly the whole body are constantly damp and cold, with weakness. Uneasiness at the stomach. His breakfast does not seem to sit well on his stomach; he eats with a good appetite, however (from the twenty-fourth day).

Thirty-first day. Restless night. Intolerable erections, sexual dreams, with emissions. 225. Large pimples on the legs, around the root of each hair. In the evening, large pimples, swollen, like mosquito-bites, with violent itching, and raw feeling when touched.

Thirty-second day. Weakness, with painful stitch in the lumbar region. Uneasiness in the stomach, every day after the noon-meal. Violent headache on the left side.

Thirty-third day. -230. Sense of tearing and spraining in back when sitting (for one minute). Spitting of blood, with sense of rawness in the throat and the respiratory passages, after talking. Contractive sensation on the skin of the forehead. Pimples all over the body, similar to those above described; suffocative sensation rising to the larynx.

Thirty-fourth day. Taste of blood in the mouth during an embrace. 235. General emaciation. Inability to incline forward; he can only walk by reclining the trunk backwards; when inclining forward ever so little, he feels a pulling in the lumbar region and is obliged to straighten himself.

Thirty-fifth day. Uneasiness at the stomach from the noon-meal until four in the afternoon. Irritable mood.

Thirty-eighth day. Frequent desire to urinate. 240. Clear urine, after a return of the pain in the sacro-lumbar region. Tearing sensation in .the renal region; acute pain, with faint feeling and pale face.

Forty-sixth day. Cold sweat at night.

Fifty-fifth day. Pale, sickly face; rings around the eyes. Red lips. 245. Emaciation. Weakness in the sacro-lumbar region. Dimness of sight, and prickling in the eyelids. (From this period, he gradually gets better.)


Second prover: Chr. Dieudonné Joly, twenty-four years old, sanguine-nervous temperament, robust constitution.

At eight o’clock in the evening, took one dose of mad. of the fifth attenuation.

First day. Contraction of the papilla; on the tongue, immediately. 250. Heaviness of the head. Acute pain in the right kidney while walking, with urging to urinate, at nine o’clock in the evening; for two minutes.

Second day. In the morning, while walking, pain as if sprained in the left coxo-femoral articulation, for some moments. Prickling at the margin of the eyelids, in the daytime. Face looks weary, with rings around the eyes. 255. Lancinations in the left index and thumb. Dull lancinations in the right hand. Itching at the left side and calf. Stitch in the right index-finger at eight o’clock in the evening. Feeling as of sand in the left eye, at ten o’clock.

Third day. -260. Nocturnal emission. Sneezing at noon, as when a catarrh is about setting in. At two o’clock, dark redness and almost complete insensibility of the sides of the neck in the region of the sterno-cleido-mastoideus-muscles; he pricks the parts and does not feel any pain until one hour after.

Fourth day. No sleep at night, and drowsy in the day-time. Livid complexion at noon. 265. At nine o’clock in the evening, itching at the left eyelids.

Fifth day. Violent nosebleed, at seven o’clock in the morning. Stinging in the ball of the right thumb. Slight pain in the medius of the left hand.

Sixth day Itching at the margin of the left eyelids. 270. At noon, pimple at the right lower part of the lower jaw. At ten o’clock in the evening, in bed, smarting and itching of the puncta lachrymalis and the left lower eyelid.

Seventh day. At two o’clock: Aching pain like a stitch in the side, under the right lower ribs, for one minute.

Tenth day. At three o’clock in the afternoon, slight colic, and nausea. Dull and heavy head, with weak legs.

Eleventh day. -275. At eleven o’clock, hypochondria, sadness, despair; he imagines that he is abandoned by his family.

Twelfth day. Fatigue, and weakness of sight.

Thirteenth day. Eyes red, with weak sight, he reads with difficulty. The upper and lower limbs feel weak.

Fourteenth day. Eyes weary, sight weak. 280. Short, dull, painful lancinations in the pectoral muscles, rather internal, without impeding the breathing.

Fifteenth day. Weariness of the eyes, pressure at the superior portion of the orbits. Headache. At nine o’clock in the evening, lancinating pain in the biceps and triceps muscles of the arm, similar pain between the shoulder-blade and the spinal column, in the trapezoid muscle. The throat feels dry and irritated, compelling one to cough. 285. Dryness of the glottis; causing a cough as from a cold.

Sixteenth day. Itching at the margin of the eyelids.

Seventeenth day. Sense of stoppage in the ears; afterwards as if air-bubbles were passing through the left ear (for two or three seconds). Small smarting pimples on the lower part of the right leg.

Twenty-third day. Diarrhoea.

Twenty-seventh day. -290. Nocturnal emission. Weight at the frontal muscle. Heat about the head. Painful stitch in the ileo-coecal region, recurring several times when walking or moving about. Slight nausea.

Thirtieth day. -295. Pain as from weariness in the outer portion of the left crural muscle when pressing upon it.

Thirty-first day. This pain is very marked and continues all day.

Thirty-second day. Violent headache in the left side of the head.

Thirty-third day. Headache in the side of the head. Thirty-fourth day. In the evening, slight pain in the lumbar muscles as from weariness.

Thirty-fifth day. -300. The weariness in the loins continues in the morning. At 9 o’clock in the evening, slight pain as from weariness, with an acute lancination in the lumbar region, for one second.

Thirty-sixth day. At noon, long-lasting lancinating pain under the left big toe. A good appetite for some days past.

Thirty-seventh day. -305. Hard, scanty and difficult stool. Absence of mind. Not disposed to work. Peevish. Red eyelids. 310. Lazy, weary. Constant yawning.

Thirty-eighth day. Hungry, two hours after a copious meal. Tightness at the stomach, in the evening.

Thirty-ninth day. At five o’clock in the morning, violent sensation of hunger, with tensive and pressive pain at the stomach; when lying, the pain extends to the umbilical region. 315. The pain during a walk continues; pressure after eating; painful sensation of hunger. Acute pain at the stomach, with constant hunger. Frequent desire to urinate. The urine deposits a white sediment. At noon, pressive pain at the stomach, before and after eating. 320. Acute pain, like a stitch, at the anterior surface of the right lung, which hinders breathing. Absence of mind, he makes many mistakes, mistakes one month for another, for several days. He mistakes the street twice. During the last days of the proving, frequent urination with whitish deposit.

Third prover: Mme Al. j. 26 years old, sanguine temperament, good constitution.

First day. Took one dose of the 5th attenuation, at 10 o’clock in the evening. In the morning on waking, doughy taste in the mouth, and great drowsiness. 325. She dreams about death, burial. Small painful pimples on the left side of the tongue. Burning at the stomach. Stiffness at the nape of the neck. Weakness of the legs and arms. 330. Nausea at two o’clock. Fever: face of a scarlet-red, hands burning-hot. Depression of spirits, has no desire to do anything, nothing pleases him. White spots on the tongue. Frequent desire to urinate. 335. Feeling of weariness all over. Sense of pain with heat at the sacrum.

Second day. Lancinating pain, zig-zag, in the uterus, at half past six in the morning. Slight leucorrhoea. Dry cough. 340. Pain in the groin, compressive sensation as during parturition. Lancination from the lumbar region to the coccyx.

Third day. Restless night, frequent waking. On waking, sense of weariness, as if strained. Acute pain in the palm of the left hand, proceeding from the index, and describing a circle extending to the carpal articulation of the thumb. 845. Very weary, especially the left leg. At half past 12, third night, writhing colic. Violent diarrhoea at one o’clock, with pains similar to those which she had experienced on her return from a voyage to Brazil. Fetid stool, with white little worms. 350. The diarrhoea continues and is succeeded by a great weakness of the chest. Violet-colored cheeks. Heat in the cheeks and temples. Red forehead. Small miliary vesicles on the right cheek, on the middle of the forehead and on the left cheek. 355. Listless, she attends to things as if she took no sort of interest in them.

Fifth day. Dreams about a church-yard; she placed torches on the graves. On waking, her face is bloated and scarlet-red. Blotches on the right cheek, similar to those which she had after her return from a voyage to Brazil (at this time an enormous crusty tetter commenced in this way). Intolerable heat at the chest, at two o’clock, violent pain and burning sensation at the sternum.

Sixth day. – 360. Restless sleep. Nervousness, impatience, at half past 12. Dry heat in the hands.

Seventh day. Small vesicular pimple at the right wrist-joint. Marked feeling of heaviness from the parietal bone to the lower attachment of the sterno-mastoideus muscle, at the upper side of the sternum. 365. At two o’clock: the weight, at times, descends to the forehead, with heat. Small pimple on the right wrist, red at its base, containing a fluid.

Eighth day. No sleep. Twisting pain in the left side, or lancinations around the pelvis; the pain passes off soon and extorts cries from her, at 9 o’clock in the morning. Burning all over.

Ninth day. -370. Twisting pain at the scapulo-humeral articulation. Acute pain under the breast. Half past twelve: the pain at the scapulo-humeral articulation recurs from time to time with great violence. Five o’clock in the evening: the pain is constant but less, always of the same kind. Half past nine: miliary eruption in the face. 375. Small red pimples on the right cheek, smarting on the right cheek, the eruption first showed itself at 7 o’clock in the morning. Miliary eruption on the shoulders, with itching, in the evening. Red vesicular pimples, they break when pressed upon, and discharge a smart stream of water.

Tenth day. Dullness of the head, in the morning, on rising. Red face, the little pimples are less apparent. 380. Pain at the stomach, as from hunger, though she is not hungry. She swallows her saliva. She has to eat to quiet her pain.

Eleventh day. Headache, slight beating at the forehead, during a considerable portion of the night. The headache continues with a heaviness in the forehead, in the morning.

Twelfth day. -385. Small pimples on the back, with itching. Nosebleed, at 8 o clock. Hard stool for 8 days. Nosebleed, at 10 o’clock.

Thirteenth day. -390. Restless night, dream about a sea-voyage. Heaviness of the head, nosebleed on rising. Headache, heaviness with beating in the forehead, all day. Red pimples on the shoulders, with pricking when touched. Lancination and pricking in the left little finger, three or four different times.

Fourteenth day. -395. Hot and red face. Itching red pimples on the shoulders.

Fifteenth day. Sense as of crumbs in the eyes. Sclerotica red, with margins around the eyes, red eyelids, red face. Red pimples on the sides of the hips, smarting.

Sixteenth day. -100. Sharp pain, followed by an acute lancinating pain about the heart.

Seventeenth day. At eight o’clock in the morning, sharp, lancinating pain, by fits and starts, at the right side of the sacrum, more or less violent. Ten o’clock in the evening: wry neck on the right side.

Eighteenth day. While slumbering, sensation as if she were hanging three feet from the ground. Sensation as if she would fall into a ditch. 408. Coldness and heat, alternating at night.

Nineteenth day. Acute pain at the left hip, at 9 o’clock in the morning. The pain recurs at 9 o’clock in the evening, and continues for several-days at the same hour. Pain at the uterus as if compressed. Pain at the heart, which is at times very sharp, almost unbearable. 410. The breathing is arrested; this pain makes her very uneasy. Lancinating pain in the head.

Twentieth day. Pain at the left knee, as if sprained. Twenty-first day. Writhing colic, and diarrhoea, five times in the day.

Twenty-second day. Restless night. – 415. In the evening, pain at the loins and on each side of the ovary. Violent lancinations with prickling, afterwards lancinating pain in the vagina; appearance of the menses, but very slight.

Twenty-third day. Pain in the uterus as if a sharp instrument were thrust in. Lancinating pain above the left breast. Pain at the right little toe, like an intermittent throbbing, with intolerable prickling, at half past 10 o’clock in the evening.

Twenty-fourth day. -420. Sleep disturbed by a violent itching caused by small pimples on the shoulders. In the morning, the pain of the little toe returns, but it does not last as long as the day previous. Pain in the renal region, with sense of weariness in the region of the sacrum. Cold and heavy pain at the left hip. Painful pricking in the wrist and along the left hand, between the middle and ring-finger.

Twenty-fifth day. 425. Prickings and stitch above the left breast, hindering breathing, whether walking or sitting. Acute pain when drawing breath.

Twenty-sixth day. Sense as if sprained in the left knee and cracking when walking.

Twenty-eighth day. Restless night. Desire to cry. 430. Fever, inability to close her hand. Sad, vexing thoughts. Twenty-ninth day. Sensation as if floating in the air. No sleep. Starting in bed. 435. Sensation as if she were falling to the ground. Lancinating pain under the heart; it continues, more or less feeble. Bad digestion, the stomach feels yet full since supper.

Thirtieth day. Restless night, starting during sleep. Sense of weariness in the lumbar region, all night. 440. Pain at the sacrum as from a recent blow, this pain increases until four o’clock in the evening. Pressure at the sacrum, with weariness in the left thigh. Heaviness at the sacrum, when sitting. Sensation as if worms were crawling in the posterior and external portion of the sacrum.

Thirty-first day. The pain at the sacrum obliges her to keep bent; this pain shifts up and down from the sacrum to the left thigh, and is accompanied by chattering of the teeth, which interrupts the speech, and by cold hands and feet. 445. Quickly-passing tingling and twisting pain in the right leg, at three o’clock in the evening, when lying. Twisting pain extending from the sacrum into the left leg, and obliging her to lie down. Every paroxysm of pain excites a nervous laugh, with moanings like those of a sick child. Sensation as if dogs had bitten her where the pain is felt. Sensation as if she had a plaster at the region of the kidneys. 450. The pain descends along the vastus externus muscle. Mottled face, in the beginning of the proving it became red, now it is sometimes pale. She cannot walk, without fearing to fall. No solicitude for the future, generally speaking; tears with ennui; she thinks of death without fearing it. The pain at the sacrum is worse when sitting, and obliges her to lie down.

Thirty-second day. -455. Sleep during the night, but the pain in the renal region returns as soon as she rises from bed. The pain is seated in the sacro-lumbar articulation; it extends to the glutei muscles with sensation as though she were gnawed bydogs. At times the right thumb feels numb.

Thirty-third day. Pain in the vertebral column. Sense of luxation, with pain in the glutei muscles, of the same nature as the day previous.

Thirty-fourth day. -16I. Twisting sensation in the groin. Nosebleed, when lying. Vesicular pimples all over, with red spots as if the skin had been rubbed. Large blotches on the legs like mosquito-bites. Sensation in the renal region and buttocks as if gnawed by doge. 465. Continual sneezing for two hours.

Thirty-seventh day. Sensation in the thighs, as if bitten by dogs. The pimples increase during an increase of temperature, and leave large red spots in the renal region and on the hips. Since she had the pains in the sacrum, she is unable to sleep or rest on the stomach.

Thirty-eighth day. Uneasiness, sometimes she cries in the street. 470. Acute headache, like a circle which rolls quickly over the forehead. Dizziness. Profuse nosebleed from both nostrils. The nosebleed is preceded by a smell of blood. Red face, with little pimples between the skin and flesh. 475. Heat at the face. Sensation as if the skin of the face were stretched too much. Frequent emission of watery urine. Sense of coldness in the right-thigh.

Fortieth day. -480. Dreams about dead bodies, assassins, decayed oxen, yellow water. Continual nosebleed, especially in the morning. The pains in the renal region decrease.

Forty-third day. Nervous twitching at the left lower eyelid.

Forty-fifth day. Flow of sad thoughts; she imagines she will lose somebody who is dear to her. 485. She cries every moment, and, for several days past imagines she is seeing the dead person before her eyes.

Fifty-eighth day. Painful sensibility of the whole right half of the head, especially when touching it. Lancinations in the jaws, pain at the right arm. Impatience, anger ; she bites her hands, and gets mad because her ideas flow too slowly.

Fourth prover : Mlle E. R. 17 years, sanguine temperament, good constitution. 490. At 8 o’clock in the morning, the ball of the thumb of each hand is painful. 9 o’clock: her feelings are excited and she cries a good deal. 10 o’clock: numbness of the right index, every minute. Half past 10: cold and clammy feet, followed by heat for three hours. Half past 11: short lancinations in the last two left molares, lower jaw; numbness in the bend of the right arm. 495. Lancination in the right index-finger, and especially in the articulation of the last phalanx. Sensation of a small ball under the left breast; at the same time, lancination under the left shoulder, for 5 minutes. At noon, large red spot on the lower part of the left cheek. Half past 12: heat at the face, for half an hour. Half past 12: small pimples on the left cheek, above the nose and near the lower lip; they are red, with a small white point in the middle. 500. At two o’clock, beating in the right index-finger. At half past 2, lancination in the gums. At a quarter past four ; pain in the gums corresponding to the left eye, with heat in the face. Burning in the left cheek, weight at the eyes, lancinating pains in the ears. Pain at the outer ankle, as from a blow. 505. Frontal headache, at half past 9 in the evening. Cold sweat on the face. Pressure in the orbits, as from a violent headache. The teeth and gums are painful when pressing the teeth against each other; the pain extends to the nose. Toothache on the left side.

Second day. -510. Half past seven, white-coated tongue. Slight pain shifting from the left ear, where it commenced, to the left orbit. Small pimple at the inside of the left elbow, causing a smart itching. Half past 7, lancinations in the right aide, every second. Cold feet. 515. Eight o’clock, pain as if the right arm had been stretched a long time, contusive pain at the back of the right hand, especially at the middle-finger. Lancinations in .the gums on the right Bide. Itching at the forehead. Small pimples at the forehead. Suffocative oppression in the chest, especially when thinking of anything contrary. 520. The oppression ascends and immediately after descends again. Heat mounting to the face. Pain at the sternum. Lancinations in the temples. Pain in the gums on the left side. 525. Discouraged, does not wish to do anything. Weight at the arms. Suffocative oppression in the chest. Ten o’clock in the evening, pain in the orbits as from a violent headache, or as from looking fixedly at the same object.

Third day. Half past 6 in the morning, the right cheek is quite swollen, without toothache. 530. Red pimple on the left cheek, in the middle, and on the left side of the neck, with a good deal of itching. Nine o’clock, beating at the right side of the thorax, almost under the shoulder. Half past 3, pain at the right wrist; all the veins and fibres hurt her. Half past 8, oppression at the stomach. Twisting colic. 535. Nine o’clock, heat at the face. Half past 10, desire to cry. Since taking the drug, the least thing irritates her; at such times she feels oppressed, with desire to cry, she blushes, sighs a good deal, several times a day. Less appetite. Pain at the chest, especially the left breast, when lying; the pain gradually passes to the right side.

Fourth day. -510. Since the first day, she wakes sooner than previously; her sleep was heavy and she was unable to open her eyes. Now she opens them easily, and the ideas come to her at once. Half past 5, shuddering all over, she feels oppressed, wants to cry. Colic, with cold feet. Eight o’clock, the shuddering extends over the legs; she feels oppressed and has cold feet. 545. Nine o’clock, prickling at the tongue on the left side, causing a good deal of water to accumulate in her mouth. Nervous pain shifting speedily from the orbits to the forehead, and disappearing at once. She sighs a good deal. Ten o’clock, she feels sick at the stomach, as from hunger, generally she is not hungry till noon. Hungry, sometimes shortly after a meal. 550. Pain as from pressing strongly on a sore behind the right ear, and under the neck, at the larynx ; pain when moving the head. Cold feet, at 10 o’clock in the morning. Hunger, with pain in the stomach, at 11 o’clock. Tightness at the root of the nose, for an instant. Short lancinations all over the face, with tightness of the head emanating from the temples. 555. Slight contusive pain under the false right ribs.

Fifth day. At noon, oppression hindering breathing. Oppression in the chest, causing her to sigh a good deal. Numbness of the head. The face, and head, from the vertex, pain her horribly. 580. Contusive pain between the ring- and little finger, only for a moment; reaching up to the elbow. Tightness at the back of the head. Pain as from weariness in front of and behind the neck. Frequent desire to urinate. The left cheek is very red. 585. Redness of the wing of the nose. Shuddering along the back and legs while taking breakfast. At 5 o’clock, oppression and sighs. Pain in the ear, and half of the jaw, followed by pricking in the ear. At a quarter past 5 o’clock, colic and shuddering. 570. At 8 o’clock, pain as from weariness between the shoulders. At 9 o’clock, oppression on the chest. She sighs a good deal. Internal trembling. Cold sweat on the feet. 575. At half past 10, red blotch on the right shoulder; hot feet, after lying down, in bed.

Sixth day. At 6 o’clock, colic, with diarrhoea and internal trembling. Shuddering at half past 6. Red spot and itching at the forearm. At 7 o’clock, colic with diarrhoea and shuddering. 580. Nervous laughter which causes her to shudder. Cold feet, shuddering in the left leg. At 8 o’clock, cracking in the right forearm. Lancination in the left gums, reaching to the right ear. At a quarter past 8, red spot like a flea bite, on the back of the left hand. 585. Dullness of the head, with weight at the orbits. Cold feet, especially the left. At 9 o’clock, oppression on the chest, with sighing. At 11 o’clock, weight at the orbits, as from sleep. Crampy pain at the right wrist, shifting to the arm and then to the axilla. 590. Colic at the stomach. Oppression and sighing. Trembling of the right arm, and beating at the anterior surface of the wrist. At a quarter past 11, rheumatic pain at the right shoulder. Small vesicular pimples on the lower lip, itching a good deal. Pain as from having been lying in a wrong position, under the arm, under the right sight side of the chest. Painful beating above the right breast. Painful lancinations in the head, striking to the ear and the left teeth, and then shifting to the upper part of the orbit. Drowsy at noon. Pain between the shoulders, worse by pressing against the sternum. 600. Contusive pain at the left leg. Painful stitch at the outer breast, extending under the arm. Hungry, but satiated at once. Itching at the right outer ankle. Numbness of the right arm, as far as the left index-finger, all the muscles hurt him. 605. At one o’clock, formication in the soles of the feet. At half past one, contusive pain in the back, at the hips and in the renal region. Strong pressure at the left temple. Drowsy at 2 o’clock. Colic at half past 8. 610. At 4, beating at the outer side of the right wrist. Nervous shuddering all through the chest, and passing between the shoulders. Lancination from the left side of the head to the eye, temples, above the ear and in the lower jaw. Whizzing in the ears. Pain at the stomach as from hunger. 615. Lancination in the left breast. Lancination in the first phalanx of the middle-finger. At 4, toothache on the left side, affecting the eyes. Violent pain in the back as if weary, and affecting the lumbar region. Pain at the stomach, oppression, sighs. 620. Lancination in the left gums. At 4, beating in the right external ankle. Lancination in the whole jaw. Redness, and heat mounting to the face cheeks and forehead are redder than the rest of the face. At half past 8, oppression, pain at the stomach, as from hunger.

Seventh cloy. -625. At 6, colic, diarrhoea and shuddering. At 8, merry, with desire to laugh, followed by shuddering in the head and legs. Cold feet. Lancination in the left lower gums, tightness of the nose, felt even in the jaw. Feelings excited, oppressed, as from some great misfortune. 630. Nervous pain below the bend of the right elbow, descending to the ring- and little fingers, at 10 in the morning. Painful pressure on the left shoulder, which is very sensitive, at 11 in the morning. Beating at the right shoulder. At 11, lancination in the gums and left eye. Stiff neck, the least motion causes a pain in the nape of the neck and gums. 635. Weight at the eyes and in the head. Numbness at the nape of the neck. Sensation as of a bar through the jaws, from .ear to ear, with tightness of the head. Tightness at the root of the nose. .660. The teeth are painful when chewing. Pain in the back, under the right shoulder, accompanied by beatings in the chest. Cold feet at one o’clock. Beatings in the right side of the chest. Heat in the face and drowsy after dinner. 615. Weight at the orbits. Pain in the side, with lancinations in the right breast. Pain in the bend of the right .elbow, worse when moving it. Beating at the lip of the right index-finger. Suffocative oppression, causing her to sigh a good deal. 650. Colic, yawning. Beatings at the tip of the tongue, on the left side. At half past 2, pain in the renal region when sitting. Heat and pain in all the toes. Numb pain from the wrist to the upper part of the right arm. 655. Stiffness and beating in the left side of the neck, especially when moving the head. At half past 8 in the evening, beating in the right orbit, afterwards, in the sides. Beating at the root of the nose. Painful stitches in the right side, hindering breathing. At a quarter past 10, aching and contusive pain in the right side. 660. Pain as from weariness below the right shoulder. Head heavy and dull, the least motion affects her eyes and the region of the orbits. Lancinations in the gums and heat in the face.

Eighth day. At 6, colic and diarrhoea. Lancination in the left breast, at 2 in the evening. 665. Pain in the right renal region. At noon, pimple on the forehead, left side. At 2, beat in the face. At 4, beating in the right, and sometimes left orbit. At 6, painful stitch in the right aide, hindering breathing. 670. At 7, sadness, desire to weep. Rush of blood to the head. Heat in the face. At 10, nosebleed. At 11, cold and clammy feet, while lying down. 675. Hot feet, sometime after.

Ninth day. At 6, pain in the right thigh, high up, at the outer side, causing her to limp. Painful stitch in the left breast. At half past 7, desire to weep, oppression as from some emotion. At half past 8, desire to weep, the least trifle makes her sad; she starts when hearing a door opened suddenly. 680. She is oppressed and breathes heavily. Pain in the right wrist, striking to each finger. Hot face. Great desire to weep, even while singing, followed by oppression, at half past 9 in the morning; she weeps. Acute nervous pain from the shoulder to the left breast. 685. Pain at the bend of the right elbow. Heaviness in the eyes and desire to sleep, at a quarter of one. Beating in the left side of the abdomen. Beating in the pit of the stomach, reverberating in the whole chest. Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. 690. Tight pain above the ears, with numbness of the jaw. Heaviness in the whole head. Lancination in the left lower gums; shortly after, lancination in the upper gums. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Hot face. 695. Loud whizzing in the left ear. Drowsy. Numbness of the gums. Deep sighing, yawning. Mounting of heat to the face, now and then. 700. Pain in the left gums striking to the eye and behind the ear. At one o’clock, heat, no appetite. Lancinations in the gums, reverberating in the whole head. Violent beating at the left temple. Numbness of the left wrist, the whole hand in painful. 705. Acute pain in the left gums, the whole left side of the head is numb. Warm hands and cold sweat, at 3 in the afternoon.

Tenth day. Torpor of the head, with numbness in the upper gums and the muscles of the eye. Pain at the right hip, at one o’clock. Tightness at the epigastrium; her feelings are very much excited, as if some misfortune should happen to her, at 2 in the afternoon. 710. Pain in the right ear. Pain in the left cheek and gums. Beating in the arm and right wrist. Weight at the right orbit, at 3. Little appetite. 715. Cold sweat in the face, at half past 6. Suffocative oppression. Drowsy, at half past 8. Hot face, at 9.

Eleventh day. Restless sleep. 720. Doughy mouth, at 6 in the morning. Inflammation of the left puncta lachrymalis. Pain at the right gums and cheek, at noon. Burning of the cheeks, from one to four.

Twelfth day. Small pimples in the face, at 6 in the morning. 725. Pain in the renal regions, at 9. Weakness of the legs. Beating under the right hip. Pain at the gums, at 11. At 2 in the afternoon, pain and beating under the left shoulder. 730. At 8, small pimples on the chin, itching a good deal. At half past 8 in the evening, colic and cold sweat.

Thirteenth day. Eyes bloated, surrounded by margins. Colic and diarrhoea. Uneasiness when lying down. 735. Leucorrhoea. The period sets in 8 days before its time. Profuse menses. At half past 6, lancination in the left gums. At 7, lancinations in the jaw. 640. Tightness at the root of the nose. Numbness of the right arm. At 9, whizzing in the right ear. Pain and beating on the right shoulder. At 10, beating in the left little finger, thumb and index-finger. 745. Burning at the whole hand. Violent itching at the index-finger, the whole of the left arm is painful, especially the wrist joint. At half past 10, beating pain near the right internal ankle. Hot feet. Toothache, on the left side. 750. At 11, pain and itching at the left foot, violent pain in the whole of the right foot. Violent pain near the inner canthus of the left eye. Pain in the left wrist-joint. Beating in the right index- finger. At noon, bloating of the lower eyelids. 755. Redness on the left side of the nose. Pain in the wrist and bend of the left arm. Contusive pain at the right knee. Pain in the left gums. Pain in the legs as from weariness. 760. At 2, lancinating pain shifting from the knees to the right elbow, then to the shoulder, to the right foot, right wrist, and lastly to the knees. At half past 2, nervous pain in the renal region. Pain behind and in the right ear. Colic. Pain in the left gums, striking to the root of the nose. 765. Pain in the left wrist. Pain as from weariness in the back, near the left shoulder. Whizzing in the right ear. Pain as if her arm were pulled violently. Painful stiffness in the left side of the neck.

Fourteenth day. -770. At half past 6, pain in the wrist. Pain behind the head and in the neck, reverberating in the left gums. Stiff neck. Pain and beating in the elbow, at the right forearm and in the bend of the left elbow. Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder, passing under the arm 775. Painful stitch in the left breast. At noon, the left foot burns, the right foot is cold. Heat and pain at the right index-finger. At half past one, heat at the feet, especially the right foot. Pain at the right little toe. 780. At 2, pain at the tip of the tongue. At 10, pain in the left gums.

Fifteenth day. At 10 in the morning, pain at the gums. Suffocative oppression of the chest. At 9 in the evening, nervous trembling of the right arm.

Sixteenth day. -785. At noon, beating at the right middle and index-finger.

Seventeenth day. Dreams about purchases. At half past 9, pain at the right arm, shifting to the little finger. Pain at the left breast, almost under the shoulder. Numbness of the right wrist. 790. Beating at the right shoulder. Lancination in the left gums. At half past 10, pain in the whole right hand. Pain in the right orbit. Pain at the left wrist and in the whole hand. 795. Pain in extending the left arm. At noon, nervous shuddering. Burning pain with red spot above the right elbow. Nervous pain shifting from the eye to the gums, with beating at the left temple. Violent beating in the left side of the thorax, under the shoulder. 800. Heaviness at the left orbit. Lancinations in the right wrist and thumb. Drowsy, at 2. Numbness of the arm. At 3, pain in the back and chest. 805. Beating at the right temple. Violent pain like a stitch, in the left breast. At 2, slight itching at the knee, below the lower lip, changing to an acute pain when rubbed, which lasts all day.

Eighteenth day. Dreams about mutilated bodies, dead bodies, with the arms cut off. At half past 6, pain under the lower lip, with swelling on the left side, and a large red pimple in the centre of the swelling. 810. At 8, pain and prickling at the right shoulder. Beating above the right knee. At 5, cold feet, hot face.

Nineteenth day. Dreams about children, prisoners being set free. At half past 8, cold feet. 815. At 3, pain in the orbits and forehead. At half past 4, pain at the gums passing to the left eye. Pain at the right wrist, between the thumb and index-finger, also near the bend of the arm. Nervous beating in the left orbit. The skin on the forehead feels stretched. 820. Impatient; she wants to break every thing. Absence of mind at work. She imagines she is alone in the world and lost. Weeping without cause, followed by nervous laugh. Sad, melancholy; she thinks of the future, feels unhappy.

Twentieth day. -825. At one o’clock in the afternoon, sickness at the stomach after eating. Hemicrania, pains all through the head. Drowsy, with nausea. Tightness of the back part of the head. Sharp pain behind the ears. 830. The least thing hurts her, causing horrible pains in the forehead; temples and under the chin. Lancination behind the neck, on the left side. Beating in the left breast. Cold feet. At 5, shuddering all the time. 835. Headache when walking. Horrible pain and beating in the chest. Involuntary closing of the eyelids. Pain in the gums. Internal trembling. 840. Rush of blood to the head; she turns red.

Twenty-first day. From the 11th to the 21st day, profuse menses with leucorrhoea. At half past 2, pain and beating in the left shoulder. At 3, beating in the left side of the head. Drowsy: heaviness of the head.

Twenty-second day. -845. No sleep. Colic with diarrhoea, from the 18th day. Heaviness of the head. From the 23d to the 28th day, horrible colic, every morning, with diarrhoea, and pains in the middle of the back. Nervous, she starts when a chair is moved with a little noise. 850. She turns red, and her chest feels oppressed. Every day, after breakfast, she has an attack of oppression on the chest. Difficult digestion after breakfast; after noon she turns pale.

Thirty-third day. She feels hot at the hands, feet and face, though the hands are cold and clammy to contact; she thinks this is likewise the case with her feet and face. Cold sweat on the face and body.

Thirty-fourth day. -855. The eyes are bloated and smaller. Painful pimples when touched, on the left cheek and at the eyebrows.

Thirty-fifth day. Starting from the least noise. Yawns all the evening.

Thirty-eighth day. Violent pain in the chest, shifting to the left breast, sometimes to the right, especially when moving the arm. 860. Headache.

Thirty-ninth day. Pain and sense of weariness in the renal region. Dreams about travelling and parties. Drowsy at one in the afternoon. Hot face. 865. Coryza. Face dull and dark, with paleness, mottled with red spots. Pain in the renal region, as from falling on the sacrum. Copper taste in the mouth. Pain in left side hindering breathing. 870. Inflammation of the right eye.


MENTAL AND MORAL: 1. Sensation as if floating in the air. Dizziness. She imagines she sees a dead person, and cries. Sensation as if falling to the ground. 5. Sensation as if hanging three feet from the ground. Listless. Absence of mind, he makes mistakes. She imagines she is alone in the world. Laughter with shuddering. 10. Weeping, followed by a nervous laugh. Sad, thinks of the future. Desire to weep, with oppression and tendency to start. Merry, with desire to laugh, followed by shuddering in the head and legs. Depression of spirits. 15. Impatience, because her ideas flow too slowly. Impatience. Peevish. Sadness, despair, he imagines he is abandoned. Thinks of his salvation during a paroxysm. 20. Irritable.

HEAD: Lancinating pain at the top of the head. Beating pain from the occiput to the vertex. Pain in the head, like a weight. Headache down to the eyebrows and eyes. 25. Contractive sensation in the skin of the forehead. Headache as from a nail in the vertex. Aching pain at the forehead and vertex. Headache on the left side. Semilateral headache. 30. Heat about the head. Slight beating at the forehead. Weight at the frontal muscle. Dullness of the head, in the morning. The right half of the head is painfully sensitive. 35. Headache as if a circle were rolling over the forehead. Frontal headache. Dullness of the head, with weight at the orbits. Numbness of the head. The face and head, from the vertex pain her horribly. 40. Tightness at the back of the head. Painful darting in the head, striking to the ear, teeth, and then shifting to the orbit. Pressure at left temple. Heaviness of the head. Tightness of back part of the head. 45. Rush of blood to the head. Beating in left side of head. Headache. Hemicrania. Heaviness of the head. 50. Torpor of the head, with numbness of the upper gums and muscles of the eye.

FACE: Weary look. Burning smarting in the beard, left side. Hot face. Swelling below the zygoma, with sensitiveness to contact. 55. Pale face, with sunken eyes. Beating in the left side of the face. Livid complexion. The face looks weary, Sensation as if the skin of the face were stretched too much. 60. Mottled face, red and pale alternately. Cold sweat in the face. Lancinations all over the face, with tightness proceeding from the temples. Swelling of the right cheek. The left cheek is very red. 65. Cold sweat in the face. Mounting of heat to the face. Burning of the cheeks.

EYES: Bloated eyes. Inflammation of the left eye. 70. Beating in left orbit. Pain in the orbits and forehead. Heaviness at left orbit. Pain shifting from the eye to the gums. Pain in right orbit. 75. Beating in the orbits. Beating in the right orbit, afterwards in the sides. Nervous pain shifting from the orbits to the forehead. Pressure in the orbits as from a severe headache. Sensation as of crumbs in the eyes. N. Redness of the sclerotica, with margins around the eyes, red lids. Weariness of the eyes, with pressure at the superior portion of the orbits. Weak sight. Dimness of sight and prickling in the lids. Beating pressure at the sclerotica. 85. Red eyes, with pale face. Prickling in the eyes. Bloating in the eyes. Sense as of dust in the eyes. Violent pain near the left inner canthus. 90. Inflammation of left puncta lachrymalis. Smarting and itching of the puncta lachrymalis, in the evening, in bed. Burning at right inner canthus. Involuntary closing of the eyelids. Bloating of the lower eyelids. 95. Twitching of left lower eyelid. Itching at the eyelids. Prickling at the margin of the eyelids, in the day-time. Sensation of coldness in the lids when closing them. Beating in the lids. 100. Sparks and zig-zag before the eyes. Dizziness, with waves before the eyes.

EARS: Stoppage of the ears, as if air-bubbles were passing through the left ear. Pain shifting from the left ear to the orbit. Lancinating pains in the ears. 105. Pain in the ear and jaw, followed by pricking in the ear. Pain in the right ear: Tight pain above the ears, with numbness of the jaw. Pain in the right ear. Whizzing in right ear. 110. Sharp pain behind the ears.

NOSE: Dry nose, with itching inside. Redness on the left side of the nose. Redness of the wing of the nose. Beating at the root of the nose. 115. Nosebleed. Tightness at the root of the nose.

TEETH: The teeth and gums are painful when pressed against each other. Short lancinations in the last two molares. Toothache on left side, affecting the eyes. 120. Lancination in left lower gums, with tightness of the nose and jaw. Darting in the gums and left eye. Sensation as of a bar through the jaws, from ear to ear. The teeth are painful when chewing. Lancinations in the jaws. 125. Numbness of the gums. Pain in left gums striking to the eye. Lancinations in the gums, affecting the whole head. Acute pain in the left gums, the whole left side of the head being numb. Pain in the right gums and cheek. 130. Pain in left gums. Toothache on left side. Lancination in the left gums. Swelling of the left lower gums, with toothache.

MOUTH: Beating at the tip of the tongue. 135. Pain at the tip of the tongue. Pricking at the tongue, with flow of water. White-coated tongue. White spots on the tongue. Contraction of the papillae on the tongue, immediately. 140. Pain under the lower lip, with swelling and a red pimple in the centre of it. Fleshy growths on the inner surface of the lips.

GASTRIC: Coppery taste in mouth. Doughy taste every morning, with chocolate-colored sputa and fetid smell. Smoky taste of the water. 145. Violent sensation of hunger early in the morning, with tensive and pressive pain at the stomach. Difficult digestion after breakfast. Sick at the stomach, after eating. Hungry, shortly before a meal. She has to eat to quiet her pain at the stomach. 150.

Hungry after a good meal, Uneasiness after dinner, every day. Loathing and nausea.

STOMACH: Oppression at the stomach, when standing. Uneasiness in the stomach and chest, after standing. 155. Tightness at the stomach, evening, Burning at the stomach. Oppressive pain at the stomach, before and after eating. Pain at the stomach, with oppression, sighs. Beating in pit of stomach, affecting the whole chest.

ABDOMEN: 160. Pain in the renal region as from falling on the sacrum. Pain and feeling of weariness in the renal region. Colic with diarrhoea, also every morning. Colic and cold sweat, or diarrhoea. Pain in the renal region. 165. Tightness at the epigastrium, with excited feelings. Beat-in left side of abdomen. Colic with diarrhoea and shuddering. Twisting colic. Twisting sensation in the groin. 170. Pain in the renal region, with sense of weariness in the sacrum. Sensation as of a plaster in the region of the kidneys. Pain at the loins and on each side of the ovary: Lancinations around the pelvis, extorting cries. Compressive pain in the groin. 175. Painful stitch in the ileo-coecal region, again when stirring. Acute pain in the right kidney, while walking. Tearing sensation in the renal region. Sense of heat in the renal region. Shuddering at the rectum. 180. Constrictive sensation at the anus.

STOOL, URINE: Ineffectual urging to stool. Constipation. Hard stool. Diarrhoea succeeded by weakness of the chest. 185. Fetid stool with white little worms. Lancination in the urethra. Watery urine with a greenish tint. Urine with white sediment. Frequent desire to urinate. 100. Frequent emission of watery urine.

SEXUAL: Nocturnal emission. Distressing erections. Taste of blood in the mouth, during an embrace. Weight in the testicles in walking. 105. Profuse menses with leucorrhoea. Premature and profuse menses. Lancinating pain in the vagina. Compressive pain at the uterus. Lancinating pain in the uterus, in zig-zag. 200. Pain in the uterus as if a sharp instrument were thrust in. Leucorrhoea.

BRONCHIAL, CHEST: Dry cough. Constant sneezing. Dry throat, she has to cough. 205. Suffocative sensation rising to the larynx. Sense of constriction in the upper part of the throat. Sneezing, with discharge of lemon-colored mucus from the nose. Pain behind the right ear and at the larynx as from pressing on a sore. Spitting of blood, with sense of rawness in the throat and the respiratory passages, after talking. 210. Spits blood, coming deep out of the throat. Yellowish, heavy and frothy expectoration. Oppression of the chest, with rush of blood to the larynx, taste of blood, and tearing in the chest. Shifting pain in the chest. Severe pain and beating in the chest. 215. Beating in left breast. Pain in left side, hindering breathing. Stitch- like pain in the left breast. Suffocative oppression of the chest. Painful stitch in the left breast. 220. Deep sighing. Pain from the shoulders to the left breast. Oppressed and heavy breathing. Painful stitch in left breast. Suffocative oppression, with sighing. 225. Darting in left breast. Aching and contusive pain

“Materia Medica” is a term commonly used in the field of homeopathy to refer to a comprehensive collection of information on the characteristics and therapeutic uses of various natural substances, including plants, minerals, and animal products.

One such work is “Materia Medica,” a book written by Benoit Mure, a French homeopath, in the 19th century. The book is considered a valuable resource for homeopaths and is still widely used today.

In “Materia Medica,” Mure provides detailed information on over 100 homeopathic remedies, including their sources, preparation methods, physical and mental symptoms, and indications for use. He also discusses the philosophy and principles of homeopathy, as well as its history and development.

The book is known for its clear and concise writing style, and it has been praised for its accuracy and depth of knowledge. It remains a popular reference for homeopaths and students of homeopathy.

Overall, “Materia Medica” by Benoit Mure is an important work in the field of homeopathy and is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning about the use of natural remedies in the treatment of various health conditions.

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Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the concept of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances that are believed to cause similar symptoms as the illness being treated.

There are many online homoeopathic Materia medica, which are resources that list and describe the properties and uses of different homoeopathic remedies. Some popular online homoeopathic Materia medica include:

Boericke’s Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference guide to homoeopathic remedies, including information on their uses, indications, and dosages.

Clarke’s Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica: A well-respected and widely used reference that includes information on the symptoms that each remedy is used to treat.

Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boer Icke: A popular homoeopathic reference book that provides in-depth information on a wide range of remedies, including their indications, symptoms, and uses.

The Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort: A comprehensive online reference that provides information on remedies, symptoms, and indications, and allows users to search for treatments based on specific symptoms.

There are many writers who have contributed to the development of homoeopathic materia medica. Some of the most well-known include:

Samuel Hahnemann: The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann wrote extensively about the use of highly diluted substances in treating illness. He is best known for his work “Organon of the Medical Art,” which outlines the principles of homoeopathy.

James Tyler Kent: Kent was an American homoeopathic physician who is known for his contributions to homoeopathic materia medica. He wrote “Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica,” which is still widely used today.

William Boericke: Boericke was an Austrian-American homoeopathic physician who wrote the “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.” This book is considered one of the most comprehensive and widely used homoeopathic reference books.

George Vithoulkas: Vithoulkas is a Greek homoeopathic physician and teacher who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “The Science of Homeopathy” and “Essence of Materia Medica.”

Robin Murphy: Murphy is an American homoeopathic physician who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” and “Homeopathic Medical Repertory.”

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