

A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if it would drop.
Worse from lying on the right side, particularly the pain in the region of the liver, or bruised feeling of the intestines.
With every movement a cutting pain in the abdomen, constantly running from left to right.
Colic from lead (in paints, pipes, or otherwise).
Sensation of great weakness or emptiness in the abdomen.
Rhus tox.
Soreness as if beaten in the hypochondriac region, and still more in abdomen, < on the side on which he lies; worse when turning, and < when beginning to move.
Abdominal plethora with feeling of fullness and pressing down, or weight in anus and bladder.
Dull, hard grinding pain in liver in region of gall bladder.
Nux mosch.
Abdomen enormously distended after every meal.
Tenderness of the abdomen is < by the least jar, even of the bed, or chair upon which she sits; she is obliged when walking to walk with the greatest care.
Ars. alb.
Violent burning pains with intolerable anguish.
The bowels feel sore on touching them or weakened by cathartics.
Heaviness or sensation of a load in the abdomen, especially during motion.
Pressure or sticking pain in region of liver.
Carbo veg.
Colic from flatulence; abdomen full to bursting.
Severe colicky pains, mostly around the navel; has to bend double; being worse in any other posture; with great restlessness and loud screaming on changing position; < at intervals of five or ten minutes.
Pressure in abdomen and small of back, as if from a stone, with disposition of lower limbs to go to sleep when sitting; sometimes ineffectual desire for stool.
Abdomen enlarge and puffed; protrudes here and there as if the arm of a foetus; movements and sensation as if something were alive; no pain.
Calc. ost.
Abdomen hard and very much distended; mesentery swollen.
Emptiness and sensation of hollowness in abdomen.
Mag. phos.
Flatulent colic forcing the patient to bend double > from heat, rubbing; spasmodic pains generally
Pains particularly in abdomen and pelvis, come on suddenly, continue violently a longer or shorter time, and disappear as suddenly as they come.
Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing the abdomen against corner of table, hands of bed posts or anything else as pressure > the pains.
Uncomfortable distension of the abdomen, with a wish to belch up, or sensation as though the abdomen were packed full; not in the least > by eructations.
Ant. tart.
Colic as if the bowels would be cut to pieces; labor-like tearing from above downward, and with rumbling and looseness.
Phos. ac.
Meteoric distension of the abdomen with rumbling and gurgling.
Aching in liver extending to spine < in region of gall bladder.
Feeling of bearing down in abdomen and pelvic organs, as though the contents would issue through the vulva.
Ars. alb.
Cutting colic, griping and twisting, especially about the navel, as if the intestines were tied in a knot; flatulent; cold sweat especially on forehead.
Cramp-like pain in the abdomen with actual retraction of the abdominal muscles.
Crot. tig.
Swashing or gurgling in the intestines from water.
Colic as from taking cold, and threatened diarrhoea.
Kali carb.
Fullness, heat and great distension of abdomen immediately after eating a little.
Baryta c.
Abdomen distended and hard; children.
Violent colic, abdomen drawn in, with sensation of a string from navel drawing through to back.
Twisting, sharp cutting pains, in the abdomen, > by straightening out; rumbling and passing of much flatus.
Soreness of the bowels and abdominal walls, < when pressing upon them, or sneezing.
Abdomen distended, hard and tense, excessive distension of the abdomen with meteorism.
Abdomen distended like a drum; flatulence in the hypochondria; cutting sticking colic.
Excessive fullness and distension of the abdomen from flatulence; the flatus collects here and there, in abdomen, hypochondria, back, in region of chest, and ribs, causing tension and bubling, incarcerated, > by eructations or passing wind; continuous rumbling and rolling.
Great distension of the abdomen; flatus all pressing upwards.
Fullness and distension of abdomen, pressing downward toward anus; painful sensitiveness of abdominal walls to touch.
Mag. carb.
Griping, cutting rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by thin, green stools, without tenesmus, stool <.
Nux vom.
Flatulent distension of abdomen after eating.
Hardness and distension of the region of the liver; throbbing, ulcerative pain, increased by contact and motion; formation of abscess.
Feeling of weakness in abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on; heaviness in hypogastrium and rectum.
Flatulent colic, with sensation as if sharp stones rubbed together at every movement.
The pains in abdomen suddenly shift, and appear in distant localities, as fingers, toes, etc.
Sense of coldness in the abdomen.
Pain in the hepatic region and across the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string.
Cup. met.
Spasmodic movements of the abdominal muscles, cramp.
Nux vom.
Sensation of weakness in the inguinal region, as a hernia would occur; or pain as if a hernia would become incarcerated.
Weight; aching distress in the hepatic region; dull pain; heaviness, < lying on right side; turning to left causes a dragging sensation.
Anac. orient.
Pain around the navel, as if a blunt plug were squeezed into the intestines.


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