

Arum tri.
Discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from the nose, excoriating the nostril and upper lip, especially in diphtheria or scarlatina.
Aur. met.
Ulcerated, agglutinated, painful nostrils; cannot breathe through the nose; crusts.
Copious, watery, acrid discharge from the nose, and watering bland discharge from the eyes.
Nux vom.
Nose running through the day, at night stopped up.
Verat. alb.
The nose grows more pointed; seems to be longer; face cold, and sunken.
Coryza, fluid or dry, with loss of taste and smell; sore nostrils; later a yellowish green discharge.
Constantly picking of boring the nose.
Calc. sulph.
Purulent catarrh, discharges yellow, thick and lumpy.
Fluoric acid.
Copious watery discharge from the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.; appearing suddenly.
Nose perfectly dry and stuffed up; child has difficulty in breathing; snuffles.
Nose stopped up, especially at night, cannot breathe through it; excessive dryness (chronic).
Arum tri.
Nose obstructed; must breathe through the mouth.
Aurum met.
Nose inflammed; feeling of soreness, especially when touched; caries of bones, fetid discharge, pain < at night (syphilitic).
Constant sneezing with profuse acrid coryza, when coming into a warm room.
Fan-like motion of the alae-nasi.
Ant. crud.
Sore, cracked, crusty nostrils; corners of the mouth cracked.
Kali bich.
Expired air feels hot in the nose.
Sensation as if nostrils were stopped; blowing nose on sneezing does not remove obstruction; nasal polypi.
Nat. carb.
Much nasal mucus passes through the mouth; hawks and hawks.
Carbo veg.
Severe nosebleed, long continued, or several times daily for weeks; great paleness of the face.
Catarrh with violent paroxysms of sneezing; < in the morning, with tingling in the nose (hay fever).
Ammon. carb.
Nose-bleed in the morning when washing the face.
Nose-bleed in old people, with relaxed circulatory system.
Nose-bleed after mechanical injury.
Cactus g.
Profuse nose-bleed with organic heart disease.
Crotal h.
Nose-bleed, also from all orifices of the body.
Epistaxis of very thick black blood, with cold sweat on forehead, yellowish face, and fainting.
Arum tri.
Nostrils sore and chapped; constant picking at the nose.
Fluent coryza, headache, lachrymation, cough, heat, thirst, trembling of hands, < in evening and in warm room, > in open air.
Carbo veg.
Frequent sneezing; with constant and violent crawling and tickling in the nose.
Nose-bleed; blood bright red and hot, with pressure above the nose.
Epistaxis with a feeling of tightness on bridge of the nose, and crawling pressure in forehead between the eyes. It clears the head and affords relief.
Merc. sol.
Nose-bleed; blood coagulates in the nose and hangs down like an icicle, especially at night.
Epistaxis with anaemic state; singing and ringing in the ears; great paleness of face and fainting.
Epistaxis of bright red blood; congestion of head; febrile action; red face.
Epistaxis in the morning after rising (movement), after being over-heated; vicarious menstruation.
Rhus tox.
Epistaxis at night; during straining at stool; bending forward, or any bodily exertion.
Profuse epistaxis; flow passive; venous; idiopathic or vicarious.
Merc. viv.
Coryza fluent, corrosive, with much swelling, lachrymation, chilliness, sore throat and pains in the bones; epidemic forms, or common colds.
Coryza brought on from a change of hot to cold weather; of summer to autumn, < in open air and at night.
Kali bich.
Ulceration of the septum narium; purulent inflammation of the whole nasal mucous membrane.
Nit. ac.
Stitches as from a splinter in the nose, on touch.
Paroxysm of sneezing in hay fever, especially if < after sleeping.
Frequent blowing of blood in small quantities from the nose.
Green, fetid, nasal discharge; dimished or lost taste and smell; chronic, thick, yellow, bland discharge.
Feeling of fullness and heavy pressure at the root of the nose.
Kali bich.
Pressure or pressive pain at root of nose as from suppressed catarrh.
Eupat. perf.
Coryza with sneezing; aching in every bone.
Kali bich.
Formation of hard plugs in the nostrils, “clinkers”.
Polypus of the nose; easily bleeding.
Bad smell, as of old catarrh, in the nose.
Fluent coryza, long-continued and obstinate; corrosive soreness under the nose and on the margins of nostrils.
Kali bich.
Tough, ropy discharge; often also from posterior nares, offensive or not.
Ars. alb.
Watery coryza; discharge causes burning or smarting of nostrils as if sore.
Nose swollen,red, and oedematous.
Yellow saddle across the nose and upper part of the cheeks, also yellow spots on the face.
Profuse, bland, fluent coryza with scalding tears and aversion to light; worse in the evening and at night.
Rhus tox.
In typhoid fever hemorrhage from the nose after four o’clock in the morning.
Kali bich.
Soreness in the nose, round ulcer or scab on septum.
Profuse epistaxis, > intense congestion to head and face; the face is extremely cold.
Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares, obliging frequent hawking; inspired air feels cold.
Am. carb.
Stoppage of nose, mostly at night; must breathe through the mouth.


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