Heart and Pulse.

Heart and Pulse.


The least motion makes the heart palpitate.
Rhus tox.
Aching of the left arm with disease of the heart.
Nat. mur.
Irregular intermission of the beating of the heart and pulse, especially when lying on the left side.
Violent palpitation of the heart with pain and gasping respiration; awakens in the night with suffocation; dry cough; great alarm and anxiety.
Uncomplicated cardiac disease, especially with numbness of the left arm; tingling in fingers; fainting.
Sensation of constriction in the heart as if an iron hand prevented its normal movement.
Kali carb.
Heart beat intermits; action irregular, tumultuous, weak; stitches through to scapula.
Pulse full and slow with snoring.
Violent (visible and audible) palpitation of the heart, < when bending chest forward; stitches in heart.
Palpitation of the heart; worse when walking, and when lying on the left side; at night.
Lith. carb.
Rheumatic soreness in cardiac region, < stooping, with pains in limbs; finger joints tender and painful.
Globular pulse; feels as though a shot passed under the finger (Gregg).
Violent beating of the heart reverberating through the head.
Nat. mur.
Cold feeling in heart when exerting the mind or mental overexertion.
Oxal. acid.
Heart intermits when thinking of it.
Sudden shocks and jerks in cardiac region.
Cann. sat.
Sensation as of drops falling from the heart.
Affections of heart from rheumatism; anxiety and oppressed breathing; palpitation or slow, irregular, feeble pulse.
Phos. ac.
Palpitation in young persons growing too fast, after onanism.
Pulse much increased in force and frequency, with throbbing of carotid and temporal arteries.
Violent beating of the heart, especially at night; visible and audible, with anguish.
Lith. carb.
Valvular deficiencies, worse from mental agitation, which caused fluttering and trembling of the heart.
Extremely slow pulse with many complaints.
Kali iod.
Weak heart, with horrible smothering feeling.
Sense as if heart would turn over, gasps for breath; > on lying down.
Lil. tig.
Feeling as if the heart contained too much blood, which might me > by throwing it up.
Sense as if the heart would stand still; a deep pain about the heart.
Mag. mur.
Palpitation of the heart, < when quiet or sitting; > when moving about.
Palpitation, due to tobacco, tightness of chest, > by taking inspiration.
Feeling as though the heart would stop beating if she did not move about (reverse Digitalis ).
Nux mosch.
Palpitation, with fainting followed by sleep.
Rhus tox.
Sensation of weakness and trembling in the heart.
Verat. vir.
Heart beats very rapidly, loud, strong, with great general arterial excitement.
Lil. tig.
Heart feels as if squeezed in a vise, or alternately grasped and relaxed.
Violent action of the heart, distinct pulsation over the whole body, especially in back of neck and head.
Amyl nit.
Tumultuous action of the heart, with dyspnoea and the characteristic rush or flush of blood to head and face.
With heart trouble, nervous chill; yet skin is warm, wants to be held that she may not shake so.
Graph. , Kali bich.
Cold sensation around the heart.
Kali brom.
Weak intermittent heart, must be busy with her hands (fidgety hands).
When going to sleep the breath fades away and seems to be gone, the pulse slows or stops, then awakens with a gasp to catch it.
Heart trouble with continuous cough as soon as he lies down.
Palpitation with fear, > by walking slowly about.
Nervous palpitation after great loss of fluids.
Hypertrophy of heart induced by overexertion, as from running, rowing, etc., young men.
Heart feels too large for the cavity; can bear no pressure on throat or chest.
Heart trouble; sitting up causes gasping for breath; > by lying down.
Organic disease, with sympathetic irritative cough.
Arg. nit.
When sitting quietly, thinks her heart stops beating.
Cardiac affections of the aged with dropsy.
Phos. ac.
Palpitation in children and young people who grow too fast; after onanism; or long grieving.
With heart troubles great feeling of suffocation, as if he could never breathe again.
Throbbing in all the blood vessels, “nuns murmer;” anaemic subjects.
Weak heart; on falling asleep breath stops, and he awakens suffocated; is afraid to go to sleep on this account.
Heart action irregular, pulse slow.
Cyanosis neonatorum, face blue, gasping.
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