Neck and Back.
- Staph.
- Pain in small of the back, as if sprained; worse at rest at night, and in the morning, and when rising from a seat.
- Phos.
- Sensitiveness of spinous process of dorsal vertebrae to pressure.
- Nux mosch.
- Pain in sacrum when riding in a carriage.
- Cicuta.
- Back bent forward like an arch.
- Zinc. met.
- Nape of neck feels weary and tired, from writing or any exertion.
- Sepia.
- Much weakness in small of back and sacro-iliac region.
- Agaric.
- Aching along the spine and limbs; column sensitive to touch.
- Lachn.
- Torticollis to right side.
- Cocc.
- Paralytic pain in lower back with weakness of hips, knees and legs.
- Bell.
- Pain in back < on coughing or jarring.
- Rhus tox.
- Lumbago from sleeping on damp sheets, or ground; on getting wet while perspiring; pains, strain, etc., < while at rest; on beginning to move; > when gets in motion and by pressure.
- Actea rac.
- Rheumatic pain in muscles of back and neck, a feeling of stiffness and retraction.
- Helonias.
- Burning and tired feeling in lumbar and sacral regions.
- Plat.
- Numbness in sacrum and coccyx, while sitting.
- Silicea.
- Stiffness in nape of neck, with headache.
- Agaric.
- Painfulness along spinal cord when stooping; every turning motion of the body causes pain.
- Alumina.
- Pain in back as if a hot iron were burst through the lower vertebrae.
- Hyperic.
- Consequence of spinal concussions.
- Puls.
- Pain in small of back, as after long stooping or from a sprain, on motion after sitting.
- Agaric.
- Sensation of ants creeping along spine.
- Cimic.
- Stiff neck from cold air, or from even moving hands.
- Sulph.
- Violent, bruised pain in small of the back and in coccyx, especially when stooping, or rising from seat.
- Rhod.
- Bruised pain in the small of the back, worse at rest and in rainy weather.
- Verat. alb.
- Neck so weak child can scarcely keep it erect (whooping cough).
- Actea rac.
- Server aching pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, down the thighs and through the hips, with heavy pressing down.
- Rhus tox.
- Stiffness and aching, bruised pains in small of back; when sitting still or when lying; better from motion or when lying upon something hard.
- Calc. phos.
- From slight draft of air, rheumatic stiffness of neck.
- Paris quad.
- Nape of neck weary as if great weight were lying upon it.
- Amm. mur.
- Icy coldness in back, especially between shoulders.
- Calc. phos.
- Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if broken or separated.
- Bell.
- Pain in small of back as if it would break. Also lumbar and sacral region.
- Cann. Ind.
- Pain across shoulders and spine, must stoop; cannot walk erect.
- Sabina.
- Drawing pains and dragging in small of back, extending into the pubic region.
- Aesc. hip.
- Constant backache affecting the sacrum and hips; very much aggravated by walking and stooping (Haemorrhoids; Leucorrhoea).
- Canth.
- Pain in loins, kidneys and abdomen, with such pain on urination that he could not pass a single drop without wanting to moan or scream.
- Lycop.
- Severe backache relieved by passing urine.
- Sec. cor.
- Tingling in the back which is numb, extending to the fingers and toes.
- Chel.
- Constant pain under lower, inner angle of right scapula.
- Lycop.
- Red, sandy sediment in the urine, after backache.
- Coccul.
- Weakness of cervical muscles; unable to support head.
- Berberis.
- Bruised pain, with stiffness and lameness in small of back; rises from seat with difficulty.
- Nat. mur.
- Pain in the back as if broken, relieved by lying on something.
- Sepia.
- Pain in back and small of back; particularly with stiffness; improved by walking.
- Lyc.
- Burning as from hot coals between the scapulae, < in summer.
- Rhus tox.
- Pains in back compelling to move constantly in bed.
- Nux mos.
- Pains in back while riding in carriage; also sacrum.
- Nux vom.
- Labor-like pains in back with urging to stool.
- Berberis.
- Backache in region of kidneys; worse while sitting or lying, and in the morning in bed.
- Sepia.
- Aching and dull pain in lumbar and sacral regions, extending to thighs and legs.
- Zinc.
- Pain in back worse when sitting; cannot keep feet still.
- [Cobalt.]
- Aching pains in small of back, or in spine, worse while sitting, better on rising, walking or lying down.
- Kali carb.
- Backache, sweating, weakness, after abortion, metorrhagia, a week before menstruation; when eating, while walking feels as if must give up and lie down.
- Lobel.
- Extreme sensitiveness of sacrum; can’t bear least touch; sits leaned forward to avoid contact of chair or cushion.
- Rhus tox.
- Lameness in back as if strained or after straining.
- Calc. carb.
- Easily over-strained from over-lifting, neck becomes stiff and rigid. Especially from working in water like ditching.
- Calc. fluor.
- Lumbago from strains, pains < after rest > moving a little (after Rhus fails).
- Phos.
- Burning heat running up the back and between shoulders.
- Kali carb.
- Backache extending into gluteal muscles and thighs, or down legs.
- Sepia.
- Weakness and tired pain in small of back when walking.
- Aesc. hip.
- Constipation; large stool voided with difficulty and followed for hours with severe pain in back, lumbar sacral region.
- Kali carb.
- Pain in back at 3 a. m., driving out of bed.
- Sulph.
- Pain in back < when standing.
- Silic.
- Pain in cervical region extending up to vertex.
- Berb.
- Backache extending to pelvis and posterior portion of thighs.
- Nux vom.
- Backache < on turning the body. Must sit up to turn over in bed.