Constitution and Temperament

Constitution and Temperament

Nux vom.
Fiery, excited temperament, thin, irritable, choleric persons, with dark hair, and those who have made prolonged mental exertions, or those of sedentary habits.
Scrofulous children, large bellies and weak ankles, and much sweat about the head.
Calc. ost.
Scrofulous, tubercular and rachitic subjects, inclined to be fat.
Phos. ac.
In children and young people who grow too fast.
Especially applicable to plethoric persons, sanguine, with tendency to congestions to head, heart or chest, dark hair, rigid fibre.
Haemorrhagic diathesis.
Calc. ost.
Growing too fat and thick, with young persons.
Kali carb.
Suitable for aged persons, anaemic, rather obese, with lax fibre.
Especially suitable to nervous hysterical females, of a mild but easily excited nature; also, nervous children.
Arg. nit.
We think of this remedy on seeing a withered, dried-up person made so by disease.
Hypersensitiveness, particularly of those in whom the nervous system predominates; hysterical women.
For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stooped; walk stooping like old men.
Especially suitable to children with worm affections.
Nit. ac.
Lean persons of rigid fibre, dark swarthy complexion, dark hair and eyes.
Ferr. met.
In persons who, though weak and nervous, have a fiery red face, or the pale face flushes easily; chlorotic women.
Adapted to women with dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition, particularly during pregnancy, child-bed or while nursing.
Agn. cast.
In “old sinners” who have frequently had clap and are impotent.
Carbo. veg.
In persons whose vital powers are low, from bad effects of exhausting diseases; who have never fully recovered since; venous system predominant.
Dry, thin, withered subjects and in old people, infancy (constipation), puberty (chlorosis).
Amm. carb.
Delicate women who must always have a smelling bottle at hand.
Zinc. met.
In anaemic subjects, brain exhaustion; not able to develop; exanthema.
Nat. sul.
Hydrogenoid constitution; always worse in wet weather.
Suitable for old men, old maids, women with tight, rigid fibre; scrofulous and cancerous people; children prematurely old.
Actea rac.
In rheumatic, neuralgic, choreic, and other affections of hysterical females; from irritation of the generative organs.
Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to shedding of tears.
Baryta Carb.
Especially suitable for old people, dwarfs, scrofulous children, especially those who have swelling and inflammations, acute or chronic, from the least cold.
In plethoric lymphatic constitutions, who are jovial and happy when well,but violent when sick.
Kali bich.
Especially useful in fat, light haired persons, fat chubby children.
In old people with indolent circulation, or drunkards, especially of their headaches.
Arthiritic and rheumatic affections, particularly with urinary complications.
Psoric constitutions, especially when other remedies fail to permenantly improve; lack of reaction.
Over-sensitive; imperfectly nourished, not from want of food taken, but from imperfect assimilation.
Nux vom.
Debauchers who are think and irritable.
Tall, slender, slim women, fair skin, blonde.
Calc. ost.
Children, self-willed, inclined to grow very fat; adapted to scrofulous, weakly, and debilitated constitutions, with yellow complexions; psoric.
Light hair, lax fibre, fleshy, fat, croupy tendency.
Nux vom.
With very particular, careful, zealous persons inclined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful, malacious disposition.
Calc. ost.
Leucophlegmatic temperament.
Women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachetic appearance, lax muscular fibre, everything seems loose and open, vessels flabby, passive haemorrhages.
Nit. ac.
Persons suffering from chronic disease who take cold easily, and are disposed to diarrhoea.
Haemorrhagic diathesis; blood flows from eyes, ears, nose and every orifice of the body; bloody sweat.
Eupat. perf.
Adapted to diseases of old people, worn out constitutions, especially of inebriates.
Persons of keen intellect, but feeble muscular development; upper part of body wasted, lower part semi-dropsical.
Kali carb.
Adapted to aged people of lax fibre, dropsy or paralysis.
Scrofulous diathesis; dark hair and eyes; low cachetic condition, with profound debility and great emaciation.
Kali iod.
Scrofulous patients, especially if syphilis or mercurialization is super-added.
Women at climacteric, haemorrhoids, haemorrhages, hot flushes, burning vertex, headaches, especially after cessation of the flow.
Inclined to unhealthy corpulence, with sometimes deformed nails, and eruptions on the skin exuding a thick, glutinous fluid.
Dark haired persons with rigid fibre, psoric constitutions, suffering from long ago suppressions of skin diseases.
Aurum. met.
Broken down constitutions from syphilis and Mercury.
The leading anti-psoric.
The leading anti-syphilitic.
The leading anti-sycotic.
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