Hip-Joint Diseases
(Tubercular inflammation in or around the hip joint, caused by an infection or imbalance of
mineral salts in the joint tissues; abscess formation may occur with swelling of the limbs and
some febrile disturbances. Complete rest, adequate nutrition, and sunshine exposure
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: For fever, pain, throbbing and inflammation, five tablets should be
given every hour for 2/3 days.
2) Kali Mur 6x: In the second stage, when there is swelling, but before pus forms, to be
given every two hours, and may be alternated with Ferrum Phos.
3) Calcarea Phos 6x: In the third stage, to prevent further destruction of bone and promote
new bone formation, five tablets to be given four times a day for a month or two..
4) Silicea 6x: It is needed to control suppuration, to prevent burning pains and to heal the
limbs. It may be given four times a day for some days.