A volatile acid obtained chiefly from butter

Head.–Worries over trifles; impulsive thoughts of suicide; constant state of fear and nervousness. Headache makes him apprehensive about trifles; worse going upstairs or rapid motion. Dull, hazy ache of head.

Stomach.–Poor appetite. Much gas in stomach and bowels. Cramps in pit of stomach, worse at night. Stomach feels heavy and overloaded. Cramp in abdomen below umbilicus. Bowels irregular. Stool accompanied by pain and straining.

Back.–Tired feeling and dull pain in small of back, worse walking. Pain in ankles and up back of leg. Pain low down in back and extremities.

Sleep.–Pronounced sleeplessness; dreams of serious nature while asleep.

Skin.–Perspiration on slight exertion. Profuse, offensive sweat of feet. Crumbling away of finger-nails.

Modalities.–Worse, at night, fast walking, going upstairs.

Dose.–Third attenuation.

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