Datura stramonium. Thorn-apple. Jamestown-weed. Stink-weed. (Grows in vicinity of cultivation on rank soil where refuse is deposited in all parts of the world.) N. O. Solanaceae. Tincture of fresh plant in flower and fruit.
Clinical.-Anasarca (after scarlatina). Aphasia. Apoplexy. Burns. Catalepsy. Chordee. Chorea. Delirium tremens. Diaphragmitis. Ecstasy. Enuresis. Epilepsy. Erotomania. Eyes, affections of. Headache; from sun. Hiccough. Hydrophobia. Hysteria. Lochia, offensive. Locomotor ataxy. Mania. Meningitis. Nymphomania. Å’sophagus, spasm of. Scarlatina. Stammering. Starting. Strabismus. Sunstroke. Tetanus. Thirst. Tremors. Trismus. Typhus.
Characteristics.-The first to use Stram. in medicine, according to Teste, was Stoerck, who was one of Hahnemann’s predecessors Stoerck first tried it in mental alienation, because it was supposed to produce “a marked and persistent disorder of the mental faculties.” Hahnemann proved it, and introduced it into the homoeopathic materia medica. In his introduction to the remedy he points out that, though it produces many uncomfortable symptoms, it does not in its primary effects cause actual pain. Hahnemann attached a good deal of importance to this. “Stram.,” he says, “allays some spasmodic movements, and restores suppressed excretions in several cases in which absence of pain is a prominent symptom.” In addition to the absence of pain there is with Stram. (and in many mental cases) an extreme muscular mobility. This mobility affects muscles of expression and muscles of locomotion. The movements of Stram. are generally gyratory and graceful when they occur in the arms. The forms of mania specially mentioned by Teste as calling for Stram. are: Nymphomania of lying-in women. Certain forms of religious monomania, in exaggerated and ridiculous scruple of conscience. Fixed notion that some unpardonable sin has been committed (which the patient is nevertheless unable to remember); that he is possessed of the devil. Hallucinations. The delirium of Stram. is for the most part terrifying. It corresponds exactly to many cases of delirium tremens. Visions of animals enter largely into it. In a case of severe pleuro-pneumonia of right side, supervening on scarlatina, the patient, a young man, said he saw a large black dog about the room. This led me to give Stram., which rapidly altered the whole case for the better, including the pneumonia, and resolved a situation of no little anxiety. Stram. is also called for in congestions without actual inflammation, but with high mental exaltation and furious delirium and little or no fever; without pain but with some coma. J. Emmons Briggs (New Eng. M. Gaz., xxx. 151) relates this case of poisoning: Briggs had an urgent call to see James M., 4, in “convulsions.” He found him lying on the bed in a state of wild delirium, requiring the constant combined efforts of two people to keep him in bed. Face exceedingly flushed; expression becoming in rapid alternation pleasant and anxious. Pupils widely dilated; iris scarcely visible, giving the eye a very brilliant appearance. Marked convergent strabismus, skin hot and dry, resembling scarlatina eruption. Abdomen tense. The most alarming symptom was rapidly recurring convulsions with twitching of the arms and lower limbs. Thirty or forty of these spasms occurred in rapid succession, followed by a moment during which the countenance brightened and seemed at rest, only to be followed in an instant by a series of clonic contractions. Grasping at imaginary objects before the eyes, when expression frequently became anxious, as if the patient was trying to ward off imaginary foes. At times the mind was very active, and the patient talked rapidly and incoherently. Between the spasms laughter and crying frequently occurred. The boy, it transpired, had been chewing a Thorn-apple. When he came home he seemed rather dazed, and vomited. He then threw himself on the sofa and slept very soundly till he awoke in the convulsions. The boy recovered under Kali bro. in five-grain doses, though it was with great difficulty that he was made to swallow. This difficulty of swallowing is a marked feature of Stram., and with the intense thirst, delirium, and hallucinations completes the picture of many cases of hydrophobia. Another symptom indicating it here is “< by bright light, mirror or surface of water.” S. A. Jones (quoted A. H., xxii. 410) relates the case of a little girl with brain symptoms for whom he had prescribed a remedy. The report was brought late at night, that the patient was much worse. “She vomits,” said the father, “if she even raises her head from the pillow.” The vomit was green. Jones found this under Stram. by aid of the Cypher Repertory. He gave Stram., and the next morning the case was entirely changed for the better. Acting on this analogue, Jones also cured a “vomiting of green stuff always induced by bright light.” On the other hand, the Stram. patient is dependent on light and company; cannot walk in the dark (hence it is indicated in locomotor ataxy); and going through railway tunnels without a light in the carriage may cause fainting. Some of the head-movements of Stram. are characteristic: Continually jerks head up from pillow; head bent back; boring head into pillow. The twitchings of single muscles and the squint mark Stram. as the remedy for many cases of chorea. I find it correspond to about an equal proportion with Agaricus; and when there is fright in the causation Stram. will almost certainly avail. Stram. has a relation to the hip-joints, and Stram. has cured both coxalgia and morbus coxae (left). This is accompanied by very severe pain, and is one exception to the “painlessness” of Stram. affections. The effect of Stram. on the secretions is to suppress them; and this makes Stram. an excellent remedy in many cases of illness due to suppressed secretions-menses, lochia, sweat, eruptions. Stram. causes high fever with rashes, some scarlet, like scarlatina; petechiae; spots on the arms like flea-bites; vesications; and it corresponds also to burns and scalds. Stram. 30 caused the face of a boy to whom I gave it to swell and come out in blotches soon after commencing the remedy. (I have seen Dulc. 30 produce furfuraceous rash on the face in the same way.) In a case of mine Stram. relieved an extensive eczematous eruption which came on after a fright. As a result of suppressions convulsions occur. These may be general, or they may be partial or choreic. The convulsant, spasmodic properties of Stram. are shown in the respiratory sphere in constriction of the chest, asthmatic symptoms, and cough of the whooping-cough type. The common practice of smoking Stramonium leaves for asthma is roughly homoeopathic. Peculiar Sensations of Stram. are: As if spinning or weaving. As if objects were smaller than they really are. As if dizzy. As if he had no limbs. As if drunk. Head as if drawn backward. Starts as if a shock of electricity had been passed through her body. As if eyes were forced out. As of sparks of fire rushing from stomach to eyes. Eyelids as if swollen, or as if oppressed with sleep; as of wind rushing out of ears. As if sawing cheek-bone; as if a hole were there and the brain were touched. As if nose were shifted. As if pins and needles were in forehead. As if he was seeking something. As if bones were sawed through. As if front teeth would fall out. Teeth as if pressed together. Moving fingers as if searching for something. Cries as if from sight of hideous objects. As if lips would grow together. Inner mouth as if raw. Soft palate as if drawn down. As of boiling water in throat. As if a ball were wedged in throat. As if falling. As if he would vomit. As if navel were to be torn out. Abdomen as if puffed up. As if abdomen were expanded to extremest degree. As if urine could not be passed on account of narrowness of urethra. As if a cylindrical body were being passed through urethra. As if he had not power to close neck of bladder. As if very tall. As if something turned round in chest. Limbs feel as if gone to sleep. As if parts of limbs were completely separated from body. Hands and feet as if loose in joints. As if cold water were poured down back. Stram. is an ill-smelling plant, and the discharges and secretions it causes are often foul and even cadaveric in odour. Stram. is Suited to: Ailments of young, plethoric persons; especially of children (chorea, mania, fever, delirium). The symptoms are: < By touch; by pressure. Motion pulsating heat of vertex; in evening prosopalgia in l. cheek; = cutting pain in sternum. Lying on side < vertigo. Warmth >. Wind In company. < Looking at shining objects, water, &c. < Sun. Great desire for acids; citric acid >.
Relations.-Antidoted by: Lemon-juice, Vinegar, Tobacco injections; Senna for cerebral symptoms; Bell., Hyos., Nux; and “Particularly Camphor” (Teste). Antidote to: Merc., Pb. Follows well: Cupr., Bell. Incompatible: Coffea. Compare: Metrorrhagia, from retained placenta with characteristic delirium, Sec. (Sec. often acts when Stram. fails), Pyro. (with fever and septic tendency). Delirium, Bell., Lach., Agar., Cupr., Zn. Illusions of shape, Bapt., Petr., Thuj. Erysipelas, Bell., Rhus. Stuttering; unable to combine consonants with vowels, Bov. Bright light = convulsions, K. bro. > Light, Stro. Hiccough, Ign. (< after eating, smoking, emotions), Ver. (after hot drinks). Hears voices from far off talking to him; behind him, Anac. Body bathed in hot sweat. Op. Gyrating movements (Hyo., angular). Loquacity, Cup., Hyo., Lach., Op., Ver. Hands constantly on genitals, Zn. Laughs and weeps by turns, Aur., Pul., Alm., Lyc., Caps., Graph., Phos., Sep., Sul., Ver. Tetanic convulsions < touch and light, Nux (Stram. with mania; Nux, mind clear). Desire to escape in delirium, Bell., Bry., Op., Rhus, Hydrophobia, Hfb. Painlessness, Op. Sleepy, but cannot sleep, Bell., Cham., Op. < After sleep, Apis, Lach., Op., Spo. Objects appear small, Plat. Night-blindness, Bell., Nux.
Causation.-Shock. Fright. Sun. Childbirth. Suppressions.
1. Mind.-[The principal range of this remedy is found in the mental affections.-In young people who are sometimes hysterical, showing the following condition: praying and singing devoutly, beseeching, entreating, &c.-Young women with suppressed menses may be affected in this manner.-In some kinds of fevers, where the patients can’t bear solitude or darkness, if they are left alone or are in a dark room, the mental affections are very much by any sort of drink.-Paralysis of pharynx and oesophagus.-Contracting, tearing in throat; sensation as if a ball were lodged in throat.-Twitching of pomum Adami, up and down movement as in swallowing (R. T. C.).-Spasm of oesophagus.
10. Appetite.-Loss of taste.-Food tastes only of sand, or straw (or has no taste at all).-Violent thirst (for large quantities, drinking with avidity).-Violent thirst, esp. for acid drinks.-Constant bitterness in mouth, with bitter taste of food.-Burning thirst, generally with dread of water and all liquids.
11. Stomach.-Risings, with sour taste.-Nausea.-Watery vomiting, with colic and diarrhoea.-Vomiting of mucus, which is greenish, or of a sour smell.-Vomiting of green bile after slight exercise.-Convulsive hiccough.-Pain in stomach, with smarting or pressive sensation.-Anxietas precordium, with obstructed respiration.-(Inflammation of stomach.).-Diaphragmitis; delirium; burning along diaphragm; short-breathed; spasms; struggles against the water offered.
12. Abdomen.-Abdomen painful when touched.-Abdomen distended, not hard.-Abdomen inflated, hard, distended.-Contusive pain in abdomen during movement.-Violent pains in abdomen, as if navel were being torn out.-Hysterical spasms in abdomen.-Swelling of inguinal glands.-Borborygmi and fermentation in abdomen.-Expulsion of much flatus.
13. Stool and Anus.-Constipation (unsuccessful urging to go to stool).-Tenesmus.-Fetid faeces (painless) of a corpse-like smell.-Diarrhoea, with pain and borborygmi in the abdomen.-Discharge of coagulated blood from anus.-Suppression of both stool and urine.-(Stools passed unconsciously and very frequently loose, with mental derangement.-R. T. C.)
14. Urinary Organs.-Suppression of secretion of urine (in typhus).-Emission of urine, drop by drop, with frequent want to urinate.-Involuntary emission of urine.-Urine: profuse flow; sudden; and burning.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Lasciviousness (exalted sexual desire in both sexes).-Constant uncovering of genitals; indecent talk.-Priapism.-Scrotum oedematous.-Testes retracted, penis erect as in chordee.-Onanism, causing epilepsy.-Impotence.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Nymphomania.-Increased catamenia, with discharge of large masses of coagulated black blood.-(Menses too profuse and attended with headaches.-R. T. C.).-Increased sexual desire.-Metrorrhagia (with characteristic mental symptoms).-Eclampsia.-During catamenia, fetid smell from body, great loquacity, drawing pains in abdomen and thighs.-Sobs and moaning after catamenia.-Too profuse secretion of milk in nursing women.-During pregnancy: mania; faceache; is full of strange fancies.-Cadaverous odour of lochia; she is full of strange fancies and visions.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Voice: hoarse and croaking; high, fine, squeaking; indistinct.-(Sudden aphonia in hysterical girl just recovering from chorea.-R. T. C.).-Twitching of pomum Adami.-Constrictions of larynx.-Periodically returning attacks of painless, barking, spasmodic cough, in fine, shrieking tone, from constriction of larynx and chest, without expectoration.-Voice loud and bawling.-Want of breath.-Difficult (hurried or) sighing respiration.-Suffocating obstruction of respiration.-Oppression with desire for open air.-(Asthma continually recurring, with some gouty tendency: attacks < at night.-R. T. C.).-Dyspnoea on waking up every morning, cold winds catch her breath, “can cough at any time” (much relief.-R. T. C.)
18. Chest.-Constrictive oppression on chest (with dyspnoea).-Pressure on chest, < by speaking.-Sensation, as if something were turning over in chest.-Spasm in pectoral muscles.-Red rash on chest.
19. Heart and Pulse.-Pressure about heart.-Angina pectoris.-For a week after single dose of Ø felt as if heart beat insufficiently, and had a suffocating feeling in throat (R. T. C.).-Palpitation.-Pulse rapid, full, strong; irregular, hard, slow, small, frequent.
20. Neck and Back.-Neck stiff, cannot bend head backward.-Pain in nape, from neck over head.-Sensitiveness along spine.-Pain as of a fracture in back, when moving.-Drawing and tearing in the back and loins.-Spine sensitive; slightest pressure = outcries and ravings.-Drawing pains in middle of spine; in sacrum.-Opisthotonos (with distorted countenance).
21. Limbs.-Twitching of hands and feet; of the tendons.-Trembling of limbs; they fall asleep.
22. Upper Limbs.-Convulsive movements of arms, above head.-Convulsive movements of arms and hands; carphologia.-Contractive pain in arm, with acute lancinations in forearm.-Distortion of hands.-Clenched fists.-Cramps in hands.-Trembling of hands.-Numbness of fingers.
23. Lower Limbs.-Coxalgia, l. hip; violent, distracting pain when abscesses form.-Pain in muscle of outer side of r. hip.-Morbus coxae, l.-Drawing pains in thighs.-Jerking in legs, as from a shock, with retraction.-Drawing pains in thighs.-Bending of legs when walking (he falls over his own legs).-Trembling of feet.-Contractive cramps in feet.
24. Generalities.-Face red and bloated.-Cannot walk or keep on the feet in a darkened room. is sure to fall.-Restlessness of the body; staggering when walking; pithy, numb feeling of outer parts.-Complaints concomitant to morbid sleep.-< During perspiration; after sleep, when first awakens from sleep will shrink away as if in fear; in the dark; in solitude.-> In company.-The Stram. patient longs for light; if lying down, longs to sit up, and dislikes having head on pillow.-Spasmodic, drawing, paralytic pains in muscles and joints of limbs.-Contractive cramp in limbs.-Tingling in the limbs.-Sensation as if limbs were separated from body.-Slow contraction and extension of limbs.-Attacks of cramps of different kinds.-Tetanus.-Opisthotonos (the body is bent backwards with distorted countenance).-Cramps, and other hysterical sufferings.-Stiffness and contraction of several of the limbs.-Attacks of cataleptic stiffness in body, with loss of consciousness, preceded by headache with vertigo.-Easy movement, or great heaviness, of limbs.-Involuntary motions; hydrophobia.-Excessive aversion to liquids.-Convulsions, which resemble St. Vitus’ dance.-Convulsions (in children) with profuse perspiration followed by sleep.-The movement of the muscles subject to the will is easier and increased.-Convulsive jerking of limbs, with weeping.-Convulsive movements and jerks, esp. on touching, or fixing the eyes on brilliant objects (such as a candle, a mirror, or water), or else appearing periodically.-Convulsions, as in epilepsy, but without loss of consciousness.-Puerperal convulsions.-Syncope, with stertorous breathing.-Unconscious snoring; jaws hang down; hands and feet twitch; pupils dilated.-Trembling of limbs (also in drunkards).-Tottering of limbs, when walking, and when standing upright.-Paralysis, sometime, after an attack of apoplexy.-(General paralysis of insane.-R. T. C.).-Symptoms as from old age, sight becomes dim, has to use glasses, mind gets weak, cannot complete sentences, avoids people and suspects them; wakes with r. arm over his head and cannot get it down again (produced.-R. M. Theobald.).-Weakness, with necessity to lie down.-Suppression of all secretions and excretions.-Painlessness with most all ailments.-Movements hurried.-Restlessness and nervousness beyond description.-Whole body sensitive to touch and every movement
“Materia Medica” is a term commonly used in the field of homeopathy to refer to a comprehensive collection of information on the characteristics and therapeutic uses of various natural substances, including plants, minerals, and animal products.
One such work is “Materia Medica,” a book written by Benoit Mure, a French homeopath, in the 19th century. The book is considered a valuable resource for homeopaths and is still widely used today.
In “Materia Medica,” Mure provides detailed information on over 100 homeopathic remedies, including their sources, preparation methods, physical and mental symptoms, and indications for use. He also discusses the philosophy and principles of homeopathy, as well as its history and development.
The book is known for its clear and concise writing style, and it has been praised for its accuracy and depth of knowledge. It remains a popular reference for homeopaths and students of homeopathy.
Overall, “Materia Medica” by Benoit Mure is an important work in the field of homeopathy and is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning about the use of natural remedies in the treatment of various health conditions.
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Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the concept of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances that are believed to cause similar symptoms as the illness being treated.
There are many online homoeopathic Materia medica, which are resources that list and describe the properties and uses of different homoeopathic remedies. Some popular online homoeopathic Materia medica include:
Boericke’s Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference guide to homoeopathic remedies, including information on their uses, indications, and dosages.
Clarke’s Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica: A well-respected and widely used reference that includes information on the symptoms that each remedy is used to treat.
Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boer Icke: A popular homoeopathic reference book that provides in-depth information on a wide range of remedies, including their indications, symptoms, and uses.
The Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort: A comprehensive online reference that provides information on remedies, symptoms, and indications, and allows users to search for treatments based on specific symptoms.
There are many writers who have contributed to the development of homoeopathic materia medica. Some of the most well-known include:
Samuel Hahnemann: The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann wrote extensively about the use of highly diluted substances in treating illness. He is best known for his work “Organon of the Medical Art,” which outlines the principles of homoeopathy.
James Tyler Kent: Kent was an American homoeopathic physician who is known for his contributions to homoeopathic materia medica. He wrote “Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica,” which is still widely used today.
William Boericke: Boericke was an Austrian-American homoeopathic physician who wrote the “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.” This book is considered one of the most comprehensive and widely used homoeopathic reference books.
George Vithoulkas: Vithoulkas is a Greek homoeopathic physician and teacher who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “The Science of Homeopathy” and “Essence of Materia Medica.”
Robin Murphy: Murphy is an American homoeopathic physician who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” and “Homeopathic Medical Repertory.”