Triosteum perfoliatum. Fever-wort. Horse-gentian. N. O. Caprifoliaceae (Tribe, Lonicereae). Tincture of fresh root.
Clinical.-Asthma. Backache. Fever; gastric. Headache; bilious. Influenza. Infra-mammary pain. Joints, stiff. Typhoid. Urticaria.
Characteristics.-Triost. is an energetically acting drug, and has been proved by Williamson, Neidhard, Gatchell, and; other experienced provers. The name “fever-wort” tells its traditional reputation. Hale says it is one of the ingredients of the “fever powder” of the eclectics. Talmadge, one of the provers, found it of great value in typhoid and gastric fevers. It produced acute rheumatic symptoms and an intense urticaria. Talmadge says of the effect on himself: “It acted promptly and emphatically, causing aching pains in nearly every part of the body, especially of lower limbs and head.” The right side of the head was more affected than the left. The stomach was very much disordered. The vomiting and pain in the stomach were very severe. At the anus there was itching and exudation of mucus. A peculiar concomitant of the evacuations was: numbness of the lower limbs after stool. Many symptoms came on in the early morning hours. One prover, though sleepy, could not sleep after midnight. The symptoms were: < Early morning, 3, 4, 5, and 7 a.m. < Sitting up; rising from bed; turning in bed; lying. < After sleep. < Drinking cold water.
Relations.-Gastric fever, Bapt. Rheumatism, Bry., Rhus. Load at epigastrium, Ab. n. Sleepy but cannot sleep, Bell.
1. Mind.-Greater cheerfulness.-Dulness and drowsiness, with disinclination for active business.
2. Head.-Giddiness when rising at midnight, with extreme drowsiness.-Headache < sitting up.-Headache < r. forehead and r. temple.-Boring pain in r. temple 3 a.m.-Pain back of head with feeling of weight.
3. Eyes.-Slight pain in l. eyeball.
5. Nose.-Sneezing.
8. Mouth.-Soreness as if from swelling of pharynx, and pain in oesophagus on swallowing.
11. Stomach.-Increased appetite through day.-Loathing of all food.-Thirst.-Nausea; on rising, which was immediately followed by copious vomiting of very sour ingesta, attended with cramp in stomach and followed by sweat and pain in forehead which was < l. side.-Vomiting: 5 am. on rising to stool; drawing in calves.-Load and oppression in epigastrium 4 a.m., throbbing and undulating sensation all through system.-Pain in epigastrium, < by drinking water.-Soreness in epigastric region.
12. Abdomen.-Flatulence confined to stomach.-Sharp pains in bowels and stomach.-Heat and sharp pain in r. side of abdomen in evening.-The evacuations seemed to proceed from small intestines.
13. Stool and Anus.-Irritation of anus with exudation of mucus.-Stools most frequent in evening.-Stool 7 a.m. preceded by pain in abdomen.-Stool: watery, frothy, without pain, followed by exhaustion; at 7 a.m. followed by numbness of lower limbs.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Discharge of semen during sleep without erection.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Asthmatic troubles.
19. Heart.-Audible beating of heart and slight pain under l. breast.
20. Neck and Back.-Pain in nape with perspiration.-Pain in nape and back.-Pain in nape and occiput with coldness and stiffness in feet.-Rheumatic pain in back from stooping.-Pain and stiffness in loins (l. side).
21. Limbs.-Stiffness in all joints of her upper and lower limbs.
22. Upper Limbs.-Pain in r. shoulder from lying on it.
23. Lower Limbs.-Remarkable stiffness in lower limbs, with slight coldness and tingling sensation.-Stiffness in knees when attempting to rise.-Pain in r. knee.-Drawing and shrinking sensation in legs; most decided pricking in soles.-Calves numb.-Penetrating pain under and behind l. external malleolus, after sleeping.-Stiffness of all joints when lying.
24. Generalities.-Aching in all bones.-Acted promptly and energetically, causing aching pains in nearly every part of the body, esp. lower limbs and head.
25. Skin.-Vesicular eruption on forehead, over l. eye, on middle of chest, and on r. arm.-Violent itching eruption on skin.-Great itching at night with welts all over surface.
26. Sleep.-Sleepiness with inability to sleep soon after midnight.
27. Fever.-Coldness and stiffness in the feet.-Fever.-Drying up of perspiration and development of fever, with hot skin and increased thirst.-General sweat.
“Materia Medica” is a term commonly used in the field of homeopathy to refer to a comprehensive collection of information on the characteristics and therapeutic uses of various natural substances, including plants, minerals, and animal products.
One such work is “Materia Medica,” a book written by Benoit Mure, a French homeopath, in the 19th century. The book is considered a valuable resource for homeopaths and is still widely used today.
In “Materia Medica,” Mure provides detailed information on over 100 homeopathic remedies, including their sources, preparation methods, physical and mental symptoms, and indications for use. He also discusses the philosophy and principles of homeopathy, as well as its history and development.
The book is known for its clear and concise writing style, and it has been praised for its accuracy and depth of knowledge. It remains a popular reference for homeopaths and students of homeopathy.
Overall, “Materia Medica” by Benoit Mure is an important work in the field of homeopathy and is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning about the use of natural remedies in the treatment of various health conditions.
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Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the concept of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances that are believed to cause similar symptoms as the illness being treated.
There are many online homoeopathic Materia medica, which are resources that list and describe the properties and uses of different homoeopathic remedies. Some popular online homoeopathic Materia medica include:
Boericke’s Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference guide to homoeopathic remedies, including information on their uses, indications, and dosages.
Clarke’s Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica: A well-respected and widely used reference that includes information on the symptoms that each remedy is used to treat.
Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boer Icke: A popular homoeopathic reference book that provides in-depth information on a wide range of remedies, including their indications, symptoms, and uses.
The Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort: A comprehensive online reference that provides information on remedies, symptoms, and indications, and allows users to search for treatments based on specific symptoms.
There are many writers who have contributed to the development of homoeopathic materia medica. Some of the most well-known include:
Samuel Hahnemann: The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann wrote extensively about the use of highly diluted substances in treating illness. He is best known for his work “Organon of the Medical Art,” which outlines the principles of homoeopathy.
James Tyler Kent: Kent was an American homoeopathic physician who is known for his contributions to homoeopathic materia medica. He wrote “Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica,” which is still widely used today.
William Boericke: Boericke was an Austrian-American homoeopathic physician who wrote the “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.” This book is considered one of the most comprehensive and widely used homoeopathic reference books.
George Vithoulkas: Vithoulkas is a Greek homoeopathic physician and teacher who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “The Science of Homeopathy” and “Essence of Materia Medica.”
Robin Murphy: Murphy is an American homoeopathic physician who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” and “Homeopathic Medical Repertory.”