

Scalp sensitive to touch; roots of hair hurt, when hair is moved.
Calc. phos.
Fontanelles remain open too long, or close and re-open.
Calc. carb.
Vertigo when suddenly raising or turning the head, even when at rest; or when going upstairs or a hill.
Vertigo with very slow pulse.
Cup. met.
Affections of the brain in children with catarrhal fever; difficult dentition or exanthematic disease.
Nux vom.
Head symptoms worse in morning, from mental exertion; exercising in the open air; after eating or from wine or coffee; better in warm room and from sitting quietly or lying down.
Calc. carb.
Internal or external sensation of coldness of various parts of the head.
Heat on top of head; flushes in face; feet cold.
Sensation as of a round ball in the forehead sitting firmly there even when shaking head.
Headache as if the head was bruised; through all the bones of the head and down into the root of the tongue.
Verat. alb.
Coldness on top of the head as if ice were lying there.
Headache rising from the name of the neck to the vertex ( Gels. , Sang. , Glon. ).
Nux mosch.
While eating soon satisfied, headache from eating a little too much.
Headache worse from leaning forward; better when bending backward.
Head feels too large, as if distended by something within (as if elongated; Hyper. ).
Headaches are worse from noise, mental exertion, jarring; better binding head tightly ( Arg. nit. , Puls. ) or wrapping the head warmly.
Nux mos.
Painless pulsation in the head, with fear to go to sleep.
Vertigo when stooping, or when rising from stooping, falling to left or backward with vanishing of sight, or flickering before the eyes.
Calc. carb.
Itching of scalp; children scratch their heads when their sleep is disturbed or they are awakened.
Coff. crud.
One-sided headache, as from a nail driven into the head, worse in the open air.
Warm sweat on the head wetting the hair.
Apis. mel.
Child lies in a torpor; delirium; sudden, shrill cries, squinting, grinding teeth, boring head in pillows; on half of body twitching, the other, lame; head wet from sweating; urine scanty.
Heat of head and face with coldness of body.
Intense throbbing of head from loss of blood or other animal fluid.
dulness of the head with pressure and weakness of the eyes.
China off.
Heaviness and loss of sight; fainting and ringing in the ears.
Kali bi.
Blindness preceeding the pain. Sight returns with the appearance of the pain.
Carbol ac.
Dull frontal headache, with the feeling of tightness as if an India rubber band was stretched tightly over the forehead.
Brain feels too large, pressing pain within outward.
Burning round spot on top of the head.
Phos. acid.
Occipital headache and pains in the nape of the neck, from exhausted nerve power, or excessive grief.
Uterine headaches, frontal, vertical, occipital, with pains in the eyeballs > by pressure < by motion.
Nat. carb.
Headache and vertigo from slightest mental exertion.
Headache with sense of constriction around the neck as from a string.
The head is wet from sweating; particularly at night; likes wrapping up.
Stann. met.
Neuralgic headache, begins lightly and increases gradually to a great height and then gradually declines.
Headache from washing himself in cold water, when the face was sweating; in such cases opening the eyes increases the headache.
Pressive pain in vertex, as from a weight on top of the brain.
Tart. em.
Vertigo with drowsiness.
Zinc. met.
Headache from drinking even small quantities of wine.
On awaking in the morning, giddy and dizzy, dark before the eyes, trembling and weakness.
Spasmodic jerking of the head up from the pillow.
Nat. mur.
Headache as if bursting; beating or sticking through to the neck and chest, with heat in the head, red face, nausea and vomiting before, during or after the catamenia, or during the fever stage, decreasing gradually after the sweat.
Bad effects of concussion of the brain when spasms set in.
Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting; worse from stooping, least movement, or closing the eyes.
Violent vertigo so that the patient fall down (forward).
Vertigostaggering as if drunk.
Throbbing pain in the occiput, worse from pressing at stool, smoking or the smell of smoke.
Hungry during the headache; eating relieves.
Vertigo; falling forward after stooping, riding or looking high up; rising from the neck into the back; with nausea.
The pain comes on in terrific shocks or jerks.
Lac deflor.
Sick-headache with icy coldness all through the body, even near the fire, and profuse emission of urine.
Calc. carb.
Head too large; fontanelles not closing, and profuse sweat.
Headache relieved by moving the head up and down.
Sensation as if a thread were drawn tightly through the eyeballs and backward into the middle of the brain.
Headache from recent exposure to the sun.
Burning eruption on the hairy scalp, also on the face (milk-crust).
Much troubled with vertigo, with is worse when turning the head, turning in bed, or lying down.
Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side; relieved by lying on it.
Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing.
Ferr. met.
Vertigo, face suddenly becomes red and fiery; ringing in the ears; palpitation, dyspnoea.
Cup. met.
Vertigo with weariness; the head has a tendency to sink forward; increased by motion; lessened by lying down.
Throbbing pains in the cerebellum, like the pounding of a hammer, synchronous with the beat of the heart.
Kali carb.
Great dryness of the hair.
Vertigo in the morning when rising and after, so that she reels back and forth.
Vertigo when going down stairs.
Arg. nit.
Vertigo with great debility of the limbs, and trembling.
Headache from below upwards; brain as if moving in waves.
Intense congestion of the brain in children, during dentition.
Shattering as if from a shock in both temples and chest (when coughing).
Cicuta vir.
Repeated movements of the head as twitching, jerking, throwing the head backward, etc.; violent jerking of the muscles.
The symptoms of the head are all aggravated by talking, laughing, crying, walking, smoking, riding, or drinking coffee.
Hemicrania; pain increased by motion, noise, and especially by stooping; one or both eyes are involved.
Violent screaming in brain affections.
Eczema capiti forming dirty, massive crusts which mat the hair together, painful and sore to touch.
Phos. ac.
School girls, headache from overused eyes.
Hell. nig.
Stupefied; head hot and heavy; boring into pillows; coldness of body.
Violent headache; is unable to lie on back of the head; is forced to lie on the side; unable to bear the least light; noise excites nausea and vomiting.
Cup. met.
Metastais to the brain from the other organs.
Head covered with a thick, leathery crust, under which pus collects and mats the hair.
Nat. carb.
Vertigo from drinking wine,or from mental exertion, from sun or working under gaslight.
Headache principally in the occiput, ameliorated by reclining the head and shoulders on a high pillow.
Paroxysms of vertigo as from intoxication, with nausea.
The pain comes on in terrific shocks or jerks.
Sick-headache begins in the occiput, spreads upward and settles over the right eye, < by light and noise, > lying quiet, and sleep, or pressing head against something hard.
A pain as if the head were numb and pithy.
Heaviness like lead in the occiput, also beating and pressure.
Senation of numbness in the head or temples, zygomata and mastoid, as if the head were constricted or too tightly bound.
Head rolling from side to side, with moaning during dentition, or with summer complaint.
Throbbing pressive headache, > by external pressure; tying up tightly.
Headache rising from nape of neck to vertex, as if coming from the back.
Confusion of the head, or vertigo with obscuration of vision.
Heaviness of the head, or headache > by profuse flow of urine.
Fullness of the head, distinct feeling of a pulse in the head; throbbing with or without pain.
Violent headache, with flickering before the eyes on rising in the morning.
Is afraid to shake the head, it increases the ache and seems as though the head would drop in pieces.
Vertigo < when lying down, as though the bed and things in the room were turning in a circle.
Throbbing in the temporal and carotid arteries; vertigo, noises in the ears, flushed face, dilated pupils.
Headache < when smoking tobacco or taking pinch of snuff, or from being where another is smoking.
Sick headache periodically once a week or two weeks.
Calc. phos.
Delayed closure, or reopening of fontanelles, child cannot hold the head up.
Amyl. nit.
Sudden and intense rush of blood to head and face, flushing the face deeply; these flushes sometimes appear on the slightest emotion or during climacteric.
Nat. carb.
Chronic head and other troubles; the remove effects of sunstroke.
A drawn condition beginning at the alae nasi and extending to the angle of the mouth (linea nasalis).


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